Raja Culler
Monsters are real. Ghosts are real. I am not talking of those that might walk the land. They are inside of all of us. Sometimes they win.

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Shadow of the Boroughs
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 25
Birthday: 11/24
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Criminal
Height: average height
Hair Color: raven
Eye Color: ebony
Skintone: deep brown
Description: Raja is a dark and mysterious looking woman. She has deep brown skin that sets her apart from most of Arx's inhabitants. Her dark hair twists into many long, flowing curls that hang past her shoulders. These are often adorned with colorful beads, golden clasps, or braids. Her almond-shaped eyes are beautiful, but they hold a dangerously brooding glare. She has a pair of full lips which are often twisted into a smirk. Her body holds feminine, athletic curves with a full bosom, flaired hips, and slender waist. Those curves do not slow her down as she is rather strong and quite agile that shows with each movement of her body.
Personality: Raja is typically quiet and brooding, sticking to her own business. Though, when her passions are aroused, she has no qualms in saying what she wants to say. Her language is often bold, hard, and often foul. She is quick to anger and will often hold a deep grudge until the offender has made ammends. Despite this, once someone has earned her loyalty, she can be one of the best allies one could have. Woe be to the one who would dare betray her.
Background: My earliest memory was aboard a ship. I remember lightning. I remember waves crashing over the deck. I remember people screaming and running back and forth as orders were barked. I remember a wave catching me and thrusting me against the mast. It all went dark after that. When I woke, I was here in this city. I don't remember how I got here. I don't even remember where I am from. What I do know is that someone took the time to make sure I was alive. Then, I was left in the tavern with a hot bowl of soup, never to see or hear from anyone of that voyage again.
It seems to me that noone likes to have a dead kid. Everyone wants to save the children. Yet, noone wants to take care of one. As a result, I simply became one of the forgotten. I lived on the streets, forced to steal so I could eat. I got caught many times and took my beatings. I would retreat to the dark corners to nurse my bruises. It strengthened me. I became better. I became bitter.
I grew older and I grew stronger. The people that tried to pick at me stopped as I showed them I was a force to be reckoned with. I stopped caring. Noone else cared, why should I? I made my way into the Culler family. I am not blood kin to them, but it sure beats being alone. It gives me a warm bed and food and in return, I will fight off anyone who dares to look sideways at them.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Agnarr | Probably wants what's in my coinpurse, but eh, that's the whole boroughs to each other. Looks like a Grayson origin, or maybe deeper south. |
Ajax | A Culler woman, beautiful, dangerous, likely fiery temperament too. Those always tend to be fun. |
Aleksei | She's got a good heart, even in dark places. |
Alrigo | Runs a fine second hand shop down in the Lowers. Helping out the people here get goods to treasure. That's a good rep' to have. |
Amund | Came across Raja while speaking to someone very dangerous and very historically important out in the woods. She looked like she knew the rare material said someone was sporting, and so that means she's definitely someone interesting to know. |
Angelo | Only met the woman from afar, but I did not forget the muscle she entered with. The way she speaks even, she must be from the Lower Burough. And rather comfortable here, in the Archduchess's presence no less. Curious, but I don't think it's a safe bet to poke. |
Anisha | Messere Raja has an easy way of carrying herself that inspires confidence and geniality. And, as a sailor, I am sure she has many intriguing tales from far-away places. |
Apollo | Well, she's sort of terrifying. And friendly. How exactly does that work? |
Asha | Friendly enough to chat with a stranger at the riverside. Smart, too, with plenty of irons in the fire. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime soon. |
Ashur | A woman on the more dangerous side of life. She isn't abysmal at playing stones, for a true beginner! And I found her commoner accent very charming, as well as her bruised face. |
