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Action Id: 892 Crisis: Participants: Talen
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 21, 2017, 11 a.m. Public: True GM: Meyneth

Action by Talen

The Heirlooms are the oldest kind of alaricite blades available to the Arvani (at least as far as Talen knows about), so he's going to do some investigation into whether or not there's anything special about Mirror Blade he can uncover. Books (ugh!), information in the Hall of Heroes, inspecting it for runes (with Eleyna's help probably - since she's all fancy and knows more about that stuff!) and even rooting around amongst Giovanni's old stuff in case there's any notes on the sword that he might have not passed on when he died. After all, he did serve Carlotta and carried Mirror Blade for a great deal of time.


All GMed!