Princess Denica Thrax
Art emulates life; infinitely varied and impossible to appreciate everything, though we may try.

Social Rank: 3
Concept: Artistic Princess
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 22
Birthday: 5/23
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Artisan
Height: average height
Hair Color: pitch black
Eye Color: vivid blue
Skintone: paper white
Description: A tousle of rich, ink-dark hair swirls to her waist in satin waves, swept away from the column of her throat to curl over her shoulder. Set beneath high, arched brows, her almond eyes smolder with the hue and depth of a raw sapphire, fringed in black velvet lashes. The pallor of her fair skin seems lit from within, aglow in the blossom of her cheeks. Her lips pronounce a fine bow, the pink of a shell. Smooth angles refine the contour of her face, from the sculpt of cheekbone, to nose, to jawline, soft with youth. Dainty in stature, her slim hourglass figure blooms at the curve of hip and bust, imbued throughout with a flowing grace.
Personality: Full of energy and wonder for the world, it is all the more challenging for this bon vivant to assume the role of a properly meek and demure Thraxian noblewoman. The struggle is real, and it often shows in subconscious gestures of restlessness or barely leashed emotions. Thoughtful compassion battles with the uncanny pragmatism of her household, but loyalty to her family commonly wins out. She holds few ambitions beyond inspiration for new art and acclaim from her peers, happy to merely enjoy life as a redundant daughter of nobility and gifted prodigy of the arts.
    Denica cannot remember much from her earliest childhood, but she does remember the feelings of love and encouragement freely given from two kindhearted parents. She can also recall a sense of shattered joy when her parents were killed in the Tyde rebellion, and the years it took to recover from a malady of muteness. During that time, she learned to appreciate the beauty of the world, and how to capture such beauty for all eternity. Painting became a favorite hobby, but sculpting and carving and sewing also enchanted her for numerous long hours of her life. Upon reciting written lyrics in the middle of Thraxian court, the curse of shy silence had been lifted.
    Soon enough, it was the odd noble that didn't come away from her grandfather's palace without a trinket or two made by the artistic princess. As if trying to experience all her lost childhood in one go, Denica also began painting pictures on guest's blankets or stealing favorite rings from jewelry boxes. A girl on a mission to wreak mischief, she interrupted important meetings and frightened the servants with her theatrics more than once. Occasionally, she gallivanted into the city, causing nearly as much havoc as back home. She quickly earned herself the charming moniker of the 'Little Devil of Thrax.' However, with that nickname, many guardsmen and local nobles soon wizened to her schemes, and even Grandfather Thrax brought her before the throne for a stern lecture.
    Throughout the chaotic era of her life, Denica's antics burned away most of the sympathy accumulated by her previous morose condition, leaving only a few close friends. With maturity came an epiphany, a realization that she lived almost entirely outside the social sphere. Partly out of a desire to fit in, but mostly because she wished to be more than a mere 'wild child,' she at last tempered into something vaguely resembling a proper Thraxian noblewoman. Brash recklessness developed desperately into clever charm and a keen insight of the human mind. In appreciably subtler ways, she displayed her artistic talents and devious intellect for the benefit of acceptance and even admiration among her peers. For her nineteenth name day, she managed to convince her grandfather that she could be safely seen in the wider public, allowing her to take an adventurous trip to the grand city of Arx.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aella | I should be more surprised the princess is carrying a skull than surprised that she intends to make art with it. |
Alarissa | My dearest cousin, my favourite cousin. Life is ever so more colorful with her and the halls are more lively. Her and Lady Snow. |
Amari | Still as lovely as I remembered and able to find inspiration in the strangest circumstance. Also game enough to brave bramble and butterfly both for adventure. |
Arman | The Princess seems to have quite the passion for art. Her sculpture was magnificent. |
Audgrim | She's confident and funny and a good sneak. |
Brady | Chaos wears hairpins, high-heels, hairpins, and comes yielding a fluffy white house cat! |
Caspian | An artist and a warrior! She has the gift of creating beauty and life in the world, and also is fearless and skilled enough to defend it! Always a joy to be around, i could ask for no better person to fight alongside with! |
Cirroch | Love for family and general sibling amusements with plenty of artistic license for how to use a siege weapon. I'll look forward to their next piece and if it can be created without too much destruction. |
Cornelius | An unexpected meeting was the one I had with Princess Denica Thrax. I thank her for her kindness to my plight, as family seems to be our great motivator in all that we do. |
Cristoph | You can do all the preparation that you like, but none of it ever really matches up to actually meeting someone in person and measuring them with your own eye. |
Desiree | Such a taste in fashion with that gown and necklace. Said she'd stab someone if he gets too fresh. I need friends like her to stab people who get a little too close. That's some good goals in here. Like some real good goals. |
Domonico | Far more lighthearted than most of the Thrax family I have met. Inquistive and seemingly very accomplished at her passion for creating art. I feel I should be honoured to be chosen to assist with it. |
Drake | The Princess has been a marvelous friend to our family, and her artistic skills have impressed me every time I've seen her work. I know Thea has been particularly grateful for her help, and the love she's provided to our firstborn. |
Ember | I don't understand people who smile and laugh all the time. I also don't understand artists. Princess Denica is a mystery to me. |
Evaristo | Princess Denica is very artistic. Her Art ship is AMAZING. Good company, clever conversation - what's not to like? |
Ezra | She likes cats better than birds. It's more important information than you might think. |
