Sameera Coldrain
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Obituary: Died in childbirth with her twins, Heather and Quinn.
Description: This woman is devastatingly beautiful, though, it would be hard to notice at first with the demure way she carries herself. Her wavy and soft honey brown hair falls in stunning waves to her waist, with a hint of bangs across her forehead. The caramel hue of her skin serves as an accent to the captivating blue-green of her eyes and the aristocratic look of her facial features. When eyes move to the rest of her five foot body the fact she has large breasts, which are fitting to her well toned and slender frame, is the first thing of note. The last touch is the tattoo with intricate patterning that twists from the back of her shoulder the down her front and side, curling around her left bosom as it goes towards the center of her stomach. Nestled among the winding markings are little butterflies and rose blossoms.
Personality: Sameera Coldrain is a hard person to get to know and get close too, especially with how mistrusting she is. She gets very put out when she must socialize with people, though, it has gotten better with the more people she is around. She dislikes socializing so much that instead of a greting she stares at them, though, not directly. She never stares at anyone directly. She does not like to do a lot of talking and is typically quite tactless and blunt. Though, it is hard to tell everything she feels is written in her eyes, on her face, and in her body language. It might be muted but everything she thinks and feels can easily be spotted. She also does not hide the fact she doesn't like people, animals, or being touched. When Sameera talks of something she enjoys she gets very animated and she warms up considerably, showing that once one gets passed her icy, demure, and distant exterior she is a rather intelligent and can be friendly of sorts. Until attention is called to that fact then she shuts down once more. Things to note about Sameera is if someone touches her she goes into panic mode and flips her lid at someone invading her space and she has an extremely violent temper. She finds people and life difficult and weird.
Background: If there is anything that Sameera hates it is gambling. It is the bane of her life because her mother, Strega, was a gambling addict. Strega took her gambling to extremes. Not a day went by, while Strega was alive, that Sameera did not hear of the ill fortune that Count Dravor Darkwater brought up Strega. While Sameera despises the name she was named for, she despised her mother just as much as she loved her, no, let there be a correction, she hated her mother more than she loved her.
To explain why Sameera felt this way the story of her mother's, a merchant from Eurus, slightly younger life must be told, in brevity. Strega was always a gambler, a heavy one, and lost more than she won. It was a curse upon her life. Strega had a streak of luck one night, against Dravor, or so she though. Sure, it started out as luck but when Dravor saw how easily this pretty gambler was taken with winning he decided to take amusement in making her think she could defeat him. While in the process of throwing hands in the game they were playing he urged her to bid higher and whispered the sweetest of words into her ears, making her believe that even if she were to lose big he had a way to assure she did not end up a thrall. She believed him and the price she paid was her freedom for despite his honeyed words sleeping with him did not grant her freedom. Instead it gave her a daughter and she became indentured. Her gambling addiction did not help her get out of being a thrall, in fact it likely made things worse. Eventually the work she had to do between raising her child, gambling what little money she could get her hands on, and just the chore of living with little to no freedom eventually drove her insane then to her death.
Sameera, you see, had to hear the tale of how her father betrayed her mother and manipulated her very often, almost daily. Once, when she was quite young Sameera saw her father, he had cruelly come to mock her mother and seduce her with his words once more and, like previously, Strega fell victim to it and Sameera was lucky she did not end up with another sibling as a result.
To pay off the debt that Strega had fostered upon her with her death Sameera took up smithing jewels. It didn't net her much to live on, for most of it went to paying off her debt and getting supplies, but she found she could relax doing it. Escape the reality she lived in for a little while.
Imagine the shock that she felt when her brother found her contract and set he free. His actions were met with mistrust, doubt even. Who's she to know if he was different than his father? Besides, he must be similar, since he simply freed her and did not acknowledge her as his sibling. He could say all the pretty things he wanted but she had decided to hold her joy at being freed and serve as a servant of his family until she has figured out the legitimacy of his actions and silken words. His summoning her to Arx was simply all part of her being a family servant, surely.
