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Action Id: 4935 Crisis: Participants: Denica and Ian
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 8, 2024, 12:50 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Denica

Denica wants her soul back, but she isn't quite sure how.

Denica went to a soul seer to look at her soul brand, who saw the demonic black cloud over her soul. She wants to cut ties with the demon that has it. Denica believes this is Not-Donrai.

Denica has talked to a lot of people. She's researched. She's found out information about Mirrorborns and souls, anything and everything she could find. She found out about people's experiences with Mirrorborns. She's spoken to a child of one, people who've known them and even fought them. She's heard the story about Sana and the White Singer. She's spoken with someone who believes they have a weapon to cut the ties between her and the demon, but not the rites that go with it. Denica has done all the things and is unsure how to pull the pieces together.

Everyone says the same thing, it's difficult, but not impossible.

Denica has built of team of people who will help, once she knows what to do.

When Denica doesn't have answers, she paints. Painting is a bit more dangerous now, so she brings her trusted muse-friend.

Denica is going to focus on what she wants, a free soul. Denica will ask the question how to save her soul and remove the threat of the Mirrorborn.

Denica is going to paint all the information she's collected. Dozens of paintings. Some are detailed and others obscure. At end of this artistic pursuit, Denica hopes to have the spark of an idea.

Action by Ian

The last time Denica painted something, Ian turned up mostly for moral support, but in the end, he wound up being necessary for a lot more than that. Now that they both know how dangerous and unpredictable Denica's paintings can be, he's coming along this time as a full-on guardian. Ian is ready and willing to put himself between Denica and anything that comes for her, to destroy it if he can, or try to drive it off if he can't.


In the end, it's a bargain. The mirrorborn that believes himself Donrai has that little bond with her through the fights, but he makes a deal- if they both survive the coming days, he'll release all claims upon her, if and only if she agrees to help restore Maelstrom to glory, should they win. It's a matter of some importance to him, and Thrax abandoning Maelstrom wounded him greatly.

He wishes someone to paint a better future.