Prince Gareth Grayson
It is dangerous to be right when a Grayson is wrong.

Obituary: Died during the defense of the Lodge, on an undisclosed mission with the Inquisition. Perhaps no one felt the loss more keenly than whoever spelled CONDOLENCES in grotesquely-posed corpses left outside his house the next day.
Description: Like the shade of a hero from the stories, Gareth is not the man he was born to be. Hints of that attractive glory still remain in the hard set of his jaw, the deep rich blue-violet of his eyes. His blonde hair is almost always kept shorn to stubble on his head, and his eyes are more cold, hard, and foreboding than filled with joy. He moves stiffly, his hard body showing the suffering he has gone through. An ugly, formless burn scar covers half of his face, like someone pressed it down onto a hot brazier for fun. Other scars from cuts, burns, and all manner of cruel torment criss cross his arms and shoulders, only a few faded into obscurity. There's a sharp intelligence in his features, however, and a force of will that keep him short of being a monster.
Personality: Gareth is a man who has little time or energy for beating around a bush. Well, unless a person is tied to that bush and under suspicion of consorting with demons. He is relentless in the pursuit of truth, and to wipe the scourge of darkness from the face of Arvum. For all his fierce and sometimes violent acts in the name of the Inquisition, he gets no joy out of it. It is a duty, a necessity, and not one to revel in. He sees people on the street and catalogues them in their minds, how he would extract information, and what their sins may be. Most people stay away, simply because his scarred body is intimidating. He uses their fear when he must, and hardens his heart to keep him strong. Perhaps saddest of all, he does feel joy, he can still laugh, but it takes a rare person to bring that out of the places he's buried it.
Background: Dashing young Prince Gareth Grayson was another bright royal scion, a rising knight looking to make his mark in the most prestigious House in all the realm. Bold and reckless, Prince Gareth was eager to take the fight to enemies of House Grayson, to remind everyone just why House Grayson was the greatest house. He felt immortal as many young soldiers do, and took to patrolling the barely civilized borderlands with a relish, fighting back against the shavs attempting to prey on distant vassals of House Grayson. Initially he found great success, was wildly popular with the men under him, and couldn't even see why so many helpless peasants were so terrified of the hardscrabble Abandoned that turned to brigandry and would melt back into the Gray Forest after their raids. And one fateful day, responding to a minor raid, he lead his detachment into the heart of the Gray Forest to ride down the raiders... and found himself and his twenty men surrounded by hundreds of Gray Forest Reapers. It was a massacre, and Gareth himself was only spared because apparently the Reapers knew 'an idiotic prince' was headstrong enough to run right into a trap. He was beaten, tortured, and in the end had the humiliation of being ransomed after a captivity that saw the bright and bold optimist die and something far harder be reborn in its place.
Gareth was left scarred and broken, his constitution never quite recovering, and his dreams of being a great knight forever shattered. In its place, the sickly and infirm Prince Gareth surprised his relatives in House Grayson by deciding he would pursue a different calling that traditionally no Grayson had embraced- the Inquisition. His body might have been shattered, but his mind was far sharper and more dangerous than it had ever been before his captivity, and he showed an alarming eagerness to turn that mind against the enemies of the Compact. As far as Gareth is concerned, no bards will ever compose songs about the jobs he now chooses to do, and there might be stories, but they'll be the ones children are told to get them to behave. Someone has to do the dark work for the Compact.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | I am not surprised at him bringing up my house being prodigal. It is something I am proud of but I also desire to be here. I hope that I can prove to this city that I can be trusted, that I truly wish to be here. |
Aethan | It's not often people insult my brother to me before we've even been introduced. |
Agatha | He is very serious. And reading. But. Bacon. So I think MAYBE we will secretly become friends. |
Aiden | He doesn't like the word Bunnies. That's one serious man. |
Alaric | Everyone's always either avoiding him or trying to get a rise out of him! I feel like the only one content to let him glower at me sometimes. |
