Wilhem Whisper
Sharks don't target people. And they certainly don't hold a grudge. Glad I'm only halfbreed.

Obituary: He became terribly ill after drinking 'magical dreamwine' provided by a prodigal who was visiting the Whisper House. Mercies were confounded by his ailment, and he expired within a day.
Description: Tall, well built, and trim, as a ship should be. Wilhem is a sleek figure. A life at sea has done his body well. Hair kept long, but in braids or a pony tail, keeps it from his eyes, and he can often be seen using one of his knives to shave.
Personality: Wilhem is an even keeled man, even during the most turbulent of times. He has a sharp sense of humor, but rarely laughes. When he DOES smile, and smile wide, that's usually when the bloodshed begins. Otherwise, he's a pretty decent sort.
Background: Wilhem was born the youngest of 9 sons, of a merchant family in the Tyde lands. Coming out distinctly 'different' than his siblings, he was marked at a young age. He was mostly left to his own devices, his older brothers (and sisters) all off doing important things. Wilhem stayed with his mother, learning to sew, and hunt the small birds that dotted the island with his kiddy bow. And just generally.... Enjoyed life as a child, like only a late born well to do merchant child could. That is, until when he was 10, and his family supported the Tyde in rebellion. His brothers went off to war, sailing with the fleet, a deadly collection of vessals. One after the other, they were put low, scattered by a storm, and picked off by swarms of Thraxian vessals. Once the war was over, as the last remaining son of the family, he was forced to assume the blood debt of all the others. An exorbitant amount was put on his head, so he would likely never leave thralldom. By the age of 13, he was being passed around, sold as a Thrall for various Thraxian ladies. The clothing he made was becoming the latest fashion, and higher and higher he went, owned by ever increasingly influential noble women. That is, until Margot Tyde put out that all family thralls were given freedom. Wilhem took the opportunity to become a free man again, and, having spent some time wishing to be a whisper, was sent to Arx to complete his training. He's here to assist and aide the Whispers, and House Tyde in any way he can. His skill with cloth is top notch, and he's still a fair shot, and sneaky bastard. Rough around the edges, from a life spent away from court, he'll need some refinement, certainly.
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