Duke Kaldur Crovane
A life lived in fear is a life half lived!

Social Rank: 4
Concept: Questing Visionary
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 25
Birthday: 8/8
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: sun-bleached brown
Eye Color: ocean aquamarine
Skintone: tawny bronze
Obituary: Duke Kaldur Crovane set off from Stormwall to Pearlspire and never arrived. It was along his Great Road, of course, and it was heavily patrolled and about as safe could be, but there's no sign of him. No sign of foul play, no tell-tale signs of shav attacks with blood or any struggle. The duke is gone, and it may never be answered what happened.
Description: A tall young man with an easy-going air, he clearly enjoys outdoor living with skin darkened and brown hair lightened by the sun. Standing tall, he has a swimmer's athletic body, all whipcord and sleek but strong lines. His youthful handsomeness is offset by his high cheekbones and bright, blue-green eyes. Smiles come easily to him, but there's also an undercurrent of energy that suggests he is loathe to keep still very long.
Personality: Duty is a comfortable cloak to Kaldur, one donned eagerly chiefly because as second born he also had the luxury of taking it off. Like so many from Pearlspire, he is easy-going until a situation calls for focus. He is friendly and charming without much effort and has the polish of courtly manners even if he lacks mastery of presentation. Given a choice, he would rather be outdoors than in a stuffy salon. Kaldur's primary flaw is that he has learned to ignore fear. In chasing challenge after challenge, he even thrills at it. Cliff-jumping? Swimming depthless waters? Climbing rocks to dizzying heights? Check, check, check. His sister Peri may be interested in exploring the world, but Kaldur is interested in exploring limits. It doesn't mean he's selfish, but it does mean he'll take risks that might not be wise. Now the Duke-consort of Crovane, he may learn to temper that trait. Or may not, since I t has turned into a capacity for vision and a bone-deep trust of his instincts.
Oh, and don't mess with his family, especially not Yaya Oona. He really won't like it.
Background: As the youngest of the Selikis, growing up he was something of a Mama's Boy, always running to his mother and grandmother whenever he was afraid. But held rapt by his mother's stories of adventure and bravery, and wanting to please his father, he struggled to face his fears, and by the time he was twelve years old, had taken his first cliff dive, a frequently enjoyed sport of the region. The act in itself was a release; he realized to confront a fear was to conquer it.
When his mother died, he was devastated, grief spurring him to challenge himself, sometimes recklessly, facing the ultimate fear of mortality. He dove into his martial studies, becoming one of his father's knights, fighting in battles ashore and at sea, eventually setting his sights on a project of vision and extraordinary scope, in good faith and aware of the risks, but unafraid: The Great Road.
The Great Road has brought the best and worst out of the people of Arvum, arvani and shav'arvani alike, Kaldur included. He was terribly disheartened by the strife the Road stirred and ignited, buoyed then by family and friends to remember why he began the work in the first place. He joined the Knights of Solace to walk and protect the Compact's roads. With friends and allies, he led a pilgrimage to walk the entire length of the Great Road, something he thought he would not be possible in his lifetime.
