Evaristo Arterius
Aye, I should be ashamed of myself... but I'm not.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Capricious Explorer
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 32
Birthday: 6/15
Religion: Whatever
Vocation: Captain
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: deep violet
Skintone: dark olive
Description: Evaristo is a rogue and a scoundrel personified. The stubble gracing his angular chin is perpetual and the mop of black hair on top of his head is kept in a state of disarray in spite of any attempts to comb it - though one may suspect he doesn't even try. His violet eyes gleam with mischief beneath a pair of thick brows and his thin lips are usually tugged into a mischievous smirk. He is not an unattractive man, but one can tell he is liable to grate on the nerves of many, even from a distance. He's tall and fit without being bulky and has a penchant for lazy strolling.
Personality:     Evaristo is the kind of jerk people love or people love to hate - there is no in between. His time away from land and in the company of men who care little for conventional morality or politeness has ingrained him with an innate ability to not care how others view him unless it directly interferes with his wants or lifestyle. On the rare occasion it -does-, he can be surprisingly smart and charming, and somehow make it seem natural.
    Those who aren't fooled usually punch him. Or try to kill him. It's usually dependent on whether or not there are any sharp objects nearby.
Background:     Evaristo hasn't visited his parents since he left home at the age of seventeen, stowing away on a ship after running afoul of his stepfather - something having to do with stealing money, supposedly. When he was found, he managed to ingratiate himself with the captain and convinced the woman to keep him on her crew as a sailor. There he stayed for several years, travelling the world on a cargo ship which sailed the seas of the Saffron Chain.
    In late 1002 AR the ship was attacked by shav pirates intent on seizing the cargo. Evaristo and a handful of the crew managed to escape via life boat and swimming to a nearby island - thankfully the shavs had little interest in pursuing them. There they were stranded for four months, and Evaristo finally began to contemplate his life choices. They were eventually found and rescued by a passing Thraxian vessel and brought to Darkwater Watch. He made his home there for a couple of years, making silver by taking odd jobs and finding a new crew: his own. He accumulated enough money to build his own small ship and made enough "friends" to man it, and he was on the beloved sea once more.
    Trips to Arx have proven to be particularly profitable these days, and he finds the citizens of the Lower Borough to be his kind of people. Perhaps there are opportunities to be found...
Relationship Summary
Mourning isles:
Name | Summary |
Adalyn | He has a sharp sense of humour. Does he actually explore places? Who knows? He's funny all the same. |
Adalyn | A particular shared experience has bound us together in an enduring fashion. Captain Evaristo is intelligent, sharp, and incredibly capable. An invaluable ally to have at one's side. |
Adora | It will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever happen. I don't like him. Or his stupid coat. |
Adrienne | The Mockingbird led a bit of fun at the Bard's College anniversary party. His talent is undeniable, and he created a lovely moment of chaos amongst his guests; joyful and imperfect, a memory to be treasured. He is a credit to the College. |
Aelgar | Ha! A captain, and his own vessel to boot! After all that looking about...this is a good day. He seems approachable and is obviously learned on the topic. A good contact and maybe a new friend. |
Aethan | First rate knot-tying. |
Ajax | A Captain of his own ship, seemingly good sense of humor. |
Alaric | I can only hope that I lead the Compact and speak to our allies and enemies with nearly the passion this man is able to sway a crowd with his perforamnce |
Alarissa | Such skilled hands. If he can do that with sand, what can he do with something else? |
Aleksei | He seems like a fun guy! Very irreverent, which is way better than being serious. Honestly I wish more people were like him because then life would be a lot more fun. |
Alessandro | By the transitive properties of trust, Captain Evaristo Arterius has mine, though I feel he might have gained it relatively quickly in any case. I hope to spend more time with him. |
Alexio | A lively fellow up for a spicy fiery challenge! Cheerful and approachable; he makes for great conversation. He owns his own ship and trades from time to time; I'm impressed! I like him! |
Alexis | Goodman Evaristo - soon to be smith Evaristo - is going to do his cousin proud. I just know it. Cheerful and vocal, with a solid sense of aesthetics. Even if they're not quite -my- aesthetics. |
Alis | While some might say foolishly brave, I believe he acts for the right reasons. Sharper, and with more empathy, than often given credit for as well. |
