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Action Id: 1580 Crisis: Participants: Silas, Aiden(RIP), Delilah and Rhue
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 14, 2018, 2:59 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 500

Action by Silas

House Whitehawk starts the construction of its Garden of Creation. It will be a 10-acre park located near the center of the White Mountain plateau, close to Hawkhold, in dedication to the deities of creation: Lagoma, Mangata, and Petrichor. Workers (primarily apothecaries) will plant various flowers, herbs, and fauna -- some of which are acquired outside of Whitehawk lands -- each year and the park will feature a magnificent fountain, a sun dial, and twin stone towers with a chapel at their base. The towers are inscribed with notable quotes about mercy, kindness and peace. Outside of prayer, it is also meant to inspire appreciation and the improvment of environment through horticulture, education and conservation.

((OOC: Meant to be our landmark. It'd be like the Hanging Gardens in Civ 5... only not really! Those invited to this action are free to chip in whatever they can think of, but they're not obligated to do so.))

Action by Delilah

Delilah isn't so good with plants. She's really interested in the gods, however, and she's always willing to help out her cousin however she can. She'll be chatting up with all sorts of people, making mention of how Whitehawk is working on creating a Garden of Creation, dedicated to the deities of creation, and just generally trying to get as help as she can.

Action by Rhue

As the Whitehawk groundskeeper, Rhue brings all of her experience and youthful enthusiasm (and she has a LOT of it) to bear on the project. From directing the plantings to learning and then teaching the best ways to care for the specimens, she is all over this project.

Action by Aiden(RIP)

Aiden brings his experience from overseeing the construction of the Menagerie and the Sanctuary, as well as his participation in trying to establish a Grove with the lodge, not to mention his time in office as Minister of Upkeep! So much experience to draw on! He'll recommend planting elfblight if at all possible, as well as other medicinal plants and establish a source of fertilizer from the local stables to help with growth. Now once all the paperwork is done, Aiden will certainly help lead prayers or pray quietly over the area to invite the gods to bless it.


The Whitehawk family proudly announces a new beautiful park near their home of Hawkhold. The Garden of Creation is a 10-acre park located near the center of the White Mountain plateau, close to Hawkhold, in dedication to the deities of creation: Lagoma, Mangata, and Petrichor. The gardens hold various flowers, herbs, and fauna -- some of which are acquired outside of Whitehawk lands -- each year and the park features a magnificent fountain, a sun dial, and twin stone towers with a chapel at their base. The towers are inscribed with notable quotes about mercy, kindness and peace. Outside of prayer, it is also a place that inspires appreciation and the improvment of environment through horticulture, education and conservation.