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Action Id: 660 Crisis: Participants: Duarte
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 10, 2017, 9:19 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Duarte

Duarte and Cassius have recently tracked the name 'Vincent Brand' to a woman by the name of Ula the Lost. Having found this woman, Duarte will now spend some time simply observing her, watching, listening, and recording all the names that she speaks. If Vincent Brand used to exist, perhaps these names are other men and women that the Despite has erased from history. This story request is to hopefully obtain a list of those names, as they might be helpful in tying up some loose ends elsewhere.


As Duarte spends time around Ula, she rambles also about the One Who Remembers in the Panopticon, and Duarte asks around, finding out about someone who has stark similarities to Ula, while both give a long list of names that are seemingly meaningless and never have existed. (Clue added)