Lady Bryndis Nightgold
The best way to confuse an enemy is to make a move with no purpose. It certainly confuses me!

Description: Regal, everything styled and carefully cultivated to perfection or wild and experimental. Long pale hair is well taken care of, and the style it is worn in changes from day to day, sometimes from one part of the day to another as the whim takes her. While her features are classically attractive they are often schooled into a thoughtful expression, full mouth not prone to easy smiles, and instead inclined more towards a thoughtful frown. Pale blue eyes are inquisitive, always seeming to pay attention to what is going on around her, and a true window to her moods, something that she's never seem to be able to control.
Personality: A being of pure action, there is no hesitation, no reluctance. She is always focused on the next step, the next improvement, and while much of that can happen through physical action, she doesn't always forget that book knowledge also proves to be helpful. In addition to being goal oriented, she's pleasant, cheerful, and outgoing in a way that matches the rest of her focused drive when she's not lapsing into quiet bouts of melancholy. The changes in behavior from forceful personality to quiet storm cloud can be slow progressions or quick changes, sometimes with nothing explaining why the sudden change.
Background: Bryndis is the youngest of five, and has always been a curious child. She would often go out of her way to explore the world around her, from outside the home to the darkest of corners within the home. She would watch the animals, study the bugs, draw the flowers and trees that she saw in her world. There was not much that did not interest her, both in the animate things around her, or the inanimate as well. Just because a flower was often more beautiful than a rock doesn't mean that the rock itself didn't hold its own very special place in her world. By the time she was ten she had books and books of drawings, each year they got better, more apt to actually resemble what it was that she was exploring and studying. She would watch and listen to others that were more knowledgeable about art, flora and fauna, and take in everything they offered.
As she grew older she knew that it was very clear to her what she was going to do with her life. Some thought she'd become a healer or midwife. But she didn't want to do anything like that, she was very interested in the properties of the plants, of course, but even alchemy and apothecary studies weren't number one on her list outside of just curiosity. No, it was actually learning just about the world around her. How things fit together, why you'd find one particular animal and plant in one location, but find just the animal, or the plant, in another. It was when she was almost nineteen that she grew ill, ill to the point that everyone was sure that she'd die. But something changed, one night she was on her death bed, and the next morning she was up and moving around as though nothing was ever wrong. She's never really had any explanation for that, but her entire outlook on life seems to have changed after that night. She was more direct, less interested in books, more forgetful than she once was.
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