Alrec | A bard and Arterius to bet, what is not to love. He is a known explorer with a long rapport. |
Amari | I see now why Gianna sings his praises and made him the Mockingbird of the Bard's College. He's a fine conversationalist, with a quick mind, varied interests and a genial personality. Not a bad combination at all. |
Amund | Can pretend to be in an ugly brawl really well. Must be some kind of actor. Smart, too. Good at teamwork. |
Andry | A fine enough singer, I hope he takes after Copper in more then color. |
Anisha | Stunning eyes, really. And a carefree manner that suits a Harlequin, from what I know of them. It is -entirely- unsurprising to hear he captains a ship, he carries of the stylish sailor rake thing effortlessly. |
Apollo | Flamboyant and rakish - he'd be fun to dress. I didn't expect him to respect my choices. A very pleasant surprise. |
Arcadia | Certainly a bard. That tale was one of pure fiction. |
Arianna | Bards all have such interesting personalities and this one is no different, although his skill with flattery is very very well honed. Dangerously so. |
Arman | A jovial young man who may at first glimpse seem full of a lot of bluster. There's clearly more to the man than simple good humor and verbose encounters, though. |
Arman | It was good to see the Captain again, though thinner and clearly richer, he still exudes that effervescent joy of simply /being/. |
Armani | I like the way you think Evaristo, I think we'll get along just fine. |
Arthen | This man took a real high shine to the shirt Dame Morrighan made me for on my return back to Arx. Can't say as I blame him, really. It's the finest shirt I've ever accidentally owned. I got a sense of what I thought was maybe some adventurous spirit off him. He can talk, can't he? Anyway. Seems like a optimistic sort. I can respect that. |
Artur | The Second First Bard. A poet of renonwn, he challenged us to come up with a poem to inspire him. He said my attempt was brave, which is a kind way to say that it was probably terrible and I should not do that again. |
Artur | A very talented bard! He treated us all to one of his songs at Helena's poetry reading! |
Aslaug | This one is like a fledgling, eager to try everything for the experience of it. Fearless. Some might call this stupid, but I think it is rather intelligent. If you fear the experience, you will never know what you are capable of or what you can take. May we all be more like the fledglings. |
Astrid | He met Prism before I did, but that's ok. He's worth the visitation. I can't thank him enough for his help. |
Aswin | A man of many hats it would seem, with a curious love for muffins. One day I will need to speak with him and learn more of him on a more serious note. |
Athaur | Another sailor and a muscisian as well. Perhaps sometime we will have to speak of sailing and play together. The Lute and Guitar to compliment each other. |
Auda | Never have I seen a hangover quite so bad, and I have seen some amazing cases. Still, he was charming even through the green pallor, and seems like someone I could quickly become friends with. |
Azova | A clever little captain, and a man of my homeland.. and a shockingly good juggler. |
Baz | Full of himself. And only with a -modest- amount of talent to back it up. Still. I can work with that. |
Berenice | I love a man looking for trouble. |
Berto | A hand at cards, a tongue set for talking, and I hear he plays music on top of it. What more could a man ask for? |
Bhandn | I am not wearing a fucking spider, and he had better not ask me again. That's not just right. |
Bianca | Informal, but not disrespectful. I've found that combination to be a rare gem along with the fact the man was neither intimidated by my guard nor my title upon meeting. He also asked questions of me personally out of curiosity rather than miring the conversation in the 'official.' I appreciated the diversion and the regard for my individuality. |
Bianca | He has a joy for life that I find envious; his ability to throw himself into anything he does is something I admire greatly. |
Braith | I feel like we are kindred spirits in all things. One meeting and I felt like I trust him with everything. I could not ask for a more genuine friend. |
Brigida | On another day I might have found him pleasant and amusing. Today though he annoys me. At least he knows when to shut up so there may be some hope. |
Calandra | A sailor. I think. Also a good bit drunk, I think. But charming nonetheless. |
Calaudrin | Red wigs. I just. I can't. I don't- why is Arx filled with people like this? I'm getting too old. |
Cambria | He has a zest for life that cannot be missed, and his cheerful demeanor is infectious. |
Caprice | I've admired his jewelry work from afar and that was enough of a link to seek him out with questions about the Bard's College. I'm glad I did, as we definitely have more than the College in common! |
Carmen | He's special to Joscelin, and I won his contest. Everything I've heard and seen speaks not just good, but the highest of him. |
