Jalal Whisper
There have often been times where I've regretted my speech, but never my silence.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: The Silent Whisper
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 22
Birthday: 9/27
Religion: Eurusi Pantheon
Vocation: Courtesan
Height: average height
Hair Color: sable
Eye Color: amber
Skintone: dusky
Tall, at five feet, ten and a half inches in height, with a frame that is lithe and athletic; lightly muscled, and toned in the way that only the keen attention and discipline from dancing can offer. This youth appear either to be in his late teens, or his very early twenties, with dusky, tanned skin that tells of Eurusi decent, and a crop of sable hair that sits messily atop his head.
Warm, amber eyes are set beneath a heavy brow, lending an intense cast to the young man's visage, which is strikingly handsome, sculpted with a strong jaw and angular cheekbones that provide a backdrop for expressive features. A heart shaped mouth tends to pull downward at the corners, only adding to the somewhat severe cast of his expression. Though, striking as he may be, it's the strange, almost unearthly grace of his movements that tends to hold people's attention the most.
Silence. Perhaps the most shocking thing about one so capable of turning heads and grabbing the attention of all within a room is the way this man simply doesn't speak. Not that he isn't capable of speech, quite the contrary. Mincing words simply doesn't seem to appeal, unless when absolutely necessary, and even then he declines to use more than the very minimum. Instead, he allows his actions to speak for him. After all, as the saying goes; actions speak louder than words. And his every one is carefully measured, weighed, then carried out to its fullest potential in often mysterious ways that could confound and perplex those who aren't privy to the inner workings of his mind.
Jalal was not always Jalal Whisper, instead taking up the name when he joined the Whisper House. The name which he was born to is practically from another time, another life, another world. Something so very far removed from what Arx and the rest of the Compact holds that it might as well be nothing more than a dream.
He is not the first to have arrived in Arx with a sad story of having fled his home, and probably will not be the last either. However it is the time before Arx that truly shaped who he is. He was born in Eurus of common blood, the son of a dancer, and he, like his father before him, became a dancer at a young age, when actually began to show promise as one. That was at a very young age, and since he has spent the majority of his life learning, perfecting his dancing, and continuing to new ways to incorporate dance in all of his pursuits. Eating, living, breathing dance in such an almost single-minded way. Though the reality is, that there were always other things waiting to take up his time, other pursuits that found themselves occupying his day to day living, that held just as much influence over him.
However, nothing is perfect. There came a point where life in Petrioch became unsafe, more so than usual, with the city having come under siege by some outside force. At that point Jalal had made the decision to leave, and despite the dangers of the crossing, he took to the sea in an attempt at getting away from the Dune Kingdoms. He did, somehow, rather successfully, make the crossing, and has since taken up residence within Arx and joined the Whisper House where his past remains all but a mystery to anyone besides himself.
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