Aswin | It's been a while since I've seen her, but she sounds like she has a few stories that I'd like to hear. Hopefully we'll cross paths again soon. |
Auda | She's a culler, and I do like the Cullers. Raja's got some pretty big ideas that I'd love to help happen. |
Audgrim | So she wasn't flirting? Shame. I like her style of training someone. The hard way, straight on. |
Bhandn | I'm rather impressed by the amount of work she put in for the library. It takes no small amount of organization to accomplish, so I'm told. |
Caspian | A liberator and apparently a damn near divinely blessed smith! her skill is utterly unbelievable! |
Cassiopeia | A friendly and fun woman, seems to really understand stones and metal. I enjoyed exploring with her. |
Clara | During a bar fight is always the best time to meet people... |
Corrigan | Spat at by one's family, then made out to be an alright sort by a Culler. Has the world gone completely fucking mad? |
Corrigan | A Culler, who seems to be welcome in Grayhope turf. I know the world's turned upside-down, but this is just pushing it. Still, not my biz - and never will be, if I have my way with it. |
Cristoph | Sometimes an afternoon spent in the shrine is a solitary affair. Sometimes though, you have the opportunity to sit and speak with a fascinating person you might otherwise have never met. |
Dianna | A woman of great curiosity. I hope she comes back to visit us again at the Shrine. |
Dio | A Culler with a gaze so cold, even hardened Seraceni pirates freeze in terror. |
Domonico | A dangerous woman it seems who radiates threat. Not afraid to challenge me face to face. Simply bravado or is she actually capable. |
Drake | I appreciate how outspoken she is. People often try to obfuscate things that can be put into simpler terms, but not this one. |
Duarte | Any friend of Orathy's is a friend of mine. This one took the time to reach out. |
Evaristo | Not afraid to speak up, but smart enough to back down when needed. |
Everett | Weapon smith. Commoner, like me. Likes things to be simple and functional and plain and just not all that fancy. Also like me. Raja Culler worked on, I must say, one mighty fine hunting bow. Got to chatting when I picked it up at the shop. Hit it off real well! Not all city folk are strangers, now. That's a good 'un. |
Gabriella | Determined, even when faced with defeat. I quite like that. Someone with such a spark shall go far indeed. |
Gaspar | I believe I've found a tool. She could be lovely if she smiled and is clearly dangerous. I hope her mind is as sharp as her blade. |
Giada | There are people who are unyielding in their preconceptions. Then there are those who turn from the stories of their ancestors and cleave to their own. I suspect Messere Raja is one of the latter. |
Grady | One of the esteemed Culler sisters. She claims to be the lesser of the two, but she's done a very poor job, thus far, of being at all convincing. |
Hamish | Uninterested in what you think of her. More people should be that self-assured. |
Ian | She'd need to learn some self-restraint before I'd be comfortable fighting alongside her, but I can see what Zoey sees in her. |
Icelyn | Boisterous and full, almost intimidatingly so, of life and spirit. But that's hardly a bad thing. |
Isabeau | Anyone who can make Noah growl is a good egg in my book. |
Iseulet | A woman of strength. We have begun a long, winding road together and honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better travelling companion. |
Jaenelle | Her desire to see her neighbors educated and taken care of is inspirational. |
Katarina | I wish that I could be as brave as Raja Culler, but she is suited to things like swordfights and I am truly not. Still, if I cannot be the courageous warrior that she is? I will still take solace in having such a fighter as my friend. |
Kenna | I honestly have no idea what to think. She got beaten, and she's obviously associated with a criminal element, but she's talking to the guard. What the heck? |
Korka | Loud Culler party organizer. But free drinks? Might be all right after all. |
Lena | Talks... better'n I'd have thought. Good to study for someone crawled up outta the gutter. Peg her for the Lowers, but she's got none of that stink on her. |
Lisebet | Intelligent and well spoken, a good combination in someone who also cares enough about others to build a library in the lowers. |
Lora | Josephine would've liked her. I can give no higher praise. |
Lore | A Culler of the first order. By which I mean, one I'm happy to associate with. |