Upon return, one of the original inspirations for the Great Road - overland transit to far flung Stormwall in the wake of its destruction in war - became a bond by vows of marriage, Kaldur joining House Crovane as Duke-consort to Duchess Fianna Crovane. The marriage put to rest the remnants of strained relations between Stormwall and Old Oak.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aiden | A capable rider as well as a man interested in falconry. The reaction he had when our eyes met was something that was at the very least, intriguing. |
Ajax | Eh, a knight. A formal sort, you'd make more silver as a freeman, but to each their own. I suppose, a younger me would be jealous of you. |
Alaric | It can be difficult for the smaller holds of the Compact to stand out in Arx, but his positivity, optimism, and willingness to assist all do House Seliki great credit. |
Alarissa | The man has the straightest back and the fastest walk when balancing a cupcake upon ones crown. I am envious of him. |
Aleksei | Brash, impulsive, daring. Reminds me a bit of me! |
Amari | Rather nice, and surprisingly graceful, or he has a very flat head. He certainly got his teacup across the room quickly either way. I wonder if he could do the same climbing a tower. Hmm! |
Amund | He's got courage. He made some great project take fruition. Respectful risk. Not one I'd take, myself. |
Apollo | I've never had anyone react to any of my work with simultaneous admiration and revulsion before. At least, not detectably. A very good-humored lord, though - I might have a mind to put away certain bits next I know he's coming, so as not to spoil that. |
Arcadia | My favorite science experiment! Hopefully he does not chicken out next time. |
Armani | An infectious smile and genuine curiousity. |
Athaur | He is quiet, but he takes his role serious for his family. I can't blame a man for that. |
Barric | Very protective brother figure, likes to drink, gets along with Luca. Can't be all bed then. Will have to get to drinking with him sometime and figure him out. |
Behtuk | A dog among wolves may still lead the pack if it is smart. This one is willing to learn. |
Bhandn | A part of me feels a touch embarassed, forcing all of that out into the open as I did, but I cannot help but be grateful for the solidarity all the same. |
Bliss | Grand plans. He managed to get what he set his mind to done - which is impressive - but I cannot say I am going to look favorably on anyone who considers me the last person they wish to speak with. It is up to him whether or not he digs himself out of the hole he has dug. I've extended my offer to help. |
Brigida | Too easily rattled. He jumps to quick enough and would make a passable wine fetcher. |
Cahal | I was telling one of my stories, making much of it up as I went along, and this Lord caught me out on a detail. Its always a little embarassing when that happens but who knows, maybe the story will simply end up twice as epic for it. Only time will tell. |
Calandra | Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I thought he was going to kill me. He didn't, and it turned out to be a farcical misunderstanding, but I don't know if I'll ever be totally at ease with this striking Knight now. |
Carmen | Joscelin's patron with a big personality, big smarts, big heart. |
Cirroch | Fun man! Witty and half decent at a snowball fight! |
Clara | At first he was kinda... well, startled by me eyes but after talkin' with him I think he'll not only get used ta them but also be a great addition to the family. He'll be a great big brother an' I think Asger would have liked him a lot. I look forward ta serving our House an' family with him, beneath him, an' for him. |
Clover | If you want to really know someone watch how they react to compliments and flattery; Lord Kaldur clearly enjoyed the attention but had the grace to be abashed by it as well. |
Corrigan | /Another/ shouting man. The previous one was /so/ helpful for resolving the situation. Super. |
Cristoph | Far too anxious about a baby-talking-dragon-salamander. |
Cullen | A newly minted sword from Seliki, he seemed to be a little awkward at the gathering, but that's not at all unexpected. He will grow into the role, as he seemed quite eager to learn and quite inquisitive - with a good sense of humor, a necessity. Someone who clearly will serve his House well. |
Cullen | A Lord with a great sense of humor and a massive ambition to undertake, but doing quite well in engaging others to take part. He'll do well, I hope politics do not wear him down. I wonder what keeps him up at night, though. |
Dante | Very wise of this Lord to both be wary of sharks and poison, and the combination of both in the same water! |
Delilah | I feel kind of bad for him! He stumbled into the Whitehawk Manor and he got, well -- Whitehawk. Mostly Kenna, but hopefully he found the evening enjoyable regardless. |
Delilah | He's a surefooted man, this one. Not plodding and definitely not the kind to show much doubt, he really does seem to have a grasp of his place in the world. When I feel some days like a zephyr, it's hard not to appreciate such a talent. But oh, not boring! My first encounters with Kaldur are a thing best described as jovial on account of his even temper and ready humour. Jests are in short supply, some days. His levity is much welcome. |
