Sir Wymark Swift
Take your time. Watch the signs. Every quarry will betray itself soon or or later. There's no need to rush.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Relentless Hunter
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 33
Birthday: 8/2
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: bald
Eye Color: cinnamon
Skintone: dark brown
Description: Taller than average and given a physique that lends itself to a certain classic strong man handsomeness, Wymark is a figure that wears his build well. His shoulders are broad, his chest is thick, and while his waist could be said to be narrow, that's only in comparison to the large build's whole. He keeps the top of his head clean-shaven and his mustache and beard very neatly trimmed. When not facing off with a foe, Wymark's smile is a broad one full of white teeth and given to easy laughter. There are enough lines at the corners of his eyes and mouth, or across his forehead, to show some age on the dark brown skin, but not many.
Personality: Sir Wymark Swift is a man of patience. He doesn't believing in rushing after anything when it comes to finding his chosen query. He'll spend a year following a cold trail and come back with the perpetrator at the end. But that doesn't mean he's incapable of swift action either. If he sees an injustice he'll take it on immediately; just expect that he'll dance around looking for just the right opening. He can treat his social life in a similar manner, spending a long time getting to know someone. But once he's decided you're a friend, you're a friend for life. Just don't cross his strong sense of justice. Wymark has a very honed sense of what's right and wrong and has trouble seeing the shadows of gray that are often needed.
Background: Wymark's story could begin like too many others, as a baby dropped off at an orphanage and no parents to speak of. But it doesn't. Wymark remembers his family, at least in the vaguest of ways a child can, and even remembers the tragedy that took them away. The Swifts had long been a family of knights, at least one per generation, for the Deepwoods. And the Swifts were nearly wiped out on the attack at Old Oak. So while he may have been made an orphan during that terrible moment, he did not become one without a legacy that had already been drilled into him. He had already become a page and had started learning what would be his calling.
The events that nearly wiped out the Deepwoods only hardened the resolve that Wymark felt towards the knightly calling. He would begin fosterage with a family in Arx that his family had ties with, instead of being taken to an orphanage. He'd hone his skill with weapons and manners. But more than that, he'd start taking on the role of a Disciple of the Sentinel.
Justice called to Wymark, and there was nothing he could do but follow it.
When eventually his squire was over, Marquessa Samantha herself would knight Wymark. But he asked permission and had it granted that he spends time with the Inquisition. There Wymark has made a name for himself, rising up the ranks from Confessor to Inquisitor. When there's a crime that's been done, he just can't let it go, and will worry over it for as long as it takes to find the culprit. It's both something that's served him well and earned a few reprimands, but not a personality trait that's likely to change.
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