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Action Id: 1639 Crisis: Participants: Talen, Isolde and Driskell(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 13, 2018, midnight Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 800
Action Points: 80

Action by Talen

In recognition of the technological advancement now available to the Compact as a whole regarding the Lenosian-class caravels, the King and his Council has provided partial funds in addition to House Velenosa, so that the Rites of Protection against Fable may be performed. Talen is going to operate under the orders of his wife and liege, Eleyna Velenosa, with his protege Driskell. Together they'll combine their occult and theological understanding to perform the rite so as to protect the knowledge of making ocean-faring vessals for the people of the Compact.

Action by Driskell(RIP)

Driskell will be assisting Talen and Eleyna with the Rites of Protection against Fable utilizing his experience and skills in the occult and religion, focusing his abilities with the desired outcome of the Lenosian-class caraval ship designs are protected and not lost.

Action by Isolde

Isolde will join in performing the rite, putting to use her strength of spirit and knowledge of both the occult and theology.


The small group gets together and settles in. This is a serious moment, to protect something that has taken so many resources and so much time. And so they focus and prepare and, not without a small bit of trepidation, they begin. It starts well - indeed they are all in tune with each other, and much as it has happened before this rite is comfortable, familiar. There is that heady sense of joy in doing something important, in protecting something for the good of everyone.

And then something seems to go wrong. They struggle to hold concentration as Driskell cries out. Indeed, even as they hold their focus his hand is burning, burning as though he is holding a hammer made of metal, heated white hot. As though he is building one of these caravels himself, but doing so with tools that burn. Is that the scent of burning flesh? Can they hold on?

Driskell does - and so do they all. The rite finishes on a triumphant note, and the plans are protected. But seared into his palms are the shape of the handle of a hammer, and it takes a long time to heal.