Cassandra | A talented jeweler and creator, he does Jayus proud with his work. I should like to see what else he may come up with that could be put on display in regards to the Faith. |
Cassimir | Harlequin Evaristo is in possession of a pleasant, if somewhat impish mien, and very good manners besides. He was gracious enough to assist me with a personal issue with no small degree of sympathy paid to my mental and physical wellbeing in the process. I will not be quick to forget this kindness. |
Cassiopeia | Only a great man has a breed of duck named after him. What a delight. A great sense of humour, creative, passionate and kind. The fact he is a lovely and talented bard, comes as no surprise. |
Catalana | The second first Harlequin Mockingbird, Captain of the webbed wheel. What a charming gentleman with a quick wit. How enjoyable to be around. |
Celeste | The Mockingbird is a man of enjoyable company. As long as he proves to be as skilled as his swagger presents him to be, then I can foresee many more encounters with this man in my future. |
Cesare | To be effervescent is not to be without depth. Evaristo is both. |
Cirroch | shows signs of deep intelligence, then licks a very old stone because he was hungry? I might have lost the reasoning. |
Claude | His enthusiam and joy for the simplest things is infectious. A true sincerity to his outward friendliness. |
Corrigan | Nobody claims they always behave unless they're attempting to disprove evidence to the contrary. |
Cristoph | An adventurous thinker! What isn't there to like with something like that? I'm of the opinion that most things should have a multi-pronged approach and Master Evaristo seems to be good at thinking outside the box. Useful, if he lives. |
Darren | The First Second Last Harlequin is an interesting man. Lots to say on the topic of Death. Very enthusiastic, which is rather important, I suppose, when one is in that position. |
Delia | Charming in a rather untidy way, but did I say charming? He plays a fine lute, too, and all with a spider on his shoulder. |
Delilah | A man who lives larger than life and may offer promises of exploration that prove towering to fulfill. However, I intend fully to find out whether this is the case. |
Desiree | He's a natural performer in a city of skilled performers. Putting them to shame with an unmatched range. |
Dianna | I can already tell I like this mischievous Harlequin. |
Dion | A man to envy! Young and sailing south for adventure. He reminds me of me, but less handsome. |
Domonico | Fond of his drinks it seems, both imbibing them and being generous in buying them for others. I don't think I approve of him. I'll keep an eye on him in the future. |
Draven | He got to see me when I was sad. I shouldn't be sad and in public. He seems nice though. Easily distracted by pretty women too. |
Drusila | This captain seems to have a good eye for business and many other things besides. It's no wonder his name has made it's way around Arx and I for one wouldn't mind more of his company. |
Dycard | An excellent host with a charming smile. It's good to break bread with someone who doesn't stand on ceremony and title, too - I'm looking forward to working with him. |
Elgana | I believe he is a friend of my little sister which means he is no doubt charming and delightful company. We only spoke briefly but I did like what I saw there but how could I not? Helena has fine taste in friends. |
Elizabetha | Goodness, me! Those sparkling eyes! |
Erik | A grand event and performance, and he handled being the host very well. And what a first impression that makes. |
Esme | Oh a man of shadows and follower of death, but to have such a great discussion. I am sure that we are to be fast friends. |
Evelynn | An enjoyable drinking companion and story teller. I hope to one day hear him sing. |
Evonleigh | The Bard College's new Mockingbird and clearly clever at sailing as well. Quite at east at a large party with royalty and nobility -- part of the bardic charm! |
Ezra | He serves in the Shrine for the Queen of Ending, one of the newer goddesses, or at least more recently discovered. He was a source that was ready to share information and while he didn't seem to know much about the spiders there, he was approachable. You suspect that a new god or goddess needs people to be really approachable to get followers of there and he probably fits the bill. |
Fairen | A very well-prepared Captain First Second of the Harlequins! He also shared some very useful information on pirates. Potentially useful? Perhaps! |
Faye | A charming and clever man, with a generous amount of enthusiasm. I believe he would be a useful ally in a project... provided one could keep him focused. |
Fecundo | The man knows how to hold his own and not leave others behind. I went for family, but may have found another kindred spirit. |
Felicia | Second First Harlequin. Captain. Knower of things. Drinker of whiskey. And talented designer. Definitely someone I'd like to count as friend. |
Fiora | He would like everyone to think of him as a carefree swashbuckling vagabond. Obviously it's far deeper than that. We'll see how much we can scratch up to the surface. |
