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Action Id: 1529 Crisis: Participants: Morrighan
Status: Resolved Submitted: Dec. 20, 2017, 11:27 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Morrighan

Now more than ever answers are needed on the matter of Brimstone's Weapon. Having been his daughter in a past life, Morrighan is determined to try and reconnect with her past self. She will meditate while holding the weapon, possibly even while in Lagoma's Shrine with the hope there might be a trigger to awaken old memories that might help.


Her sister is dead. Newly found, swiftly lost. The hits just keep on coming, and tonight Morrighan is tired. So tired. She's tired of all of it - of the burning ball of fire in her stomach that threatens to burst out of her and burn everything down. Of the endless grief and loneliness. Of the knowledge that her father is the enemy she was born to fight. Of everything. So tired. So tired that it's easy to fall into slumber, but hard to find peace. It's the feeling of the water in motion that has her turning on her bed, rocking to and fro as though she's on the deck of a ship, swaying as the waves gently ebb and flow. She struggles against it momentarily, but then she's just so tired and slides deeper into sleep.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" The beautiful man beside her should terrify her, but for some reason she can't remember why.

"It is," she responds. "It's so calm and peaceful." Indeed, the blue of the sea is exceptional this morning, with the bright sun shining down. The ship is alone on the sea, and nothing but the horizon splits the water and the sky.

"It could be like this always, you know. I almost have enough power to make it so. Almost enough, and I can cast off the chains holding me back and make everything right again. Our family, ruling the Mourning Sea as we should. Our home, restored. Everything back the way it should be. I am almost there." He smiles down at her. "All I need is for you to help me."

She catches herself smiling up at him, a warm smile, but there is something in his too-beautiful eyes and it sets her memory spinning.

"Help. My help." She frowns as a shadow passes over the sun. "You need my help." There's a flash of the hammer of stone and she feels it, heavy in her hands. But when she looks down, it's not there.

When she looks back up he's as beautiful as he was before, but now there's a coldness to him. "I don't need your help," he says spitefully. "Your death will do just as well."

"No," she says very clearly. "You need my help. Mine more than hers. You killed her. You got Julea's help. But you still need mine, somehow. And I'll never help you. Never."

"Then die with your sister!"

With that she sits up in bed, her heart beating so fast, the great stone hammer they took from Brimstone's tomb leaning against her bed, and her hand is clenched around its hilt.