Alarissa | Cousin and held in esteem. Time and incident have tempered him if not blunted. But he is, as ever, a precious member of my family to which I was born and thus he holds a high place. |
Alayne | The world is grey, the forest old and the leaves crusty, as is a man that is torn. I couldn't dare to try and pry a cellar smoldered shut, but there's a certain awe to witnessing a face from story, now manifested. He's as fear-inducing and foreboding as anything that could ever be it, and more. |
Aleksei | Man, some people are just rude. |
Alessandro | I like him -- though I am not sure if it's reciprocated. I'm glad I haven't yet been on the receiving end of the full stare, though, and I will continue to hope that I won't be in the future, either. |
Amari | He reminds me of my father; brusque, argumentative and not entirely considerate of other's feelings with the application of his sharp intellect. I probably shouldn't like him. |
Apollis | Blunt, dour and incredibly not fun. |
Ardoin | A Prince of House Grayson that mistook a rather too energetic gesture of mine as rude, but I made sure to smooth things out afterwards. He certainly seems interested in keeping people behaving and acting properly, I cannot object to that. |
Ariella | My next conquest. |
Austen | A stern man, who seems inclined to keeping his own counsel. But I have never met a High Inquisitor before and I fear I may have been a little intimidated. Still, he appears to have a deeply buried sense of humour. |
Avary | This man seems so blunt that I'm amazed that he isn't a weapon. I do appreciate the straight road to honesty, people to often hide their true intentions behind false smiles. This one will not, I gather, and I look forward to what time in his company brings. |
Barric | I haven't seen my cousin in a long time, but I can honestly say I have never seen him quite this... chipper. A beautiful spring day indeed! I wish him many more such days. |
Bastien | One might be afraid of his pursuit until they realize they would only have to walk quickly. |
Bethany | What happened to him would turn any man hard. |
Bliss | A very gruff man who looks like he has seen quite a bit and is far too business business business for me. Perhaps not my usual company, but an interesting one to keep an eye on, anyway. He seems like the sort of person things happen around. |
Brigida | Some may call him unpleasant and gruff. They're probably right. But someone has to be. |
Cadenza | He came....he saw....he left. I really....don't know what else to say other than he just....stared at us. |
Caith | I .. don't know what to think of this man. I think he might hate me? But he came to my rescue? But he seems completely annoyed and exasperated with everything I do. He says that is just what he sounds like. And looks like. And just the way he is. So confusing. So many mixed signals. I will win him over, though. I WILL. |
Calarian | Rarely do I find a person more serious than I. My cousin is that person and I dread asking him what bunny-related plaque troubles his mind. |
Cambria | In short, what I have always expected a Prince of House Grayson to be. At least someone understands the words, "None Greater." |
Caspian | He doesn't seem like the friendly type. But then again how often are The Inqusistion friendly? Have to avoid getting on his bad side /too/ much. |
Catriona | Quiet and severe, and polite in a cool way. Maybe I'll learn more of him if our paths cross again. |
Cedric | He was not properly hugged as a child. Perhaps too much time with the wet nurse. |
Clara | I wasn't sure if I should engage him in a starin' contest of not but damn it was I not takin' no, or a lack of response, fer an answer. Seems nice. Look forward to buyin' him another drink sometime. |
Coraline | Grumpy old goat, better treat my sister right or I will show him how rude I can be. grr |
Daemon | I think people would look passed the disfigurement if he just smiled a little more! |
Darren | Prince Gareth's cold manner is unsettling. I don't care about his dismissive attitude toward myself one way or another, but when he turns it on my people, that gets my back up. |
Dominique | There is an aura around this man. I have faced numerous things, but I would not dare look him in the eye. |
Duarte | Curious he should question me when we work the same trail? Perhaps he was joking. |
Echo | Stoic and without any sort of emotion. One could probably assume he's an Inquisitor without ever seeing him in his badge and outfit. That said, he is polite and seemed interested in getting to know me, so that's... Something? I feel like he's trying to read me, and I /am/ an open book, but I would still prefer to see a smile on that scarred face. |