Derovai | Why in Gods' name would I care about mother-of-pearl? He seems a breezy sort of fellow, your average man about town, even if he does have something of a sense of humor. Young and eager, too -- the usual combination of nobility with perhaps something to prove. |
Domonico | Confused, driven, stunned. This Lord Kaldur seems to have something very important on his mind. What that is however is a mystery right now. |
Duarte | A helpful men I met at the Academy of War. Kind enough to catch me up on matters and recommend a Mercy. |
Dycard | A man willing to make uncomfortable, unwanted and essential points in a conversation where emotions are high and logic is at risk of being shouted down. An essential skill for a leader. |
Eddard | A serious man. Too serious. Too handsome. I don't like standing in the same room with this man. Too tall and brawny and good looking. |
Eddard | Too handsome and not boisterous enough to make use of it. |
Emily | He kept Peri safe and brought her home. That alone means he is worth something. Now to get to know him. |
Enoch | Another family member with whom I share a rather fun childhood with. Involving horse-back rides and rather exploring the grounds as we did so happily. It's good to see him happy and well. |
Eshra | Orrin's son, he reminds me of this father, which is a good thing I am thinking. |
Faruq | I like him. Likes to joke and yet he is aware of his surroundings even still. Knows enough about many things to stay engaged and keep conversation flowing. Now if only he'd dismount so I wouldn't get a crick on my neck... |
Faye | Met at the Grayson awards ceremony. Seems to be a kind man who puts up with a lot from his friends. |
Fianna | Kaldur has the sweetest horse I've ever had the honor of training. I enjoy working with him and look forward to seeing him progress as a rider. |
Gabriel | A bright, innovative young Lord of House Seliki. His skills and talents should continue to be cultivated. Given half a chance, he will undoubtedly leave his mark upon the history of Arvum. |
Gareth | A young lord eager to be involved, eager to protect, eager to serve. I was once like that. |
Gilroy | Men of great vision are often the first ones called to task at the first bump in the road. |
Grazia | Lord Seliki is a pleasant young man, the Sword of his House, and quite cognizant of material issues his House faces. Like a need for stone from my quarries. I shall have to cultivate a relationship with him. |
Gwenna | Duke-Consort of Stormwall and Voice of Crovane, Duke Kaldur's name surely is one nearly everyone has heard of. To meet him, though, is to see his bright spirit and enthusiastic nature in the flesh. A warm and welcoming host, it seems as though he has transitioned into his role of Duke quite well, and no doubt House Crovane is richer for his presence among them. |
Helena | My first student! Very bright and very generous, having given me a lovely present as a thank you. The painting shall hang with honor in Redrain! |
Ian | Got a lot more shit than he deserved over the Great Road thing. |
Icelyn | Another fellow of the Silver Order. He cares for the pilgrims of the city and understands the worth of his animals. A good man. |
Ignacio | Lord Seliki seems to be a dedicated swordsman and willing to put in all the hard work in which that entails. I am interested to see where he will end up in the future. |
Iseulet | What a rare gem to find in the city, someone that is so handsome and yet so kind. (And those dimples, my mercy me). His idealism is a breath of cool air on a hot day. And he's bright, witty, and funny - I don't think I could sing his praise enough. |
Ishmael | A young Knight of Solace. He seems focused on his duty |
Jarel | He seems to be a man who has taken his knightly duties to heart. And yet his stories are also quite humorous. |
Jeffeth | A nice young Lord I met at Mirari's shop! Seems like a very well put together fellow. Wouldn't mind seeing more of him. |
Jennyva | My only interaction with a noble from Seliki so far. I have to admit, I am a big fan of his family's pearl exports and what Josephine has done with them. It makes my heart skip a beat! For this, I would love to visit his home. A place that makes such beautiful pearls must be lovely to behold! |
Jordan | The head of the Seliki Engineering Corps. It's possible I will rely on him for my future projects. I've got many, and this is definitely the kind of talent I could use. |
Joscelin | An intent young man, responsible, and more eloquent with a pen than scholars twice his age. A good choice for a Patron, truly. |
Josephine | An errand, delightful one at that, brings about the side of an interesting man. |
Jules | The Duke of Mikani's family. He's serious and a bit intimidating but seems to be fair and upfront which makes it easier to know where you stand. |
Jyri | One thing I learned at a young age - always find someone who is not like you and make them an ally. They will make you a better warrior, my father said. So it is with Kaldur - he is better than me at many things. Patrolling wich such a man makes me a better guard. Perhaps I make him a better guard, too. |
Kaia | A good-looking, helpful and considerate gentleman of the nobility -with a bit of an edgy and humorous side. I like him, he appears to be someone I would probably enjoy being friends with. |
Kenna | I really need to meet him again when I'm not tipsy. He seemed so very gallant, and I'm afraid I might have imposed on his good nature perhaps too much. |