Gabriella | Beware the ones with glib words and sharp eyes, who know the value of disarming jests as well as they do seizing opportunity. How can I not find such a person fascinating? |
Gaston | A very resourceful fighter. Though he may act like a dandy, I believe it to be a front to put others at ease. |
Giada | Amusing and personable, and he can talk business. |
Gianna | Joscelin's adventurous kin, captain and bard both. |
Gilroy | Owns a boat, eh? What could a man do with a friend with a boat? |
Giorgio | A business partner that I would enjoy being able to name as a friend one day. He is undoubtedly successful, and yet still manages to remain lovely conversation and company. I hope that we will be able to spend more time together in future. |
Grazia | Pretty clever for a sellsword, though I suppose they ought to be. He's got interesting views on the current gossip, from a refreshing perspective. |
Graziella | Charming and witty, and such a wonderful speaker. I wonder if all Harlequins are so... |
Gretchen | A Captain who seems like he might be a lot of fun! And a constant source of revenue for a close shave. |
Gwenna | Captain Evaristo Arterius was a name I became familiar with when he rallied the Copper Project Lorenzo put together. That along endeared him to me - his efforts with scarves and songs truly a boon. Meeting him at our reception was almost like meeting an old friend and I so glad to have had the opportunity! |
Hamish | Our First Harlequin is truly dedicated and quite excitable. |
Harlex | Calls to mind very likable stray dogs I have met in my time. |
Harper | I was prepared to like him just 'cause he's Josie's cousin. I adore her after all. Gotta admit, though, I'm not real sure about him yet, especially considering what I see him saying in his whites. But, he cares for Josie, so I reckon that's one really big, huge mark in his favor. We'll see on the rest. |
Helena | A merry stranger who makes me smile and laugh, and helps me to see the brightest linings in even in the darkest clouds. |
Ian | Blasted lucky he's as good with rigging as he is. |
Ida | What is not to like about Evaristo? I don't think we've ever been properly introduced, but he's always been someone I regarded as Joscelin's family, which makes him like family. He has made quite a name for himself with his craft and when our paths do cross, it's never dull. |
Ilira | My favored flavor of captain-warrior-musician, with whom my history strikingly aligns. A dazzle to watch in the arena, also. |
Ilmia | Mster Evaristo, or the Mockinbird as he's called, was an extremely polite host at the Bard's College and I think I may have impressed him, just a little. I hope so anyway! |
Imi | Harlequin Evaristo is quite a sight to behold. Moving beyond the need to brush his hair, though, you can find quite a story teller and that was what I needed. |
Ingrid | Ahh, trouble. I was brought up in a household where trouble was deeply frowned upon. To meet someone who tosses around trouble like it's a seasoned friend has made me change my perspective on a lot of things. It's also made me loosen the corset, so to speak, so that I can join in when he laughs -- which is often. |
Iseulet | An exceptional Captain with a smart mouth and a heart of gold. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Much. |
Isolde | An exitable, energetic man with a... poet's soul. I adore him, he has done much for me, more than I could ever repay, I think. But I can try. |
Ivy | A man of charm and wit who continues to manage to find himself in situations where he needs a healer. He may need to start wearing more armor. Or find new hobbies. His loyalty is beyond reproach, however. |
Jaenelle | Berenice's protege is more than meets the eye, and I enjoy that about him. His passion shows in all aspects of his life, and I look forward to see him accomplish much. |
Jasher | A sailor of the sea and skulls. A curious combination. |
Jeffeth | Ah the grandmaster's cousin! He was very nice. Seems like a very good fellow I would be more than amiable getting to know better. |
Jennyva | I wasn't sure what to make of this gregarious bard at first. He's definitely outgoing (not at all like me) but we've found a common interest in the Queen of Endings. I always look forward to seeing him again. |
Jian | Resourceful was the word we agreed fit the Arvani. It fits Evaristo most of all. |
Joscelin | The missing piece of my childhood, he and Ianthe got on like a house on fire, with property damage and lots of screaming. It's good to see his face; while he reminds me of simpler times, he anchors me to the family I still have. |
Josephine | His dedication to the Queen of Endings is inpiring. |
Kaia | A most talented bard! He makes for an excellent and most pleasant company. |
Kastelon | An impulsive, but strong hearted person. |
Katarina | Evaristo is a cunning and ambitious man, with lofty dreams. I would dismiss them as mere dreams in some people, but in him I would not be surprised at all if he made them real. |
Kenjay | A wealthy man who is in love with death, but not like that. He is also in love with sailing and singing, it seems. |