Edain | He is direct and he doesn't like.. how Duke Arn put it? 'Waste time showering off the bullshit.' He has a job to do and he doesn't have time for things that detract from that. It puts people off sometimes, but if you watch him carefully you can see how every thing is careful measured and considered and an attempt to get the maximum effect. He's very good at knowing that people let more information slip when they are on the defensive. It's what makes him good at what he does. |
Elgana | I am very curious of this Grayson Prince. My sister seems to like him, so I hope our paths cross soon so that perhaps we may get to know one another much better. |
Ember | Still grumpy. Perhaps he'll smile one day. |
Ennettia | Such a shame about the face, and body, and all that. But such a droll sense of humor! Entertaining when he chooses to speak. |
Fairen | It is difficult to discern a solid oppinion about a man so sielnt. I find Prince Gareth to be... Intimidating, to a degree. Inquistive, perhaps. But I would very much like to learn more about the man to dispell the slowly brewing preconceived notions I am developing. |
Fatima | Very much a Grayson prince, all gruff and proper. I am determined to find out what makes him tick and perhaps, one day get a smile. |
Faye | A dedicated Inquisitor. Perhaps not excessively friendly on the surface, but I don't mind speaking with him. |
Felicia | The scarred inquisitor. This man's name should be listed next to 'intimidation'. |
Fiora | Turns out a butt ugly Grayson's still a fucking Grayson. |
Genevieve | No pomp, no bullshit, refreshingly blunt. Surprisingly likeable, in some weird kind of way. There's going to be more beneath the surface, obviously, but it's not my place (or desire) to try and pry it out of him. |
Gianna | A Prince who appreciates music. Very, very generous. |
Giulio | The scarred Grayson Inquisitor fits the mold most well. I suspect he is better at terrifying people than I am -- alas. It is good to see him returned to the fold. I do look forward to working with him further. |
Grazia | Asshole. But then, he's a Grayson prince and a member of the Inquisition. If he wasn't an asshole, he wouldn't be living up to his true potential. I think we make excellent allies. I like his style. |
Gwenna | Prince Gareth Grayson is a fascinating person. His physical appearance is a story I am certain he has told too often, and one I won't bother him with asking. He is not warm nor personable, by any means, yet he is still quite engaging. His words belie an intelligence and the way he handles a sword hints at a martial prowess, even if it may have been in the past. I'd ask to meet up with him again were I not mostly sure he'd just scoff in my face. |
Harlex | The royal is to the point. Rare and admirable. Finely honed. And he plays a masterful game. But those burns may run deeper than those scars, by his gaze. |
Helena | Well...he didn't smile, and he looked like he wanted to beat someone with his cane, but he can't be all bad. Right? |
Ian | Looks like he's been to the Abyss and back. Bet there's a sword in that cane. |
Ignacio | The man has a presence. He seems to be honorable and polite, but there seems to be something more under the surface. Not sure what... |
Insaya | Is he always so cheery? Just a ray of sunshine. |
Iseulet | The /best/ Prince of Grayson I have ever met bar none. I've been told my voice could soothe the savage heart, but it seems that tea, cookies, and due politeness may be the way to soothe his. To spite his terse conversation I find him refreshing. A delight. |
Jaenelle | Prince Gareth was one of the first people I met when I arrived in Arx. I always enjoyed his straightforward conversations and advice. |
Jasher | Between the two of us, we will probably plunge even the most lively party into awkward silence. |
Jenessa | Prince of Grayson who also happens to be an Inquisitor. I'm not sure what to make of the man, as I've only encountered him twice since arriving to Arx. He's a difficult read, I'm not sure when I do see him if I should try to engage in conversation, or keep to myself. Hard to determine if the words I do speak offend him in some manner. |
Jordan | Inquisitor, Grayson Prince. Mostly seems like it's an individual that could use a couple of barrels of whiskey or moonshine or some other rotgut to cheer up. I bet he laughs very loud once he's in a few cups. But he doesn't seem like a drinker. |
