Count Karadoc Tessere
Morality, it could be argued, represents the way that people would like the world to work, wheareas economics represents how it actually does work.

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Erudite Economist
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 30
Birthday: 01/19
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Noble
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: earnest blue
Skintone: the pale of indolence
Obituary: It was one of those perfect spring days, where everything is going just right. The Tessere family had scheduled an evening cruise along the coastline and things were going, well, perfectly. The sea was calm, the boat was luxurious. The thirteenth course had just begun when Cosimos noted that those picturesque dolphins were not dolphins, and several of the crew members seemed off. When Nurie and Karadoc noted that the ship was off course, the ruse was up and the mercenaries that had been holding the Captain's son hostage gave up all pretense of this being a pleasure cruise. The Captain was murdered in front of his son, and the boy would have met the same fate, if Count Karadoc Tessere had not valiantly placed himself between the boy and danger, losing his life in the process. Countess Sabine was able to rally the crew and the mercenaries were defeated -- but at what cost?
Description: Karadoc does not mind being known as the man with eclectic tastes, which others derisively refer to him as that weird guy who dresses like a beggar. He will in fact take one step forward to encourage that brand of thinking –- call him a gadabout, call him a cad, call him lazy –- call him anything but late to supper so that he might enjoy a glass of brandy and a good meal while admiring some new piece of jewelry sparkling from his finger. Life’s meant to be lived in the moment, for the moment. And right now? Life’s good.
He possesses a handsome face: high cheekbones, patrician nose, mouth finely molded with a slight wry quality to it. A face that would seem more suited to the somber, thoughtful expressions most often seen carved in marble statuary, Karadoc is rarely without smug grin or warm smile -- as though he’s caught onto the punchline of some private joke. Dark brown hair is left long and loose, nearly to his shoulders. Ruffled by the wind, raked back by his fingers, or left tousled. By far his most arresting feature are his eyes: a piercing blue that, in some incalculable way, can transform what seemed like a condescending smirk into something earnest and genuine. His voice can undergo a similar adjustment -- in one moment a warm drawl that’s taunting in its nonchalance, and by the next cool and crisp and filled with shrewd intelligence.
Karadoc _knows_ how a noble should speak and act, but he doesn’t exactly care.
Personality: Karadoc is a laid back, easy-going, and extremely likeable man. Few, if any, have ever seen him roused to anger, let alone annoyance. In fact, this care free attitude most often tends to engender annoyance in other people who seem to think he should experience emotions as they do.
Like his parents, these people will oft find themselves disappointed.
Background: Karadoc was *that* son. The prodigy, the bright rising star. There was nothing his proud parents could not put before him that Karadoc could not grasp. Logic, history, arithmetic, religion, law - all of it - seen, appraised, and grasped with an aptitude that was stunning. The future was bright for Karadoc Saik.
To this day, his parents remain frustrated and baffled by their son's sudden drop off the proverbial cliff. At some point after returning from Southport and the two year training regimen there, Karadoc simply ceased to care...about anything. His invitation to attend to prestigious academy in Tor? Ignored. The various offers coming from Southport, those martial and intellectual? Declined. And, to this very day, his mother still cannot talk about the potential marriage contract used to catch cat vomit without flying into an apoplectic rage.
He eventually left home one misty morning, disappearing for a few years before returning suddenly. During that time, Karadoc has less and little to say, though it is widely assumed amongst the family he lived as a half-starved vagrant. Nor did he remain home for long! Almost as soon as he settled in, his uncle the Baron, died. Then, but a few short months later, his cousin the Baron, died. Finally, his cousin the Baroness, summoned him to Arx. To the surprise of all, Karadoc accepted.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | Handsome lord who I am told has a fondness for numbers like I do. I see him begin quite a trusted friend in time. |
Aethan | Much more going on under the surface than on top of it, I think. |
Agatha | Haven't had a chance to meet him yet, may not in such a big crowd at the ball! But I heard him talking about the work he's doing to help orphans and widows/widowers after the war. I should tell him about the Bear Scouts! |
Agostino | One of the funniest lords I've met in quite some time. Great company. |
Ariella | Perhaps one of the cleverest men I will never sleep with. |
Aurelia | Sharp and deft as an alaricite blade, and attentive to intrigues. A terrifying pair. Pity that he has no clear love for the arts. |
Belladonna | Very laid back and welcoming. Looks like he would be a pleasant company for any event. |
Berenice | I think I saw his back on his way out! It was a nice back. |
Bliss | Always strangely analytical about duels. It really doesn't seem to mesh with what I've learned from his Whites, but I am curious about what will happen when I finally get a chance to speak with the man. |
Brigida | The wit of Saik. Here's hoping there's more to him than jokes. |
Constantine | A welcoming man and relaxed in his poise. Perhaps at some point a more private conversation can lead our acquaintance beyond simple niceties. |
Cullen | Meeting Lord Karadoc again is an amusing experience, an outsized personality with a feather to match - but he seems to take his duties seriously, which is commendable. Fun is never a bad thing. |