Kenna | He is a talented singer and seems to have a mission to bring hope to all of us. I wish him the best of luck. |
Keyser | A fantastical pirate charmer, but I can see the good in him and I see it runs stronger than the selfish. |
Korka | Oh good, a bard. And a harlequin. This will end well. |
Lark | Evaristo is very skilled with his hands. |
Leola | A flirting flirter who flirts! And doesn't read his own work. And is apparently delighted to rifle through things. I like him far more than I should. |
Liara | The Mockingbird has certainly earned his moniker. He is able for some splendid performing art, even social commentary, and is just what one would hope to see in the Bards' College. |
Lore | Perhaps the silliest drunk I have ever met. But he seems like he would do just about anything for a drink, so worth knowing! |
Lorenzo | Captain Evaristo is a good and hard-working man, and his help with the Copper Solidarity project has been invaluable. I would happily work with him on any project in the future. |
Lorenzo | A good friend and an excellent partner to work on projects together. I do hope we'll have the chance to work together more in the future. |
Lou | I wish I could have helped him more than I have. Finding the particular answer to his question is a mystery I deeply wish to solve as well. |
Lucene | Able to keep up with Dycard's humor, which is always a plus. Need more of that wit in Arx, certainly. I think he and I are going to get along swimmingly. |
Lucita | A relative of the talented Joselin and a captain of a Caravel ship named Josie. He likes music, mentions playing a lute and likes wine, a lot. He could hold his own in conversation. |
Mabelle | His talented to gather people around him in lively conversation is nothing but admirable! |
Macda | Performed wonderfully in the Crow int he tune of Sorrel and with his own piece. |
Madeleine | I only really had a few minutes to greet him amidst the chaos of revelers, but he sure seems like a whole lot of fun and I look forward to crossing paths again! |
Mailys | What a charmer! I do like opportunists. They remind me of myself. |
Maja | What can I say? The man is good with his hands and a man who is good with his hands is a man you want to keep around. |
Malcolm | Captain, Bard, Creator. Evaristo's the kind of guy that wears a lot of hats, seems like. Gotta drink with him - 'cause he's bound to be entertaining. Good folk. |
Marisol | He has a way of stringing words into different avenues and stories that I am at a loss of how find fault with his tangents. That is a remarkable feat in and of itself. I think a conversation with him over a certain matter of concern would prove be advantageous. He seems to know all that is going on in the city - or has ways of finding out. |
Martino | Well he's a sea captain. So what he lacks in refinement, likely makes up for in resource. Has not met by brother though. What sort of Captain has not? |
Medeia | There are few things more delightful than a conversation with someone who grins as mischievously and flatters as genuinely as Evaristo. That I have reason to have more such conversations is a treat. |
Merek | I met him at the docks. He likes plays as best I am able to tell. He seems to be nice enough! |
Michael | A strange mix of appalling and appealling. That man has done terrible things I am certain. Lady Peri leans upon him though. |
Miella | An extremely jovial captain with the cutest little dog I've ever seen! He was the first person to ever buy one of my soaps so I think I will always be fond of him if only for that. |
Mikani | Bard who isn't a Bard. But likes my name. I'll take it. |
Miraj | A darling man with an affection for purple. Don't let him know how handsome he is, or his lovely hat won't fit anymore. It was already a challenge as it was to find one that fit him, I hear. |
Miranda | Appreciates a good show! Or, at the least, a good sparring match. |
Mirella | A fellow merchant. Loud, but not too loud. Jovial? Willing to test his fortitude with potent beverages. Someone to talk to again. |
Mirk | The Mockingbird of the Bard's College. I'm surprised it took that it took this long for me to meet him. He's very much at home in the center of the crowd. I've rarely met someone so outgoing. |
Monique | Evaristo certainly is a proud man, and it's not hard to see why. He is a wonder of ingenuity, charm and insight. If he doesn't get himself sent back to the Queen's welcoming embrace, he'll do exceptional things. |
Morrighan | I wasn't sure what to expect with Josie's cousin, I had heard of him only by name, and not much else. To find him a Captain of his own vessel came as a mild surprise, but he's quite personable, and knows his whiskey. Thank fuck. I like him, though I suspect he has that typical sailor roguishness, don't think I didn't notice. That aside, I look forward to working with him, and hope that we can help each other find the answers to our questions. |
Narcissa | He is one equipped with a quick smile and infectious mirth. A talented crafter, I am happy to have won a few of his pieces....not as thankful I was swept into a dance. |