Joscelin | I found him charming, intense, passionate, and fell for him the moment I met him. Like one of those stars shook loose from the heavens, landing in the dirt with all the power of the Gods. But it's never like it is in the tales. I learned a hard lesson about what I'm worth to others from him. The first of a few such lessons from the Grayson family, none I'll likely forget ever. |
Juliana | Be as stern and dower as you wish, just treat her well and I will embrace you as family. |
Kaldur | Scared and scary appearance. He seemed to only grudingly tolerate Luca's needling. Outwitted the Fox Prince in the end. |
Katarina | For a man possessed of such few words, he manages to speak volumes. Everything is purposeful, for a reason, with him. One would be fooled to believe otherwise. |
Kenna | He LOOKS all serious and such, but I am 99.9% sure he was joking with Niklas. If it wasn't a joke... well, I'm going to assume it was a joke. That means he can't be all that serious. |
Kia | He scares me. |
Lianne | Dry as a desert. Gives so very little away. I can't help but wonder after his interests. |
Lottie | Little scary just by lookin' at him. Intimidating, but seems sweet once he gets to talking. Been real nice to me. I have a feeling he's like a chocolate truffle. Little bit of a chew on the outside, but all ooey gooey within. |
Lou | My dear cousin Gareth just doesn't understand that when you're as often out in the woods as I am, exploring things, and away from home, that titles don't have as much meaning as the camaraderie that you form with your companions. For, they are the ones who are often going to rescue you if you get into trouble. But, maybe, one day I'll get to show him this - if he ever joins me on an expedition. |
Luca | A lot of people think Gareth Grayson just has a campfire worth of sticks shoved up his ass, but I know better. First off, he's a Grayson by blood. You're either into that kind of thing, or your not. Secondly, I think the man just needs a little love. And a lot of wine. And a Lycene wife. It worked for Alistair, didn't it? Don't worry, Gareth. I'll save you. |
Malesh | A very focused and dedicated inquisitor. |
Marcas | Serious and dour...traits I recognize, but his seems to be buried in something I do not wish to touch. A scarred Inquisitor with that disposition is guaranteed to kill any joy to be found. |
Margerie | A man of somewhat flat effect, but somehow still intense. It is always facinating to meet Veronica's peers in the wild. |
Mason | A man that enjoys spending time in a library in peace and quiet? What's not to love?! Mason and Gareth are clearly bred of the same cloth. (At least in this matter) |
Melody | Cold and to the point, just like his cousin. I guess he happens to know a great deal, and he helped. He didn't quite seem happy to help but I'm sure he was. |
Mercedes | Prince Gareth Grayson, a fellow Inquisitor. The economy of his words seems to indicate a focused approach to matters before him. I respect that. |
Mirari | Cold, a bit impersonal. I suppose one has to be in his line of work. Despite that, I'll make sure he's clothed in the fashion he ought to be. We'll see what happens after that. |
Monique | Odd. Grumpy. Scarred. Inquisition. All the things I shouldn't like, but a few of the things I do. |
Mydas | Scarred, crippled, to stop there would be a mistake. The man's an Inquisitor, and one with a sharp and clear mind. Future cooperation should be successful indeed. |
Niklas | Graysons are humorless. Gareth is humorless for a Grayson! He's definitely imposing. I'm pretty sure Sabella will not be getting that smile. |
Niklas | Same ol' Gareth. All smiles and cheerfulness. Love that guy! |
Norwood | A man with a keen mind and quiet ways. |
Olivia | One of the many Grayson royals I know little about, as admittedly, there are a lot of them. He had a fight with Prince Ainsley at dinner that I didn't really follow, but there's nothing wrong with a little passion and debate. I'm sure it was nothing bad, in the end! Otherwise he seems like a nice fellow. |
Orathy | Reckon he envies the tits he ain't seen in this world. Now he be havin the name, maybe he can go get some fer himself. Then again, he be too fuckin interested in that notepad. Wonder if it ever gave him a thrill. |
Orelia | Well. It's not often I'm equal parts uneasy and intrigued. He doesn't seem the sort to invite conversation.. but since when has that ever stopped me? I'll keep an eye out for him. |
Oriana | Grim demeanor. Grim face. Grim sense of... no sense of humor. I suppose it gets wrung out of you in his line of work. |
Oswyn | Incredibly intimidating. |
Petal | He is rather intimidating. I wouldn't want to every cross him! |
Petra | History writ upon his face but the scars are deeper than that. Everything about him is walled out so I cannot see what is behind him nor ahead. This is intriguing. I would like to know more. |