Domonico | A Saik, but this one claims to be a toothless one. A shame for one trained at Southport; perhaps I could sharpen his claws again with practice. |
Duarte | My lord has excellent sense of humor and fashion, but I noticed just as easily clams up and can walk out of a room. A lot like myself I suppose. |
Elgana | The brother to one of my favorite people in the entire Compact. You can see the familial similiarties but they are not just in looks alone, oh no. Bright, witty, charming. There is no mistaking he's Enettia's brother. Now I shall adore the pair. |
Emmelline | A nice sort of gentleman, enjoys his spirits rather too much though. |
Faruq | Seems to be a very easy going lord, it's a pity he left so soon as I am sure he would have livened up the situation. If he learned the language that was being spoken. Also quite popular judging by all appearances. I am certain we will meet again. |
Grazia | An economist with a whole list of projects and prospects. Potentially interesting. |
Ignacio | Lord Saik seems to be savvy with trade, but more importantly so, the need to maintain security of his home. I can see that the Baroness Lucita has someone good working towards the needs of House Saik. |
Iseulet | A man after my own heart. If I didn't know any better I would say we are very much twins separated at birth. (Oh how I am glad we are in fact, not). |
Jeffeth | He seems like... I want to say fun Lord. But sometimes the fun lords are also mean lords. I think he is a nice lord and a fun lord. If he is both that would be just wonderful! |
Josephine | The good Lord Saik. Always has a smile on his face, and quite the charmer. A client tow home Josephine would likely bend over backwards for. Such fine taste. |
Leola | He's an economics genius who trades weapons for wine and gives away expensive jewellary. I suppose if he makes money so easily, it means little to him |
Lys | Theo's protege, he seems just as dangerously charming as his patron. |
Melody | The surprise. There's no better way to put it: He's fun, he's sweet, and worst of all, he's disarming. I might just have a soft spot for this one. |
Miranda | He has a self-depricating humor that is both amusing and curious. Looks like your typical male Lion. Lots of noise, not a lot of bite. Interesting fellow! |
Nijah | Such a strange man... but he has a love of numbers. Or knowledge of them at least? It's something to talk about at any rate! |
Niklas | Ennettia's brother. She once said he and I were a lot alike. Then apologized. |
Nisaa | A man seeming comfortable in his own skin. But he is seeking something. Perhaps he will find himself as I am, looking at where I am meant to be in this world. Or maybe he just admires his reflection smiling back at him. I feel it is deeper than that though. That he is being deeper. I shall hope to speak with him more in time. He has good insight that makes me consider things not considered before. |
Nuala | Reminds me a good deal of a woodchuck: he came in, flopped comfortably, and damn it all to anyone who thinks it might be questionable. He seems the sort to find it comfortable and that is the only care to had. A good mood about him, too. |
Nurie | I was not sure what to make of him at first. Too sly of the tongue, too quick of a smile, to much sharpness to his gaze. And yet...while they may not be a match made in love and affection, I think he will be good for my beloved sister, and in the end that is all that matters. |
Quenia | A Voice of Saik, who has been helping Lucita man the ship - so to speak. Looks to love his cups at dinner parties, and seems to enjoy innuendo. Fun to have around! |
Reese | Clever, generous and opportunistic at the very same time. He is also well spoken and calm. Calm energy. |
Rosalie | He came in with a dilemma of an odd nature, but I believe I was able to provide a solution. I look forward to whatever new riddles he might present in the future! |
Rowenova | We first met during "A Start of Spring Fling" (@ Golden Hart), and even though Lord Saik is a noble man, he graciously served a party drink to me (as well as to Jeweler Josephine). What a kind thing to do! I already like him, even though we barely spake for a short time! |
Sabella | I can see the resemblance to Lady Ennettia in his sense of humor! He seems to have a very dry one that I find utterly hilarious! I should definitely like to get to know him better! |
Sabine | Font of Charming Lies. |
Sasha | A Lord of Saik I know very little about but I am curious what languages he may indeed know. |
Sorrel | A pleasant man who's writing a song for my beloved Lucita. He actually offered to pay me for teaching him more music, but I cannot accept money for doing what I love. Still, it was very generous and he seems like a truly honorable fellow. |
Sparte | Talented by Baroness Lucita's measure, not big on politeness but I hardly care about that. Don't have to be polite to be a good sort, and I get the impression he is. When it matters. |
Stygia | Amiable sort, more perceptive than he lets on, I think. |
Theo | A pretty, charming boy of House Saik. My very first protege. |
Vandred | This man is not simply a 'Lush', he embodies the title entirely. To call someone else a lush is to compare them to Karadoc. Because the man operates while intoxicated. I am definitely impressed. |
Vayne | It's refreshing to see a man who takes piety seriously, and who is willing to admit when he doesn't know the answers, but is willing to explore his own heart to find them. I am optimistic he will find them, and hopeful I can be of help. |
Verity | He gives in frequently to indolence, but lucky for us all his tongue can still shape fine words in such moments. |
Wylla | He's very loud, and he seems to amuse himself more than he amuses anybody else in the room. I wonder if he still has that skirt. |
Zebulon | He just had to say something... I'm never going to live this reputation down. All in all, Karadoc seems a good sport and I know he meant no ill will. |