Neilda | I almost don't care if he IS a good sailor, actually, he's got that bravado thing. Mm. |
Neve | He's one of Godmother's people, so I should probably watch out for him. He likes to bathe with nude people, and drink while doing it. Interesting person, but didn't get a very solid read on him. |
Niklas | Hell of a singer. Really seems to have been dedicated to Copper. |
Niklas | The (new) Mockingbird of the Bard's College is a sailor, a singer, a songwriter and apparently now a harlequin. Now there's someone who gets bored very easily! |
Nina | He looks rugged... but carries an amazing lute! I cannot wait to learn from him as I enter the Bard's College. |
Nisaa | I was speaking with him today, and thought he looked familiar. I am remembering now! He was the one at the festival fashion show long ago, to honor the Queen of Endings. It was long ago now. He had a spider on his head as he performed. Of course, today was being a much more serious and somber affair, but, the memory is making me want to speak to him again all the more. |
Noah | Who? Nah, I know who he is. He doesn't completely annoy me. |
Norwood | I taught him a bit about dodging, but we didn't get a chance to talk much. When we did converse it became very apparent why he needed to dodge. I'm not sure he has much sense to stay away from the clearly dangerous. |
Oddmun | Energetic and enthusiastic. Uses a dozen words where three would do. Not unpleasant company at a glance, not at all - but perhaps best experienced in small doses. |
Ophelia | A sea Captain and one that should not be trusted to lead a military unit. Or so he says! He has a most /rakish/ smile that I find rather endearing. |
Ophne | An unexpected find in an unexpected place. Somehow, and I don't know how, he seems to just get the person that I am. Could it be that it's simply that he listens? |
Ophne | Verily I say this man has creation ideas above my skill level. Best leave it this way. |
Orathy | This little birdy be eager to expand his wee wings. Reckon he ain't knowin there be eagles... |
Orick | A talented crafter, I ended up with one of the spider plushies he made for the Death feastival last year. I hung the thing in my classroom window, the students think its precious... I think its a well fashioned reminder of our place on the Wheel. |
Orland | The song and the acting on play that he committed, was very much something I could...relate with. He is captivating and someone to better know. |
Orrin | Of COURSE this is the sort of fellow Peri is on good terms with. Naturally. |
Oswyn | A talented performer with a way with people, outgoing and uplifting. |
Parisa | The Raid-- Mocking Bird of the Bard's College. He offered to let me join the College, if I can sing and play music as well as dance. He seems okay. |
Pasquale | Highly opinionated but seems to have knowledge of ghosts beyond my own. Worth remembering. |
Peri | He owns his ship, and lives by *his* schedule. What an independent and carefree soul. |
Perronne | Captain, merchant, and adventurer! It's a wonderful combination, and I look forward to hearing his stories of sailing! Also, he has eyes the color of grapes! |
Petal | He seems like an interesting man who help the bard's college. I am sure he ha great talent. He seems very likable. |
Piccola | Seems like a typical seafarer: but one, if any, foot on the ground, with a propensity for billowing a ship's sails with his own breath. |
Poppy | A Harlequin bard who has stories about pirates! Imagine what other stories he has! |
Preston | An odd Harlequin, but an amusing one. Sometimes we all need to be amused. |
Qadira | Knows how to put on a show... perhaps a little too well. With a silver tongue or a devil's, not entirely sure what to make of this one. Bards, am I right? |
Quenia | A very charismatic man who loves to drink his wine. He's also a ship's captain looking for distraction because he's land locked. I'm sure he and Zebulon would get on well. |
Quintin | The stylish Captain of the Josie is also fond of the Queen of Endings. Remind me to ask him who his tailor is. |
Raimon | He talks a lot. Very flashy |
Raimon | First seen at the Poetry of Time event, although we'd corresponded prior. He was 'the star that shines brighter every night' . . . which is about as hopeful an appellation as one could dream of, to be honest. Does he know, perhaps, the Work that The Stars are -doing-? I shall have to ask, given chances... |
Raja | I've seen this man a time or two. Finally caught his name during an Assembly of Peers. He was much more in the know than I was. It was good to get quality information for a change. |
Ras | Friendly guy. He knows a lot of stuff and he's good with words, like you could almost mistake him for a silk. Glad he's not. |
Raymesin | A face from the past, though it's been a while. A Captain now, eh? Someone's done well for himself. Might have to catch up at some point. |
Reese | He seems to be energetic, welcoming and fun kind of guy. Seems to have spunk and passion, although maybe doesn't know much about duty. |