Lou | I met her during the new year. I find it unfortunately that she has to find food in the trash because she doesn't have enough to eat. I asked Mason to send her home with a bunch of meat pies so she doesn't starve. I could see he was gauging her skills, perhaps he might hire her for sometimg. |
Lucien | Lovely adventurer wrapped in this drunken brawler exterior. Quite the creature. We will meet again, I am sure. |
Lucilia | Sailor, aspiring fighter, and at least she isn't a bad conversationalist. |
Lucita | Met and talked at the Hundred Cities Inn. She is an orphan adopted by 'O' Culler, had a rough upbringing. She seems to have common sense and be making her way amid scoundrels and rogues. A person I'd certainly rather have on my side than against me. |
Mabelle | She is a very tough woman but with a large heart. I really should go over my wardrobe one day for donations. |
Magpie | Magpie watched Raja encourage a full-out bar brawl before she joined in. She was grinning at the end despite taking some lumps. A Culler through and through. |
Mailys | Contemplating personal power dynamics and deeper meaning behind short human lifespans are exactly the type of sophisticated topics we cover in the Murder. The unexpected Culler Conversationalist. |
Mark | You don't expect too many welcoming sorts in the Murder, but then you meet one like Raja. I hope she finds her adventure, seems like a good sort. |
Medeia | Be on her side in a fight. |
Melody | It was an eyeball. We saw an /eyeball/ pop out of a mess of a skull. She took it rather well, too. |
Mikani | Love her color palate. Love her enthusiasm more! |
Mira | Dark and mysterious! Dreadlocks! Moves like a shadow! And turned on Jhond in my defense, which was really great. We almost hit him, too. |
Miraj | Just how I like my women - mysterious and dangerous! |
Mirk | A helpful Culler. Some people might be suspicious of that, but I'll have my eyes open. She may just prove to be a useful ally. |
Narcissa | Loud in a loud crowd - one does have to admire the volume she accomplishes with such bravado. |
Nina | Runs a second-hand fashion store, a noble endeavor that surely clothes many in the Lowers. But no fan of Pravus, it seems! Or maybe they are no fan of her? Political things still vex me sometimes. |
Noah | I don't think she liked me calling her Sweetheart. Or anything else that came out of my mouth. |
Orathy | She came to the Cullers by my hand. Reckon I be pushing for her to be adopted as she were orphaned about the same age I were, when I be taken. It be some plenty of time ago, when she be a little mouse, scurrying about to survive, stealing lunches and giving a fella the slip. She be finding her way now, with the Cullers, and be knowing how to take care of herself. Reckon I has been looking out for her and teaching her best I can be doing, even if I be shit at it. Reckon I be proud to see her grown up as she be. |
Orland | A bleeding heart. Cullers are such saints. |
Pasquale | Her blade made from the fang of an abyss warped serpent is truly a magnificent thing. She made it herself it seems. What talent. |
Petal | Hopefully this will work out. I really need the help and she seems like a woman of ability, strength and streetwise. Couldn't hurt to have her around if the Thrax come strolling in either! |
Piccola | Who was this mysterious young woman in Brother Felix's forge? Huh. I wish I was better at making introductions for myself that don't seem forced or disingenuous. |
Porter | I've met her once or twice! Once when I was still Lord Kennex and once... now that I'm not! Glad she seems to be enjoying her life, even if she's dodging her husband! Ha! |
Quenia | She approached me once at one of my parties and seemed quite bedazzled by all of the glitz and glitter. She was very complimentary of all of the gifts. |
Raimon | Raja seems to know what they're doing, knows how to lead, and knows how to get work done. Much to be admired, there. |
Ras | Quiet. Shadowy. Got an alaricite knife. Don't reckon that's one I wanna cross. |
Raymesin | A hothead, and this is me saying it. Still. Hopefully as good in a fight as she is at starting one. |
Reese | So far I like her, but the meeting is brief. She says she is rogue and well rogues are quite needed, but also can be dangerous. I would be interested in learning more about her. |
Revell | Culler, usually surrounded by an awful lot of thugs, but she seems pretty cool. Seems to like a good brawl as well as the next gal - I approve. |
Rinel | She built a library in honour of Sina. I will see it stocked--I will see it successful. It is the least I can do to repay an unpayable debt. |
