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Action Id: 1470 Crisis: Participants: Isolde
Status: Resolved Submitted: Dec. 6, 2017, 9:52 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 70000
Economic Resources: 50

Action by Isolde

After the Mirrormask meeting, Isolde cannot help but feel the slightest bit lacking. Hearing of how Driskell served the 13th so devotedly and of Arianna’s plans to spread his worship, has been equal parts humbling and inspiring.

Eager to show the city and her fellow disciples that her passion for the Dark Reflection has not dimmed, Isolde plans to take to the streets. Commoners are often overlooked when nobles preach, seen as unimportant or not worth one’s time. But a princess knows that she needs the faith of the people as much as she needs the backing of her noble peers.

Breaking it down, Isolde plans to focus her efforts on preaching the 13th’s word to the lower and middle class of Arx. Commoners will be encouraged to attend sermons and meditations through acts of charity. Isolde and any Mirrormasks she can convince (along with people she might hire to pad the ranks) will serve free meals to attendees, offer limited child care while laborer parents are at work, and offer free healing to the poorest of the poor. This insures that young children will be exposed to the 13th in a more favorable light and that disciples previously seen as creepy or intimidating will hopefully gain a more helpful and kind reputation.


Mirrormasks. They're not exactly the most lauded of the Pantheon's worshippers. Most in Arx give them side-eye and look askance, but Princess Isolde Velenosa knows one important thing - when you're hungry and poor, money talks. So the common folk aren't thrilled to listen to her sermon, but she's bringing child care and medicine and food to the Lowers, and that's enough to have people tolerate her long enough to eat. By the end of her sermon, they're not grumbling at all - she's feeding them and looking after their needs and that's not such a bad thing, and she does make some good points, they discuss among themselves. Maybe, they tell themselves, maybe there are some good Mirrormasks after all.