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Action Id: 2482 Crisis: Participants: Sparte
Status: Resolved Submitted: July 12, 2018, 12:39 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action Points: 100

Action by Sparte

Sparte Fatchforth is off on a quest to prove himself worthy of the title of knight. Both to himself, and to others, for the sake of those who have invested their faith in him. To achieve this he is taken on the mantle of the questing pilgrim, going to pray at holy sites in the Mourning Isles and the Crownlands. Along the way he is helping those who he can, as a knight should. He will do this while attempting to honor the nine ideals of a Knight which he has sworn to uphold. He brings with him his stoat companion Tiny Tom, his horse Hyberbole, and no weapons save his staff. It should be known that he has further sought out squireship duties to further emphasize his commitment to the path of becoming a knight. While within Arx proper he will be serving as a squire to knights selected by Prince Ectorion. Rather than a prolonged squireship beholden to one knight, Prince Ectorion has opted to have Sparte do shorter squireships to a range of knights, learning what each considers the most important. Those efforts arn't captured under this action and will take place ICly through interaction with other players.


Sparte travels the Mourning Isles, looking for direction. Here a stop at the Maelstrom. There a stop at Blackshore. Always he ventures through, looking for experience. Looking for guidance. Looking for himself. In the end, he is left with as many questions as he found answers - and it seems the questioning is showing no signs of letting up. It's a process, really. But perhaps he ends a little more comfortable in himself than he was.