Marquis Malesh Stonewood
The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority

Description: A well blended mix of Scholar and Noble Business man, Malesh has the look of one who always know his next plan and moves with a certain confidance. Sandy Blonde hair, kept somewhat long but always groomed gives his face a slightly serious look. His stormy blue eyes with gray speckles, shimmer with a life of their own, though he is good at hiding his emotion when needed. His smile, even if rare, is one of his vary charming features. That is normally a bit of trimmed stubble around his mouth and alone his jawline.
Personality: Malesh is a a true fighter, when it comes to economics. He knows that getting anything done the right way absolutely needs motivation and drive. When he has a goal or set a plan for himself and his family, there is no stopping him. He can sometimes come off as cold and and too disciplined. And rumor has it he has one hell of a temper when wrongly crossed
Background: Malesh is the first born son of the past Marquis Reginalde Stonewood and the formerly Lady Carmen Whisperwind. Reginalde was a warrior while Carmen was an entrepreneur and adored the economics. At a young age he develeoped an interest in economics, his mother beginning his lessons. Sadly when Malesh was only 11 years old, she passed away from a her illness he only buried himself more within studies. At then age of thirteen, he started to travel to Arx and immerse himself in various studies as well as learning more about the trade. Going back home to Stoneheart frequently to catch up with his father, siblings and cousins. As he grew older he began to also study on how to be more diplomatic. His efforts paid off as he helped those within Stoneheart thrive with the decisions he made. Malesh has now been the Marquis for 3 years since his father passed away from a heart attack.
Name | Summary |
Aiden | He care's greatly for his people and I watched him at the table handling the matter of Cedar Vale. He's passionate and determined. I think he's a good fit for former acquaintance, Ariel. |
Alaric | He seems a responsible and hardworking sort of Marquis, the Stonehearth should be safe in his hands. He's also game for a bit of sporting challenge all in good fun, so that is a mark in his favour as well. |
Alarie | A noble with a great deal of writs. Someone to whom, yes, will be mutually beneficial, even if it's jjust transporting his goods or finding a few sailors in his purview who want to take to the ocean. A relationship to cultivate. |
Alarissa | The minister of money, he's a delightful man to engage with and when we start trading figures, even more so. |
Alban | Well he certainly knows how to draw attention. I hope his armor protects him from what is coming but... I doubt it will look the same. Still seems a brave man, which is more than I can say for many. |
Alexis | A lord, and a last man standing. Still, I got him before he got me. That's good, right? |
Armand | Did his job well, can't argue about it when his team won! They, and he, deserve it. |
Artorius | A rower for the Grayson team, he did good! and inevitably aided his team to victory. He has my respect. |
Aurora | This man is a ruiner of perfectly good garments and competition for background scenery. |
Barric | Seems very much a man who is willing to risk the Compact for his Pride. Can't say I much agree with that at all. How can anyone, who is /landed/, be so willing to just walk out of a meeting about demonic assault? It boggles the mind... even if they are demon rabbits. |
Cedric | The Marquis is a fine guest and shows his appreciation for good service with grace and gratitude. |
Delilah | He's very thoughtful towards his house, but he also really cares for Joslyn's feelings. It's a difficult path to walk -- To make party happy, but I'm glad he walks it. |
Delilah | Private and slow to share his thoughts, but when he speaks, you can be sure he has greatly considered the content. |
Echo | A tall (like, really, really tall) Marquis who's probably got some nasty battle scars after the war. He got pretty beat up but I'm glad he was there with us at Stormwall, and it's good to see him again winding down for some drinks and company at the Hart after such an event. |
Gabriel | A little beat up from the war, but it is good to see the Peers out there on the battlefield leading their men and women. |
Gareth | A Marquis that must find solace in being difficult. He has been through some very difficult times, and that grain of salt is very much taken but it seems he goes out of his way to take issue with me or perhaps just the Inquisition at large. |
Harald | There is a natural arrogance to all Graysons, in which they blithely presume they will prevail in all things. This one seems another of those. And then he won, damn him. |
Ian | Wonder if he lost that eye. |
Jeffeth | Marquis Stonewood. Our first meeting was me carrying him up a mountain side to healers. I hope we get to talk in less arduous circumstances some day. |
Jordan | Seems to be a contrite Lord who is willing to put aside his pride and resentment for his betterment. That's admirable and laudable, honestly. |
Jyri | He's got a critical eye and asked smart questions about the art I make. |