Reese | My Inquisitor cousin, who I do care about as a cousin, but that doesn't stop me from being a little frightened of him! |
Reigna | Prince of Grayson, Inquisitor. Cold. His voice is even no matter his statements. He is all about his work, relentless in his pursuit of truth. The space he chooses for himself gives nothing of the man himself. Fitting, I suppose, given his profession. |
Renato | That scar caught me off guard for a moment, and his manner is cool and aloof, but he seems polite enough. Even offered me his seat at a table. I learned later he is a Prince! It is so strange to be amongst so many royals and nobles! |
Rinel | His burns are far less frightening than his demeanor. |
River | He is a cold, very cold man. Very cold in fact. |
Romulius | He's not broken. He says he is, but he's not. A broken man has no fire at all. This man has fire. It might be covered but it is there. Just because someone changes, doesn't make them broken. |
Rowenova | He cheers up about as well as I settle down! |
Roxana | He's not much of a talker but I find him interesting. Maybe if I get him one on one... |
Sabella | I'm going to get him to laugh. The gods as my witness, it's going to happen. Probably over my dead body, but it's going to happen! |
Sabella | My favorite cousin! It is my singular goal in life to make sure he is happy and smiling. Constantly. All the time! |
Salvatore | Inquisitor Gareth is all I heard him to be - serious and clearly a man who is committed to his work. It's good we have such people around, as he does the kind of work I could not, but must be done nonetheless. |
Sasha | My second cousin and a quite the skilled Inquisitor. I wonder what he is reading these days. |
Saya | *Quiet, terrified, whispering.* He's so scary. |
Shae | He seems to mean well but it's hard to figure out what it is he wants, speaking like there's an icicle lodged up his backside. He needs a hug. And maybe some puppies, the kind that stay small and cute forever. Would that help? Hmm. |
Sparte | He seemed very friendly for an Inquisitor. Not meaning he smiled exactly, more that he was agreeably stoic. I'm sure we'll get along great. |
Sunniva | The Prince is rather direct in his views. This is not something that is to be frowned upon but his delivery could use some work. |
Talen | I've never not given this guy shit, really. Ever since he used to spend an awful lot of time around my sister, and I was pretty sure they'd get married. Now it's just a habit, and everyone knows, my habits are addictive. |
Tessa | He probably thinks his scars are why he has to be serious. They're actually kinda sexy though. If only he would smile now and then. |
Theodoric | The prince seems personable, though all outward appearance would say otherwise, I suspect a deep and abiding dislike for bullshit, having dealt with it so often. |
Theron | Prince Grayson, inquisitor. I've heard about him from Joscelin, before, but he seems well-mannered, self-contained, extremely polite. And smart, of course. You can't deny that. |
Thesarin | The parts of war that get skipped in the songs. But it seems they burned out his folly, along with his face. |
Tomwell | I barely knew him. But barely knowing him was enough to know he was one of the bravest, best men I've ever had the privilege to meet. |
Tynan | A very serious man. I wonder if his position made him that way, or if he is in his position because of it. |
Valarian | I had heard of Prince Gareth's icy and stone like composure, but meeting the man face to face reinforces it. Even if you're doing nothing wrong, he makes you feel like you are...and his expression and words give away nothing. Gods, I'm glad to be on their side. |
Vercyn | Cold. Dry. Chilly. Harsh. Scarred -- perhaps not from war and the elements, but scarred nonetheless. This is a man who reminds me of Whitehold, of the northern winter. |
Veronica | I have been raised with a sword since I was a child, and scars are no strange things to me. But the Inquisitor-Prince's scars are not battle-scars, and makes his silent solemnity that much more intimidating. |
Viktor | Stern. Severe. Rigid. I like him a lot. More nobles and royals should be like him. |
Vitalis | The Inquisitor seems a stern but just man, understanding what his job entails and how it may affect others. I'm glad there are those willing to do it, and I am grateful to him for it. |
Wash | Assumes the worst of others and himself. Perhaps he can't help that. |
Zaina | I'll never tell. |
Zoey | I was quite prepared to like Prince Gareth. But he wields his title of Inquisitor like a cudgel and uses it to bully those around him for little apparent reason. |