Fairen | One of the few princesses of Thrax who isn't a cousin of mine! Nevertheless, she's kind and charming and from what I can tell a very devoted artist. When paired for a dance she showed remarkable grace, wit and good humor. She's also a good friend of a friend so doubtlessly I will get the chance to know her better, which I look forward to doing. |
Faye | A fascinating and inquisitive woman. Her excellent social skills are quite valuable to the Inquisition. I think we will work well together. |
Giada | A cheery woman with an appreciation for a bloodbath. |
Grady | I expect she would want me to see her as a bit of an artistic imp, and not much more than that. A lady's desires should be obliged whenever possible, of course, but on this issue, I cannot. Because there IS more. |
Haakon | Some Thrax princess. I've no fucking clue which one, she refused to tell me. Bloody royals. |
Hadrian | She seems like the sort that would find a place easily among the Arvum Philosophical Society and Center for Kids Who Want to Read Good Too. Or whatever we call it these days. |
Ilira | The brightest treasures hide in the darkest corners. That's where I found her, drinking alone on her ship at midnight. She is perspicacious for her age, pleasurably devilish, and a refreshing diversion from the typical royal. A wondrous companion in every way. |
Isabeau | Enjoyable to discuss artwork with, we seem to come to similar conclusions and so I wonder what else we may find in common. |
Klaus | Someone needs to get my cousin from marriage armor that fits. She sounds like a bad set of bells on her horse. Cute though. |
Martino | Oh she is quite the Devil and with hands that just cannot keep to their sides. Quite to create a new story, to stick to it and not get caught. My, my. The Princess is truly as delightful as always. |
Medeia | The princess has a fantastic sense of style and art that brings depth to the cultural landscape of the Isles. |
Mirk | Artists always push boundaries. Princess Denica is no exception, but she does so with grace and tact, not to mention an understanding of her role. This applies equally whether she is at the canvas or acting as representative of her House. |
Nigel | A Thrax Princess who seems to possess a charming bit of wisdom and who is apparently an artist. I would be delighted to learn more of her in the future. |
Noah | One of those Thrax noble women. That means that they are not as small and cute as they appear. One should not turn their back on them, just back out and keep your eyes on them. Also, maybe guard your coin and your heart. |
Odin | A kindly lady who offered me a strong drink after a long fight. She has a soft heart, I can tell, seemingly a friend of that Domonico guy. |
Orland | She's also an artist, a researcher, and a good person to copy notes from. |
Pasquale | She has some ambitious ideas for entertaining the people of Thrax. They sound impressive enough that I might even be tempted to travel to see them myself. |
Quenia | A Princess of Thrax who was instrumental in the Igniseri talks with House Bloodbrook. Her name will be among the first whenever I have a diplomatic effort to put together. |
Raimon | A young artist with a recalcitrant feline named, appropriately, "Lady Snow." Shared what pieces of Art I could make or that I knew of. Gave her a painting. Received invite to a floating gallery in return. She seems earnest and mercurial, and up-and-coming shining star. Will have to remember to visit the gallery! |
Raymesin | Someone from the Inquisition who's asking sensible questions. Bully for her, I suppose. |
Rinel | She sees the potentiality of many truths. An admirable trait for a scholar... or a Lycene. |
Romulius | Princess Denica is the curator of one of Arvum's more intriguing curiosities in the art barge, though I've never had the fortune of visiting it myself. Like all of Maelstrom's children, she seems the sort completely unable to balk at a challenge. |
Rook | It is so reassuring to see someone of such high standing give so much care and compassion to all. A true visionary and a delightful person, but most of all with a heart truly in the right place. We need more like her in this world. |
Rosalind | She's really nice! And likes paint! I should let her cone paint some trees at home. |
Samira | Intuitive, intelligent, self-aware. One who finds herself wishing to break out of the boxes society places us in, a woman who is not afraid to challenge traditional thinking. There's so much more to discover; I hope I get the chance to hear more of what she values and to one day see her artwork. |
Savio | The Swan Princess. Underestimate her at your own peril. |
Sigurd | Oh she looks like wicked fun wrapped in a Princess package. A lot more to her than meets the eye. |
Silvio | The very definition of a fashionable lady with all of the aloof charm of an artist. She is the sort of person one cannot help but wish to better acquaint themselves with. |
Sira | The princess is at least as good a dancer as she is an artist, such talent! I am lucky to have the chance to see her in action. |
Sydney | The self-proclaimed Little Devil of Thrax. I can see why. She seems impish and willing to roll with the punches as it were, and wasn't looking down her nose from a high horse. That's ever-appreciated in nobility. |
Thea | Trouble seeks out Trouble. I've found my match. |
Theodoric | A coiled spring in the shape of a woman, brushes and paints must sit side by side with her other deadly weapons. Fearless, foolhardy, often the same thing... creation, destruction, all within a brushstroke. |
Vitalis | In a word: juxtapositions. Discreet, but open. Small form, large presence. Dignified lineage, rough appearance. |
Vulpiano | I didn't expect a Princess to engage in banter with a Commoner, but I appreciate her wit. I should like to wander by the docks, and see what is wrought of skull and skill. |
Xia | Princess Denica is a delightfully different take on the standard princess in Arvum. She's a wonderful conversationalist, as you'd expect, but she approaces everything through an artist's eye. |
Zakhar | The concepts of art and what makes something art is always up to those that make it and those that view it. Unless you're the princess, then it's solely what she declares it to be is. There are pieces that she makes that would be better statements if using actual body parts though. |
Zoey | She holds her emotions well, but she is not impossible to read. She feels deeply, and I feel for her. |