Reigna | He certainly has a flair for the dramatic, but I can tell his heart is in the right place. And a Harlequin will always be welcome in my hospitals. What they do is vital and honorable. |
Renata | A man who enjoys living his life on the edge, flirting as much with hearts as he does with danger. |
Revell | Evaristo. Evari. Eva. Ev. My friend, my man. You have entirely too many titles and tossing them all out there the way you do just comes off as awfully arrogant. Mind, I don't think that's a bad thing. If I had titles, I'd be proud of them too. I just hope I never get /that many/! Impressive. |
Rinel | He is not good at noticing things. I am good at noticing things. Right now I notice that I am very drunk. But I am still better at noticing things than he is. |
Ripley | I mean, I've never seen someone drool so mu- wait, no, no I have. Frankly, knowing that something is wanted and cherished, is far better than someone paying scads of coin for something I've made. He's a pretty good hand at making things too. Have you seen my drawers? They're FANTASTIC! Come on! you can pull on them. See how smooth it pulls out? That's Evaristo quality! |
River | I like him already. He's also ruggedly handsome. But You didn't hear it from me. |
Romulius | A friend of Iseulet's - idealistic, passionate and devoted to Choice. |
Rook | A beautiful bard and a pleasure to hear him sing. |
Rook | Second .. no First .. no Second Harlequin. I'm not entirely sure what his title was, but either way, he was pleasant enough company for the time I spent with him. Cocine also spoke highly of him, which bodes well. |
Roran | A harlequin of the highest order, who revels in his dedication to the gods and shares his joy with others. |
Rorik | I hear birds of a feather flock together! A true artist who, like myself, is willing to get a little ridiculous on stage. I like him! |
Rosalie | Gregarious, polite, and quite clever. I look forward to seeing what he can do with the scant information that can be founds regarding our history. It was a pleasure to meet Evaristo. |
Rosalind | He's pretty informative! And smarter than what he seems! I would go on adventures with him again, anytime! |
Rowenova | An amiable fellow, he helped create an impressive crown with Guildmistress Josephine, and he also tried helping my beloved Halfshavs, too. This one is a good one. |
Rowynna | He paid me a compliment and I believe that I blushed. It was nice to be singled out in that way as I find social situations difficult at best. |
Rowynna | First Harlequin, Evaristo is someone I run into when I least expect to. I need to run into him again as I have questions. |
Rukhnis | He has a very clearly unhealthy mania for shoes, but he does put on a very fine party. |
Rysen | The famed musician of the Bard's College. To hear him play is the greatest pleasure. |
Sabella | A Captain who is great at both doing and undoing knots! While I can't say I care for sailing, he's also a talented bard in his own right and I'm proud to see that he's been promoted within the college. |
Sabella | One of the most talented bards at the Bard's college! I've heard he's also a harlequin, so I just do not know when and where he finds the time or the inspiration! He's simply astoundingly amazing! |
Sabella | Even in a state that suggests injury or grief or some other condition which should lay him low, the man has an enthusiasm and zest that is uplifting for those around him. |
Sabine | He is a man seemingly crafted for the rampant use of flourishes, of exclamation points...when others are watching. One prays that he is as effective as he is enthusiastic. |
Samira | Congenial and friendly, he's a man of many talents. How he has time for all of his varied interests, I'll never know, but he seems to be an interesting, well-rounded individual. |
Santiago | A mighty kingpin of performances, pulling together some of the highest names in Arx to honor The Queen of Beginnings and Endings. |
Sanya | A wonderful host, welcoming and has everything prepared for an enjoyable time. |
Saoirse | He can write songs ON THE FLY. |
Saro | Seems a decent sort of fellow with an enthusiasm for bardic life and for parties, which may be much the same thing. Nothing to dislike there! |
Savio | Such a pleasure to reconnect on an adventure, with a familiar face from the past! We should meet up again sometime, with more drinks and fewer pirates. |
Selah | An open book, it seems. There's something quite charming about a person who will tell you their life story within five minutes of meeting. |
Selene | The Mockingbird, the Captain, a man of many colors and songs that he holds together. An entertainer to the core. He charmed me and kept me amused with his tales. |
Seren | Mockingbird Evaristo was kind enough to help me search for stories of stars. He provided several tantalizing clues, and I'll have to share with him the fruits of my labors when they are finished. |
Sirius | A man dressed in black fabrics, claiming communion with death and spiders — intriguing. Is it true, that those who worship Death are those who've been affected the most by it? Remains to be seen, and this one's predisposition to glee does not betray an answer. |
