Princess Natasha Thrax
Everything has its place in the natural order of things. Beware those who would tamper with the balance.

Description: She is a woman indelibly stamped with the signature traits of House Thrax, down to her straight-backed bearing and the lack of blatant ostentation in her clothing. Natasha is, overall, a striding set of contrasts that provides for a striking, complicated picture painted with the colors of purposeful determination and highlighted by a refined, but wholly understated beauty. She is tall and slim, whose clear preference for solid colors, sleek lines and subtle embroidery often make her appear taller than she actually is. Dark hair falls past her shoulders in loose curls, framing equally dark and surprisingly expressive eyes that burn like embers whenever seized by high emotion, nevermind that her usually inscrutable countenance and sharply precise diction generally don't reflect it. Her fair complexion lends a certain aristocratic fragility to her fine-boned features, offset by the determined cant of a jaw that would look delicate otherwise, and a mouth prone to subtle turns.
Personality: From childhood to adulthood, Natasha has always been known as one who never smiles. It's not that she lacks for enjoyment or fulfillment, she has plenty of both. But emotion has no place in decision-making or fulfilling one's duties, and showing any hint of favoritism or personal opinion would jeopardize her work. Rational, stoic, pragmatic, driven and responsible. These are the tenets that make up her unshakable core beliefs. She has spent much of her life buried in books or mediating in disputes big and small. It has given her a firm outlook on life. She has been called cold and aloof, but Natasha has never been cruel or even unkind. She has merely striven to be as fair as possible in all things, no matter how difficult a choice it would be.
Background: After Prince Argus Thrax's affair that led to the birth of a bastard, Prince Drake Thrax gave his brother an ultimatum. Marry politically or be cast from the house. Argus obeyed and a match was secured. Princess Natasha was born years later from the connection, the younger half-sister to Victus Baseborn. Her youth was often spent being tutored in matters of law, stewardship and scholarly pursuits, as is tradition for Thraxian women. Natasha took to her studies naturally, soon becoming the honor student for her teachers and a shining example of Mourning Isles discipline.
Prince Donrai soon ascended to High Lord of the Mourning Isles, he ensured Princess Natasha would be set on the path of law and order. Into her teenage years and onward, she was groomed to act as a magistrate for Maelstrom's needs. Natasha took to the role with frightening efficiency. Solutions were devised of a purely pragmatic approach, earning her praise and ire from those effected by her contributions. Her desire for the perfection of justice eventually led her to taking up a discipleship with the Faith, after meeting the Palace Seraph Ailith by chance. She came to venerate the Sentinel. The Faceless God was fairness in its purest form, something she aspired to in all of her responsibilities.
Through the years, she has been a constant creator of order for the Mourning Isles. Lawlessness and chaos were the two things she abhorred the most and she sought to make it right wherever she went. Several Islander peers have had her assistance in managing their domains. Surprisingly for one so driven to constant improvement of one's House, she even eschewed taking a political match as to not interfere with her duties. Instead of searching for alliance, Natasha took up a role with the Inquisition. Dedicated to rooting out trouble and madness through her individual merit.
The death of Donrai and the raise of a usurper was a frightening prospect. To her, it was perhaps the worst crisis that could've befallen her home. Natasha sought to maintain cohesion and stability as best she could through a turbulent time, a role she played well into the wars of Tolmar Brand and the Gyre. Ensuring that the institutions that protected her people would be safe, through and through. The Princess was a bedrock of tradition and a force of consistency through hardship.
In recent times, Natasha finds herself growing too sedentary. Rumors and tales of myth and legend have begun to circulate back to her ears. People who speak of demons, of Abyss, of apocalypse and ruin. What were once simple stories are taking shape as real, physical concepts among the populace. What's more, reformation and change has begun sweeping through the Isles to a tune of uncertainty. The world she'd known for so long has begun to quake and shadows fall in its wake.
Unsatisfied with remaining on the Isles with such growing tension in the back of her mind, Princess Natasha has sailed to Arx to join the rest of the world. In search of answers and devising a solution.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aelgar | All about secrets and such. Must be Giada's long-lost cousin. Comfortable with the discrete meeting and pleasant even though newly-met, so I have high hopes for a future friendship. Works with Giada, after all! |
Aiden | A very skilled investigator. Let us hope she has the mind for justice too. |
Cassima | One of my favorite cousins, as we share a similar temperament.. and a similar upbringing. She's managed so much in such a short time, I hope that I can measure up in deed if not in stature. |
Graziella | A perfectly splendid meeting, by chance, over ale and wine... I do hope we get to chat again soon. |
Harlex | Plenty of fools are curious. She is equal parts cautious too. An ally like that couldn't hurt. Especially in these times. I've knocked down too many Reavers from the Isles to find them worth my time, but I always find their women formidable. |
Ilira | A beauteous Thraxian who dresses to flatter it! She has about her a serene regality, but a down-to-earthiness that sets me wonderfully at ease. And such intelligence in those dark eyes. I think I envy my patron, just a little! |
Lou | Natasha has impressed me not only with her generosity of spirit, but her quick wit and willingness to do the hard things that must be done. |
Martino | Sister to a High Lord. The High Lord of Thrax. Well that in itself is warning enough but, still, you find yourself utterly captured in the softness of her words. The upward draw of her lips. The refinement that she brings to the table. Astute in her observations and, truly, one to be reckoned with for I fear nothing shall stop her seeking what she wants in life. |
Marzio | The sister of Highlord Victus is an interesting one. She is dignified. Resolved. She does not seem the sort to waste words, but that does not make her scant of detail or substance. I would be quite interested to learn more of her, should the opportunity present itself. |
Medeia | The princess is fiercely intelligent, considerate, and gracious. You will learn something in speaking with her and be better for it. |
Pasquale | Eloquent with interesting views on what it means to be a human. |
Raimon | An unassailable fortress of luminous grace, ensconced in impeccable razor's -edge fashion. |
Romulius | One of my longest held friendships. She acts - and speaks - with all the intention that could be expected from one so skilled in her trade. |
Sebastian | There are few Thraxians I think kindly of, but Natasha Thrax has proved herself far more open minded and considerate than I had expected. I look forward to more time getting to know her better; I think we are of like minds on a number of topics. |
Sirius | Sister to one Highlord Victus Thrax, and you wouldn't know it, not at a glance. Corruption has soaked into Arx's soil, sapping all good life from its roads -- she is the measure taken by fate in answer. A universal counter-balance, I am certain; she has come to prosecute a war, but against what? I cannot know, nor tell. But troubles breed quickly down here in the dark, and she will find no small measure of them. |
Sorrel | Smart and clever, exactly as a Thrax woman ought to be. Make no mistake, though, to think this sea serpent tame. This one observes all and is quick to puzzle out matters with a quickness of wit. |
Tyrus | Though like many of us, she was shaped to fulfill another's purpose, my cousin became something far more than the mere pawn our uncle might have hoped to make her. She has faced crisis and challenge with the determination and intellect that befits Thrax. It is good to see her again and I look forward to working with her in keeping our world from collapsing all around us. |
Valdemar | Good to see her again after all this time. Time which seems to have treated her quite well. |