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Action Id: 1116 Crisis: Participants: Morrighan and Cybele(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Aug. 25, 2017, 5:55 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Morrighan

After learning about rebirth and reincarnation from Lady Aislin Ashford, Morrighan has approached the subject with Princess Freja, and has been directed to one of Redrain's shaman's - Cybele. She's approached them via missive, asking if they could look upon her with their shaman sight, to see if there's anything notable they can see. It was agreed upon that they would at the very least try. All that remains is the meeting and the gazing.

Action by Cybele(RIP)


Staring at Morrighan is like staring at a flame. Difficult, overwhelming, and it can blot out the eye if stared at long enough. Lightning mixes with flame, and slowly creeping towards Morrighan is darkwater. Darkwater that attempts to surround her. To smother her. But is burned away and vanishes.