Lord Sivard Grimhall
Though I am not like my brothers, I am still very much my Father's son. Remember that, else you find Death knocking at your door.

Obituary: Murdered a family of three in the Lower Boroughs for unknown reasons and set fire to their home in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence. Caught attempting to flee the city by the Inquisition, he was tried and executed after the matter was investigated to Duke Harald Grimhall's satisfaction.
Description: Tall and slender, standing just a whisker over six feet, he's got the kind of persona that grabs you by the throat when he walks into a room and doesn't let up until he leaves. His skin is lightly tanned, from years beneath the sun, and his complexion smooth, while appearing to be somewhere in his late teens to early twenties. A crop of short hair, a dark golden brown in colour, sits atop his head; shaved down at the sides and back while the top is left alone, looking as if it were styled simply by running his fingers back through it. His face is sculpted with a strong jaw and angular cheekbones providing a backdrop for expressive features, the centerpiece of which are his eyes, deep set, azure blue and observant.
Personality: Like his father, "grim" is a word best used to describe him, beyond more than just a family name. Although that's where most similarities end. Unlike most Thraxian fighters the eagerness to charge into the thick of things, weapon swinging, seems to be of a more secondary desire than a ruling impulse. Preferring instead to play the role of watcher; studying and observing, before moving to engage at a time of his own choosing and on his own terms. Wise is a word oft used to describe him, though his usually underhanded and unorthodox way of handling things, tends to lend a hand in "cunning" and "cruel" to be tossed around just as much. As far as loyalty goes, unless one happens to be family, or someone proven worthy of his trust, it is often best to step carefully around him.
Background: Fourth oldest child, and third son of Harald Grimhall, Sivard came into this world minutes behind his twin brother crying and screaming out into the night as a storm raged overhead. After his birth, Sivard spent the majority of his early years at Grimhall Island with his mother and siblings, where he trained and studied as any other Thraxian might with a focus on sailing and warfare. Although while his brothers contented themselves the a more traditional approach to things, training for combat and sparring whenever they had a free moment, Sivard prefered the company of his Mother, in his spare time, where he learned many things that weren't as typical for a son of Grimhall to pursue. When his father was around though, he could always be found nearby, learning about the sagas and heroic literature of the past, which he developed a deep appreciation of over the years.
As time passed, Sivard grew discontented with being cooped up on the island, and as such pleaded with his father to take him along on some of his travels. Expressing a desire to see more of the outside world, and experience all the things it might have to offer. At least, in so much as there was on offer in the Mourning Isles. Much of what he experienced was the traditional pursuit of House Grimhall, raiding and reaving, taking what they could and leaving nothing behind. It was during this time that he came into his own in regards to infiltration, something he was more gifted at than his twin brother. Skills learned that were perhaps atypical as a youth have turned out to be something more useful as he has grown older.
There was a small amount of bitterness that settled on him when his father refused to allow him off the island during the last war. Was it for his protection? Possibly. But it wasn't just about him, either. He had his mother, and the rest of his siblings that would also need to rely on him, and not everyone could pack up and head out to a battle such as that. However, that has changed, and with the changing climate there is a chance for him now that he didn't have before. He's heading to Arx.
Name | Summary |
Arcelia | Lord Sivard seems like a nice enough man. Our encounter was brief and involved him teasing me about the gate around my pool. I think the question was meant to be teasing anyways. |
Arianna | He's a nice Grimhall boy with a sociable disposition. Easy on the eyes and quite charming as well. That means, he's gotta be a Thraxian between the sheets. |
Artorius | My fiancé's brother! A friendly looking sort, despite his apparently intimidating impression when we first met. I feel as though I will get along with him quite nicely....Maybe we should spar sometime? |
Calaudrin | I think he was pretty hurt /before/ we got into the fight. But he's brave to keep going. Even if he hits on engaged princesses. |
Harald | A young warrior, looking to carve out his place in legend between monsters, Gods, and sorcerors. Though he does not swim amongst shields and maile, he is iron never the less. |
Ian | I can't figure out why Duke Grimhall would have a problem with him getting beaten up. He must be a lot more fragile than he looks. |
Katarina | A Grimhall, not much older than myself. Competent, quick-witted. Curious. |
Lorien | Has an intereest in the Keaton hounds. I look forward to doing business with him in the future. |
Maeve | This man came with us on the voyage out into the terrible place called Darkwater. He is a brave soul and fights well too! |
Mirari | He could probably be pleasant if he stopped trying so hard. |
Morrighan | I met him briefly when I joined with them to investigate the Marinites and the Seacaller. Doesn't seem to be one to hesitant when things need done, or killed. Seems alright, for a Thraxsworn. |
Orathy | Fights hard, for a lad, reckon I will give him that. Too used to wearing all his armor. Still, he's a Thraxian and they can all get shoved down the Kraken's arse. |
Reese | I have yet to make up my mind about him yet. If if he is anything like his father, he is a great warrior. He seemed to have a kind of friendliness about him. I would love to see him in action in a battle or out at sea. |
Serafine | Big. Quiet. A bit like a wall, in a good way. |
Skapti | Bit of a strange one maybe, with the whole... Eye bit. Still, Regi seems to like him well enough, and he did well in the battle to aid the Malvici. And keeps his word, from the later I received from his father. |
Talen | Lord Sivard Grimhall, one of the men of an island that stands as a bastion to Thrax customs. One must respect them for their ways, their Grim determination. Sivard seems to have a grasp of battle. |
Wash | The fruit falls not far from the tree. Hopefully this young buck is as wise as his father. If so, Grimhall, and Kennex in turn, will be in good hands. |