Relationship Summary
The crown:
Mourning isles:
Name | Summary |
Aiden | Aiden's first impression of Sameera was that she was a cold person and rather terse. She had no people skills and literally with a few words and a look, chased him from the shop. He's dealt with her mostly through missive afterward. She always has stuff to give away. |
Alaric | It would be a much less vibrant world without artisans whose masterful skill excused their personal quirks. Although perhaps I'd have some quirks too if I had to deal with difficult customers. |
Alarie | Delightful. |
Alessandro | No-nonsense and not given to empty flattery. Exactly what one wants in an instructor. |
Alexis | She's very... Quiet. But that's not bad. Right? |
Cadenza | She seems nice.....I hope her work is more interesting than the conversation we had....but she was talking work so...yeah. |
Christine | A quiet jeweler. Not a big first impression. |
Cristoph | I met Sameera in her shop. I'm impressed with her ability to run a successful business on her own terms, doing what she wants. It's truly refreshing. She seems quiet, but then it's nice to not be around someone who fills the silence with meaningless chatter. |
Emily | Mistress Sameera is a practical person with a rather direct approach. I find it refreshing and thankful she is willing to share some of her knowledge. |
Harald | An excellent jeweler. A former thrall, used by her brother against her nature. At least she knows her place. |
Ian | Compared my cousin to a thrall. I'm going to choose to believe it wasn't intentional. |
Jeffeth | A challenge. She does not smile easy. Or at all. I think one day perhaps I could change that. |
Joscelin | Earnest and hardworking, the quiet, sober jeweler is one that Joscelin is quite proud to call both pupil and teacher. |
Kaldur | Busy. Brusque. Blunt. I could continue. Her work must be very good to balance her demeanor. Michael seems to think so. |
Katarina | Sameera Coldrain, half-sister of Count Max Darkwater. She thinks herself to be broken, but Katarina sees nothing but the potential beauty of a beautiful diamond not yet refined from its rough hewn origins. |
Khanne | I like her. I feel like, when she speaks, she speaks true. She doesn't waste words to beat around the bush... at least from my perspective. She is also an insanely talented jeweler. |
Leola | It's hard to know what to make of her. Clearly an artist; I've seen her work and she wears it openly. Well fed in that particular city fashion. Clearly, she has confidence in herself - I wonder how far that will take her |
Leona | I'm not sure what to make of the idea of a failed knight, but as a jeweler she seems to make things that are pretty enough. Of course, that is from the perspective of a woman who thinks a beautiful necklace means a new gorget, so I'm not sure I'm the best judge either. As a person she's standoffish, but that's okay too. Curious to know more about this betraying family though. |
Lucita | Talented jeweler, one of the Coldrain family. She was 'tolerant' of a date night with Torstein and displays admirable loyalty to her Duke. |
Luis | A straight laced, gruff and non-nonsense craftswoman. Reminds Luis of his Aunt. Remind Luis not to drink any tea if it is offered. |
Lydia | Come right to the point, and she'll see to it you get what you need. I can appreciate that. Cuts out all the dancing around and other crap. Efficient. Honest. |
Maeve | She makessome rather pretty things with stone and metal. I even bought one of her lovely creations! I just love the opal in it. She seems pretty interesting as far as people go. She is not nearly as confounding as others I met. |
Malesh | A master jeweler and mentor. A northerner who must have traveled far and wide to have such a wide range of talents. |
Malik | Sameera is quiet, but she has a lot of soul and depth to her. I am happy to be her voice when she needs someone to speak, but also glad that I found a friend in this city that I can understand. |
Marian | Very if my state annoyed her. I think. It's hard for me to remember the events of the evening after I upset my friend. But still...she was polite and listened to my ideas. I look forward to seeing what she designs. |
Melinda | I can see why my Father likes her, she never smiles. |
Merek | %bMerek met Sameera when he wanted to order some jewelry, in addition to her project for the Thralls. He decided to assist her, and while he finds the woman aloof, he thinks the Dame has her mind in the right place. He also believe she is a master at her craft. |
Orazio | A sad consequence of the system of Thralldom and the tolerance of shamanism. Great potential, twisted and broken in to tolerating the intolerable. The Faith has failed her, to have allowed things to have gotten this bad. It can be corrected. |
Quenia | Sameera is a jeweler of remarkable skill, and is a warm and friendly person. I ordered a pair of hairpins from her, and can't wait to see how they turn out. |
Reese | Reese finds Sameera to be a very talented crafter. She is curious about her and finds her hard to talk with, but she keeps trying! |
Rook | A rather rude lady's maid, for all lady's maids are often known to Rook. Nevertheless, she seesm to have Katarina's trust, which is what matters - right? |
Saedrus | Mistress Sameera seems a fierce young woman, and thoroughly stubborn. I did not get a great chance to learn to much more about her, other than she dislikes mazes. She must, though, like something. |
Sasha | A jeweler with a good mind upon her shoulders. |
Shae | Quiet. To the point. I like that. The huntress with patience. |
Sparte | A woman guided by duty. I, well, I hope that she is happy. I'm not always good at reading emotions, I think maybe I made her bored. |
Tessa | She makes jewelry! |
Thena | Direct, which I like. It's always a bit of a relief to talk to someone without having to dredge up my Whisper House training. And she seems to care deeply for her cause. I hope I can be of use. |
Torstein | Wife. I watched her grow from being quite the stubborn girl, into a more stubborn woman. Still less stubborn than myself though. |
Victus | I made her my protege for a reason. She's proven many times she can be worthy of it and less so others. It may be awhile before we learn which it'll be, but I'm damn interested to see. |
Wash | Thralls that move up the social ladder are rare. They must be extremely talented to do so. Don't underestimate this one. |
Zalika | If one looks at only the surface they will only see your rough edges but beneath you shine brighter than any sun or star. I am glad to call you family. |