Khanne | I am glad to have received his warning, and glad he was comfortable enough to talk openly with me, and ask questions. I shall look forward to speaking with him in the future, and we can both ask and answer more. |
Kritr | A commanding lord of Crovane. Unafraid to stoop to being a bouncer at his family bar. I'd have let them fight. Which might be why there is not Clearlake bar. |
Laric | Always interesting when information pops up in unexpected places. I hope his nervousness was the product of stress and being put on the spot. |
Lethe | He's a man with good taste, and he impressed me with his ability in handling matters between our families. I'd like to get to know him better and see what cliff diving is like. |
Lorenzo | A man with interesting, if dangerous, hobbies. I'm sure there's more to learn there, I can't wait to speak to him again about it. |
Lorenzo | Now Duke Kaldur Crovane, he has come a long way since I first met him, climbing a building's facade and leaping from one outcropping of stonework to another. What hasn't changed is he is fine company, and I appreciate any chance we have to catch up. |
Luca | I think it would be interesting to feel actual piety in the way that this one seems to feel it. I remember as a child, thinking I might end up that way, as he is now. Alas. Also, is that.. a stick bug? A stick bug with the blessings of the Thirteen. May he arrive in our darkest hours. |
Lucita | A polite, compassionate Lord who deals well with a young page and an awkward situation. |
Luis | I have met this man on a couple occasions, however he has always been formal and polite to the point that I have wondered if I have done something to offend him and yet I see the protective aspect of a brother for his sister and I cannot help but admire that resolution and dedication. |
Lumen | His lordship is a very good storyteller when put on the spot. Thrilling, even! |
Mabelle | Well, he does not wish me to burn to death, that's good, right?" |
Macda | The Lord and Sword of Seliki must wear the torment of rest well, sedate rather than loud. A wine drinker earns a bonus in favour of an otherwise unassuming lord at these dinners. |
Marisol | Lord Kaldur is more than a glorious dancer. He is a charmer and I suspect a great deal of fun. |
Maru | The lad's a fool, for sure, but his heart is in the right place. Reminds me of me. |
Mia | A well-meaning boy, but a boy all the same -- and that is a thing very different than a man grown. |
Michael | A fine Knight, a fine Seliki and probably one of the better of my new acquitances. I want to cross blades with him, and I usually never feel like sparring people I've just met. |
Mikani | A non-bellowing Seliki. A rare find in a family of rare finds. |
Miranda | This Duke of Crovane is a lot of fun! Took the chance to dive off cliffs with gusto and certainly made me want to do it! Still, something clearly is weighing heavily upon his mind and shoulders. Maybe it's the upcoming battles, I don't know. I hope he finds a way to release that tension somehow... |
Mirari | This poor, dear man. I think Kenna has his best interests in heart. I'm having fun sewing this cloak, and I usually don't have a lot of fun sewing. I hope he finds it to be useful. What a gentleman he was. |
Mirk | Dedicated to his work, without being too serious. A warrior with an interest in building roads, both overland and across fealties. Interesting combination. |
Monique | My first impression of Lord Seliki was what an incredible horse the man possesses. My second was a dimly lit cave and his excellent chivalry. Both seem to have flown my mind until just recently, when he made another very good not-first impression with his dedication to a cause. Must know better. |
Morgan | Cousin Kaldur is as benevolent and strong as I remember, and still very generous. I hope he continues to enjoy giving gifts to family, because I love gifts! Also, lawyer's fees! |
Niklas | Easy going Sword of Seliki. Good sense of humor. A trait too few swords have. |
Niklas | The Great Architect has moved up in the world! Well deserved! He was always destined for bigger things. |
Norwood | A young man who has shown himself to have a willingness to learn new things. He was not boastful nor full of himself and comfortable in his own way of doing things. |
Nuala | I appreciate anyone who offers sensible, intelligent suggestions in a situation. He is direct and to the point. Some waste words, and those who don't are worth their weight in silver. |
Ophelia | He kissed me right on the lips and wasn't a bit sorry for it. Had he stuck around a little longer, I would've done the same to him! |
Orathy | The hero of many a bandit who uses those "Great roads" to rob and plunder! |
Orrin | So troubled in this glorious moment. Have I sheltered him so much? |
Peri | My boisterous little brother. not so little anymore. |
Perronne | Enthusiastic and good natured, at least on first meeting. It's nice to see someone who enjoys the city with such openness. |
Petal | A thoughtful lord who gave me his tea and seemed to have a kind way about him. |
Philippe | I never met the lord before the meeting at the House of Solace but as I understand it, he was the driving source behind the project. When his proposal arrived at my desk I instantly gravitated towards it. I do believe in it and still, I do. The problems we are having aren't because of a new road built. |
