Princess Peregrine Grayson
I do not bend my back to your burdens. I will shoulder ours with you and we will fly.

Obituary: With the increased patrols, and effort many had put in recently, it seemed most of the banditry in the Gray Forest in the wake of the Siege of Arx had been trimmed back, and many of the travelers walking the roads in the Gray Forest were relieved that the worst was over. So at first, most didn't think much when Princess Peregrine Grayson's patrol in the Gray Forest did not return... until her absence stretches to days. Eventually, another patrol finds what remains of her scouting party. The bodies of her scouting party are strewn over miles of the Gray Forest, all of them seeming to have been running from someone or something... but not Princess Peregrine. The former shav'arvani princess had died fighting, with a few brave companions, but just who is responsible is as of yet unclear. There were no bodies left of any enemy, just a great many of birds mournfully chirping in the clearing where she fell.
Description: That she was originally Abandoned is immediate at a glance: her tanned skin is adorned with rusty red tattoos forming flowing and geometric patterns along her cheeks, her chin, her shoulders and arms, and who knows where else. Once a person is able to look past these markings, they will find a tall and athletic woman whose dark brown hair falls almost to her hips and is bound back with tiny bone- and feather-decorated braids. Her eyes are a molten shade of amber, inclined to heat and intensity, and her other features are proud and patrician. These include a long, sharp nose and haughty cheekbones. She is pride made manifest, both in appearance and bearing.
Personality: Peregrine is intense. It's almost as if she models herself on the birds of prey she's named for, being prone to hard, silent stares and sudden bursts of (potentially destructive) movement. In Arx she is very much out of her own element but the confidence, even haughtiness, of her bearing does not make her a quiet and biddable houseguest. She is elegant strength. She is lethal grace. She is /not/ domesticated.
Background: Peregrine is the oldest daughter of an Abandoned chieftain. He leads the Gold Feathers, a tribe which occupies (or used to occupy) territory immediately to the north of Grayson's claimed lands. A fierce and insular people who modeled themselves on the birds of prey it's thought they worship, few had contact with them until the arrival of Prince Calarian. He sought their aid in the coming conflict against the dark forces threatening the Compact and they were tentatively open to the idea, having lost some of their own to the depradations of corrupted tribesmen and their Bringer masters.
But they had a single condition for pledging their fighters to the Grayson cause: Calarian must immediately wed the chief's daughter to seal the alliance.
Peregrine had recently lost husband and children and though still grieving, she recognized the sense in joining forces with the Compact. She agreed. He agreed. It was done.
Now they're newly returned to Arx (an adventure in and of itself) and the wisdom of alliance is balanced with the reality of this bizarre new life. A foreign city, surrounded by foreign people, wed to a man who seems to thrive in all of this /strangeness/.
Relationship Summary
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