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Action Id: 291 Crisis: Participants: Silas
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Silas

    Silas hires masons via his contacts in the Crafters Guild to refortify any weak points in the city walls in preparation for a siege (+donated 10000 silver to city wall refortification). Additionally he has hired the Crimson Blades and Valorous Few to assist him in regards to Tolamar Brand, though they will not enter the city unless the siege is imminient.

    Veteran guards are divided between wall patrols, patrol of the graveyard/pit, and the Hall of Heroes. Other guards remain on their patrols in the city.
    He also seeks to acquire ballistae. If they're available, he will use his own carpentry/woodworking skills to ensure they are in top shape.


The defenses of the city are steadily improved, and Gabriel as well as the Crimson Blades each directed quite a bit of their forces to helping the Iron Guard in that regard. So far, no attack comes but the mood in the city is extremely tense. Some are very close to rioting, and the Iron Guard has been helping to defuse tensions as they can. It seems that with the threat of the city, and the Dominus and two high lords all in rapid succession falling, the city is a tinderbox. Silas' having veteran guards patrolling helps quite a bit, but it's still extremely tense. No riots yet, though.