Romulius | It is easy to see why the Messere Culler has earned the regard of House Kennex. While I cannot profess to be of like mind with her in all things, her efforts to introduce some elements of reform to the Lowers are more than admirable and her dedication to bettering our world is apparent. The name is almost a surprise. |
Rosalind | She was teaching me how to do the things! By things, I mean hit the rock with the hammer. I probably got the wrong, but she pretty encouraging! I'm grateful for the help she gave my house. I think we made a lifelong ally! |
Rowenova | Shop owner of Second Chances where you can get your salvage on. Despite being a Culler woman, she is a good one and always rooting for the downtrodden folk from the Lower Boroughs, helping out wherever she possibly can. |
Rukhnis | The second Culler of my acquaintance, and one who seems very much at ease within her world. I wonder what that must be like. |
Rysen | One who seeks the knowledge of the Thirteenth, and knows the value of discretion. |
Samira | A fellow Culler and a big sister type. Kind and generous, she looks out for the people of the Lowers. |
Savio | We smoke, we drink, we cause trouble, and we're not sorry. I think this could be the start to a fine friendship. |
Sergei | That's one serious face, I'll say that much. Always figured people the hold a serious face like that has something interesting to learn 'bout. I bet she's a real sweetheart. |
Sheena | She is really scary! Though, despite being scary I don't think she is a bad person. She's just had it rought. |
Sigismund | Young Culler met at the Murder, she proved to be not only fine company but also a potential future sparring partner! I sense a fine companion for future trouble. It'll be fun! I'll do the singing though. |
Sparte | I didn't really get to know this Culler well. I think they were having some amusement at the way I dealt with a brawl in the murder, and well, didn't come along to chat while I ran halfway across the lowers. Maybe next time. |
Svana | A Culler. She may be rough around the edges but she's warm - and she's a new mum. She'll be a great mum, no doubt, and able to teach her kid how to stab people and make it look like an accident, I think. |
Sydney | Knows when to press her advantage, and knows when to wisely fold. I hear that Lowers drawl to her voice, and after hearing her name, it's certainly no surprise why. |
Tanith | Loud, brazen, especially for one so young. Not a surprise though, most of the Cullers seem to have that streak, least as rumor goes. Generous. |
Tarik | She lifted my pouch! She could have just said she was good at stealing stuff. I would have believed here. She has inquisitive mind, and she doesn't seem to believe in bullshit. It is quality that I am beginning to admire more and more these days. I hope to see her in the Hart one day. If noone else offers her a free drink, I will buy her one. |
Tatienne | Pleasant, clearly has some money. Will have to keep an eye on her in case she needs some purchases done. |
Tatyana | She is utterly at home in entirely un-welcoming places. A little odd, somewhat intimidating, but most importantly very impressive. |
Thea | I don't have the proper words to really describe her. Really. She's a force with a look of sheer death and a voice that can command even the most votile to their knees. The only one I've seen do that is my Duchess. I would fight along this Culler anytime. |
Theodoric | A new business partner? The old operator of the Hollow, seems cordial enough, might I come to regret my generosity? |
Torian | Good to see family get along, and nice to have another voice of wisdome in my ear as well. |
Turo | Good taste in alcohol. Easy on the eyes. Has me curious about this ship, now. |
Valdemar | Not what I expected of a Liberator in some ways, and exactly what I expected in others. Our talk was far more pleasant than I anticipated. |
Valerius | A friend of Rowenova, can't be too terrible. |
Varosh | A fierce woman, but a good friend to her friends from what I can understand. Will have to take intimidation lessons from her. |
Verity | It's amusing to see someone so enthusiastic about stabbing people brought low by a too-perky baby, but that's the way of the world, isn't it? |
Wagner | Invaded my bench, that sea urchin. |
Wash | Exotic. Independent. Looks like sergeant material to me. |
Xia | Raja Culler is an inquisitive individual. I like that in a person. She's not as judgy as many have been. |
Zakhar | Quick footed, great on a ship, a lady of the people. Reminds me of a couple from my youth. Probably coincidence. |
Zoey | Your mother is WHOM?! |