Sophie | So many questions! I answer what I can, but I must wonder why he's so curious about some things, especially dragons! |
Sorrel | When we met sometime back, I discovered a rare gem of an aspiring bard. I encouraged him and taught him, and now I'm quite delighted with his progress! |
Sparte | I find myself unsure of what to make of him after multiple meetings. He is a very interesting character, who seems both always in trouble yet clever enough to never suffer for it. |
Stygia | He gave me a button! I swoon. |
Svana | A Captain with striking eyes who seemed to have a crush on the barmaid at the Murder. I should love to take him out drinking when I can. |
Sven | An enthusiastic darknesss, an upfront and bold flavor that draws you in. |
Sydney | Not as good at holding his liquor as he might once have been, but a great conversationalist and welcome company. |
Talia | Talkative and kind. He also seems to be a man of many hats. But hasn't grown up much. |
Talwyn | To have met the Bard in person is a delight. I can see why he is friends with Princess Helena as he is a fine person, excellent musician and with a hint of swagger. Good lad. |
Tanith | Stupid smelly little boy grown into a daft, overblown peacock. Reminder to self: he could use getting pushed into a pile of manure as an adult. He probably needs it, too, just to keep him humble. |
Tatienne | Clearly shrewd, a man who knows the difference between charity and investment. Worth keeping an eye on. |
Tescelina | A pleasant enough bard with many names. I think Mockingbirds are more interesting than Captains. |
Thea | Likes to drink from what I can gather, but my cousin trusts him so I'll keep an eye out. |
Torian | Good honest customer, but honest in the way that most people don't really like. Don't bother me none, he's from good blood and lives a real life. |
Turo | I can appreciate a man who loves to sail. That he has no love of pirates is just a bonus. |
Tyrus | Our initial encounter was perhaps not the best, but he quickly revealed himself to be a ressourceful man and not bad company. He may have to think of a better excuse than turnips next time, however. |
Valdemar | It was a pleasure to come face to face with someone who is, by all accounts, such a talented performer. Hopefully there will be time for a longer conversation in the future. |
Valenzo | Bit of a rogue, but also a gentleman, and who among us isn't? Really just rocked the house with his lute, I think Kevin likes him!! |
Valerius | I can't tell if he is actually filled with madness or if its simply the years at sea. Either way, this one is interesting. |
Vanora | He adds liveliness and humor to any party and is certainly welcome at more of mine. |
Venturo | A performer, family of the Crafters Guild Mistress, owner of a ship. A fellow man of many walks of life, it'd seem, and one who is quite enjoyable to share a drink with. |
Verity | He makes a better second impression than first. Still, I may need to keep my defenestration skills handy if he grows too charming. He could be real trouble this one. |
Verity | It's reassuring that some cocky scoundrels remain cocky scoundrels. I'd take a ride with him around the Saffron Chain any time. He doesn't seem worse for wear for it, does he? |
Volcica | Charming, probably trouble. The Second First Harlequinn is an interesting fellow. |
Vulpiano | The Captain is a rogue. I like rogues. |
Wagner | Always surprising when one of the 'look at me's' lasts more than week in the Lowers. He's made himself somewhat of a fixture, a loud one at that. |
Wash | We prefer Kennexii. The man treats an old friend with respect and kindness, I'd probably sail into a reef for a man like that. |
Wylla | Not as I expected; described to me as someone both bold and humble, I expected ... something different. I'm not disappointed, but it does go to show: the person one knows as family, described is not the same as what they might appear to a stranger. And this, of course, is as it should be. |
Ysabel | He has such a lovely house and a beautiful smile. It was a privilege to be permitted to visit. |
Zakhar | Captain Silvester Dunes is the best pilot of any sheep that Ay've seen in ages. Landing with sheer purpose. |
Zara | Clever with his words and skillful in legerdemain. His enthusiasm and energy for that Faith are inspiring. |
Zara | I have to admire his bravery and resolve. A great deal. It takes a lot of heart to risk much for the benefit of others. |
Zeriax | Careful, witty rogue. Freedom can be a curse as much as it is a boon, for the coin of fortune is as fickle as the one who flips it. |
Zoey | I don't know many men who carry perfume, but it's rather brilliant. |
Zyanya | He talks like noon sunlight glancing at water, all bright and quick percussion, making the surface dance to see what leaps high. |
Zyxthylum | His optimism is quite inspiring. I'll have to invite him to the lounge to pick his brain when this is over, maybe he can tell me how he does it. |