Quintin | The kind of guy who'll randomly help you before you wipe out in a friendly competition. Can't complain about that! Got to return the favour someday. |
Raimon | A strange awkward sort of Lord |
Ras | A knight who broke up a fight in a bar without being a jerk about it. Not sure what to think about that. But it's good, I guess. |
Reese | He really cares about those with him, such as his page. He seems like a very good man. |
Reigna | A young man with lofty vision who has recently learned the cost for seeing those dreams come true. I believe he will be remembered as he longs to be, for humanity is quick to forget the pain once it is passed. |
Revell | Loud voice. Scary voice. Turned up at just the right time to break up a fight - maybe I'll get to thank him properly one day. I really didn't want to see one friend bash the skull of another friend. |
Rey | A warrior in pain who knew to call for a Healer. Strong, Handsome, Honorable. It is alot to get some a first meeting, but those words and more linger in the mind about Lord Kaldur. |
Rhue | A kind, intelligent knight from House Crovane and owner of Arx's most able diplomat, the wolfhound Bruno. |
Rinel | His page is a bit wild, but he's very kind to the boy. He seems a good man. |
Ronja | I'm not sure why this man was being forced to ring a bell by Lord Michael Bisland but he has my deepest sympathies. |
Rowenova | We moved a body -- still alive -- off the sands years ago. Despite all the pain revolving around the Great Road and the fall out for/with my ex husband, I still consider the now-Duke Crovane and several others of his House to be friends. I believe it when he said that he and others did the best they could at the time with what they had, and that despite the bad we have something good now which has helped The Compact thrive. |
Rysen | The brother of Lady Peri, and my cousin's intended. He seems a good and honest man, who will never shy away from danger to protect what he loves. I'm glad he'll soon be family. |
Sabella | The first man in Arx I danced with that didn't clock me in the head! |
Sabella | Lord Kaldur is always an absolute delight to run into and converse with! His sense of humor is subtle and hilarious and always, always welcome! I don't see him as often as I clearly need to! |
Sabella | Lord--I mean, DUKE Kaldur is a man of such great imagination that it does not surprise me one bit that he also has the drive to see the things he envisions come to life! I supported and still support his Great Road and know that history shall remember him as great innovator, who did not cave to fear but strove to create new paths--quite literally!--and did so with great resolve and humility. I am honored to call him a dear friend and greatly miss his presence in Grayson Ward, but am quite happy to see him so successful! |
Sameera | Seems timid. Quiet too. Maybe it is normal for those off the Isles. |
Samithel | One who seems to value effort at least as much as station. His words were an unexpected kindness. |
Shazza | Principled, honorable, intelligent. Noble. But I wonder how he would handle a true dilemma, where no choice feels right. Every leader faces those eventually. |
Sophie | He's strong, and willing to step up for what he believes in. |
Sparte | A brave knight and a good man. I really wish I'd met him when I was younger, but he has a moral compass that I admire. Hopefully when I'm no longer a squire, I'll make a mark something like his. If he doesn't talk me into getting the mark like he did first. LONG story. |
Svana | He welcomed me into House Crovane, and I hope will soon have a nickname to call me. |
Tescelina | A Lord with splendid ambitions. Together we shall bring great knowledge to humankind. For the glory of all. |
Thena | I feel sorry for him, getting dragged into all of this mess. I remember how it was, and even then I had warnings of a sort. |
Thesarin | What's happening, he seems like he's in deep water and trying to keep afloat. Reckon that means he's paying attention. |
Thorley | A lord that has a rather handsome horse. I wonder if he has other horses that might be available for the future of my Barony. |
Traherne | A Seliki Lord. I have not met any of the family before, but if all of them are as quality as this one, I would not mind the opportunity. I will have to find a reason to get with him again. Perhaps I'll see him at one of the local taverns. |
Valery | He seems nice... although he was giving away teas in Val's shop. That wasn't really nice... |
Vercyn | The Sword of Pearlspire seems like an industrious young lord new to Arx; on this occasion at least, he was the only one actually training at the Training Center, rather than spending his time talking like clucking hens. And when it came time for a proper forfeit for the loser of a "spar", he was the one to come up with an appropriate one. |
Wash | A fierce defender of Crovane. They have had a rough go of it, and considering the history between Crovane and Thrax I think they deserve a vociferous advocate. |
Willow | He came with to help Twilight Dale so soon. I should get to know him better, I like Seliki in general. |
Ysabel | I almost broke my foot when I first met him... But, he seems nice and I hope we cross paths again. |
Zoey | Reminds me of his father in the best ways. |