Kenna | He seems a sobor and composed man of action. My heart goes out to him for his losses. I hope his heartache only lasts for a short spell before joy can come again. |
Khanne | Marquis Stonewood. He once hoped that the Spirits I work with are favored by the Gods. Considering how often the Gods support the Spirits and vice versa... I think he might benefit from looking into the history of their collaborations and come out with a deeper of understanding of all. |
Laric | I look forward to seeing what he does with the gift he's been given. |
Lorna | Intelligent and driven, the Marquis of House Stonewood is a man worth knowing and worth learning from. Kind in his own way. |
Luca | I have to say, I don't know Malesh that well, though I know quite a bit about him through reputation alone. The first glimpse I caught of him in the wild was during a Thraxian gathering, where he came off as graceful in speech and polite, even if I was only dropping the eaves on his conversation while I danced with all the beautiful women I could get my hands on. I believe he was still recovering, then. I'm sure I'll see him around. I look forward to finding out if the rumors are true. |
Marian | Marquis Malesh Stonewood stumbled into Marian's life by showing up to the Fire Stomp fundraising event. He seemed busy, focused on commerce rather than enjoying the festivities. He didn't even introduce himself, but there is a wry sense of humor that is worth cultivating. |
Mia | A proud man if I've ever seen one, but he fights darkness even against overwhelming odds and deals fair when he could make demands. That's a fair bit more than I can say about most. |
Michael | A fine man. A very good mind to him, inability to get out of the way of fire. I am sure a scar will do nothing more than pretty him up for his wife. Make him look a bit rugged. |
Orathy | Something something blah blah blah... he likes sucking the Legate's big old sword, over books. Or something... Fucking boring to me. |
Orazio | Bright, eager, and helpful. Orazio approves of most of those things, and thus he approves of the Marquis, at least for the moment. |
Petal | His shops at my store. He seems like a decent Lord and seems to love his wife and his brothers. |
Prisila | A man who takes his dares very very seriously and he doesn't shy away from a good time or a good business proposition. |
Reese | He seems very thoughtful. I should get to get to know him better, being that he is a Grayson Vassal. He sounds intelligent. But beyond his nice way of talking and his educated way, I don't know much about him. I hope to change that. |
Reigna | A man of courage of an uncommon calliber and a fighting spirit none may deny. He looked into the face of pure Abyssal evil and despite the horror, tried to fight it. A man to respect and protect however possible. |
Rosalie | One of the few people to have seen worth in me when most saw only a burden. He has encouraged me along the way and as a patron has helped me to seek out those that could teach me what I need to know. Without him, I honestly do not know where I would be right now. |
Sabella | Polite and refined, a curiosity to follow up upon. A loyal vassal of Grayson and to his family. |
Samael | He stepped up and lead the Grayson rowers. He is obviously a great leader. |
Sameera | Ariel's husband. He takes lessons from her. She has no particular opinion of him. He doesn't annoy her, at least. |
Sebastian | It was a pleasure to meet him at Valencia's spring party. I look forward to sharing some of my art with him, and perhaps going to see that of others. |
Seth | A marquis whom I met at a tea party. Not that kind of tea party, but one filled with spiked drinks. He looks to be business savy, what with his accountant and whatever business partners he has in tow. May be curious as to what, exactly he deals in. |
Sheena | A Grayson Vassel.. well Bisland. Not sure what I think of him. He seems nice. |
Sparte | He seemed really nice and polite and didn't at all mind me tripping over him because I'm an idiot. Oh biscuits, I said that out loud. |
Sudara | A Grayson involved with the Black Mountain Company; on first impression, a cautious, polite contrast to the organisation's founder. |
Talen | Played some sort of sports game with this man once. It was not as bad as it sounds. In fact, such a game should be made into an actual sport to play regularly. |
Thesarin | I didn't know him before the contest, but he lead and we won. What else is there to say? |
Vanora | I wish I'd met him earlier. Arianna's kinsman, and I miss her deeply. He seems possessed of that rare grace that makes Stonewoods Stonewoods. |
Vercyn | A man of economics, but not of snuggles, even for blonde princesses. Where is his taste? Or sense of adventure? At least he does have a sense of humor. |
Victus | One of the Stonewoods. Actually, THE Stonewood now that I think about it. He showed his salt in the boat race last year in damn fine fashion. |
Violet | I worry for him in these hours before battle. He is well studied in war, but has not seen it before. Will his confidence guide him or make him another casualty? I pray to the spirits the former. But his confidence will be a buoy to his soldiers. |
Wash | Amusingly, he asked to dress as me for the Grayson boat match. I'm honored, since I've not got a place in Thrax for the event. |