@theories <theory ID #>
@theories/share <theory ID #>=<player>[,<player2>,...]
@theories/create <topic>=<description>
@theories/addclue <theory ID #>=<clue ID #>
@theories/rmclue <theory ID #>=<clue ID #>
@theories/addrelatedtheory <your theory ID #>=<other's theory ID #>
@theories/forget <theory ID #>
@theories/editdesc <theory ID #>=<desc>
@theories/edittopic <theory ID #>=<topic>
@theories/shareall <theory ID #>=<player>
@theories/readall <theory ID #>
@theories/addeditor <theory ID #>=<player>
@theories/rmeditor <theory ID #>=<player>
Allows you to create and share theories your character comes up with,
and associate them with clues and other theories. You may only create
associations for theories that you created.
/shareall allows you to also share any clue you know that is related
to the theory specify.