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Action Id: 1357 Crisis: Participants: Eirene, Lianne, Laric and Jack
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 8, 2017, 3:51 p.m. Public: True GM: None

Action by Eirene

At Laric's request, the victims from the mysterious house fire are brought to the Saving Grace and Eirene and her physicians (to be added) perform a quick Abyssal test and autopsy the victims of the Burroughs fire. With rumors the family was 'strange' she looks for any unnatural signs or remnants of markings, or if they were killed prior to the fire being set. Checking for any kind of rope or bindings to see if they were tied up and left to die as well. Also - does the fire look like normal fire damage or was it weird?

Action by Jack

Jack is looking for signs of smoke inhalation (which would suggest they died in the fire), then things like stab wounds or other marks that would show they might have died before the fire started. He'll also be doing whatever he can to cover information about the bodies, to help identify them.

Action by Lianne

In addition to assisting with the standard autopsy and routine Abyssal-influence testing, Lianne will be making use of her occult expertise to inspect for any signs of abnormalities or ritual activity, either performed by or on the victims.

Action by Laric

Laric is providing the bodies! The already dead bodies, not fresh ones, my goodness. Confessor Baptiste (retainer 463) will hang around to act as Laric's observer and may or may not lose his lunch in the process. He is a delicate Oathlands flower.


Two things are discovered about the family. One, they were extremely weird. Really, really weird. People said that members of that family often forgot their own names, or would respond to the names of each other, as if they were confused which of them was which. Like the mother would answer as the father, the father would answer as the daughter, and so on randomly. It was extremely offputting, to say the least. Secondly, Lord Sivard Grimhall was spotted entering and leaving the house, and evidence strongly suggests he was responsible for the blaze- and there was no smoke in the lungs, cuts on the bones, they were definitely all dead before the fire took them.