Archlector Porter Kennex
The gods always protect lovers, and drunkards. So much the better for me, because I'm both.

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Big-Hearted Captain
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 33
Birthday: 9/10
Religion: Panetheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: dark
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: tanned
Description: With an immaculately trimmed beard, and hair that has been styled to fall just so, there's no getting around that Porter dedicates a good amount of time to his personal grooming and overall appearance. Actually, there's no getting around this giant of a man, period; at six and a half feet tall and with a stocky, muscular frame to boot, it's not just his warm and lively personality that fills a room. That animated personality lends so much life to his dark eyes that it's easy to forget that his features are otherwise a bit plain. Sometimes a carefully curated appearance is everything.
Personality: Porter is a big man with a big, loyal heart, a man who likes everything big. He likes to laugh big, drink big, and fight big -- as far as he's concerned, too much of a good thing is still not enough. He loves adventure, especially the kind of adventure that makes for a good story to be outrageously embellished.
He tries to make out like things are all fun and games all the time, but in Porter's quiet moments, a melancholy sometimes comes over him. His unshakable loyalty towards his friends, friends who don't always come through for him like he does for them, has at times forced him to face the fact that life isn't like one of his adventure stories, and in those moments, he feels like the world itself has betrayed his trust.
Background: The middle child born between intense and serious older and younger brothers, Porter has always embraced with gusto his "duty" to force a dour world to let loose and have a good time. He never really applied himself to his schoolwork as a child, and was more than happy to be sent to sea under his brother Aethan's tutilage when he was fourteen. That winter, the (slightly embellished) (okay, very embellished) stories that he told his younger brother Ian convinced the boy that he wanted to go to sea as well.
Porter reveled in being one of the Brothers Kennex (the title being his invention), especially once they started making a name for themselves. He instigated some of their wildest adventures. His ability to come up with filthy lyrics to any song put to him meant that he almost never had to pay for his own drinks. He was living the perfect life -- until it all came crashing down.
He'd originally been the one tapped to have command of the prize ship that needed sailing back to port, but Aethan changed his mind at the last minute and gave the assignment to Ian, who needed command experience. A storm hit that night, and after splicing a line and saving the prize ship from sinking (and her skeleton crew from drowning), Ian fell from the rigging, and Porter's life changed forever. Ian might have survived, but the Kennex Brothers were no more.
It was impossibly painful to visit his broken little brother, who had been left paralyzed by the accident, but Porter did it, and not just because of the nagging thought that it had almost been him. Porter's big, loyal heart wouldn't let him abandon his little brother no matter the cost to himself -- especially once he realized that he was Ian's only regular visitor. Not even Aethan bothered to crawl out of the bottom of a bottle long enough to be there for his own flesh and blood. Porter grew increasingly bitter at his family, and especially at Aethan, for what he saw as the basest betrayal of everything the three of them had once stood for, and when it was time for him to go out to sea again, a captain in his own right, he left Aethan behind without a second thought.
Now the captain of his pride, joy, and one true love, the Damsel's Heart, Porter has done his best to pick up where he left off, but it just isn't the same. He's decided that he needs to find a new port, new faces, a change of scenery, and if there's anywhere where he can replace all of those old unhappy memories with happy ones, that place, or so he figures, is Arx.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adalyn | Lord Porter is a good-natured man with an enjoyable sense of humor. I shall have to remember to consult him next time I'm in need of a good excuse as he seems to be good at inventing them. |
Aelgar | Seems like a good leader. No yelling or intimidation, but keeping people at ease and involved. Productive group despite all the apparent chaos and sidetracks, partly because he is the central linchpin, I think. Valuable skill, keeping one's mental balance amongst all this. |
Aethan | Glitter? Really? |
Aethan | Who Porter is, will never change in my mind, even if he changes in all other ways. A brother always. |
Aiden | It's good to see even large warriors have a moment for fun with their friends. It gives a person hope. |
Aleksei | Well. Fitz likes him. |
Amari | He's like a big friendly bear. I kept expecting him to fall out of his chair and begin happily rolling around on the floor, or scratching his back on a tree trunk. Also, he has a spectacular, unforgettable beard. |
Amund | A lord with a fighter's determination. I look forward to seeing his performance in the battlefields to come, as that's when it matters. I know I won't be disappointed. |
Angelica | A priest, so he says. Oddly, I believe it; there's a joy about him reserved for those who have faith no matter the day or disaster. |
Anisha | Lord Porter Kennex is, if one is to take him at his word (and why wouldn't we?) a man not as of this moment deceased, boats dashed on rocks or not. Singular in his focus, he is if nothing else entertaining to watch. |
Arcadia | Loud and into mischief as much as me. I haven't laughed so hard in months. |
Arik | A renowned Admiral and originator of some odd terms. Sometimes I wonder if the Kennex might have found something stronger to drink than rum. |
Aswin | A Kennex Lord that I believe I've heard is a sailor. He handles himself well in the training ring, as much as I hate to admit that he beat me. He seems to be a cheery enough sort, so he has that going for him. |
Audgrim | Endlessly optimistic, and a good sparring partner. Hard not to like. |
Austen | An eager student. Despite needing more than a few pointers, he hits hard. An absolute pleasure to teach. |
Azova | Thinks I'm cheap or something. How rude! |
Bahiya | Energetic but in a sustainable way, the calm glowing embers of a brazier that still crackles. He smells utterly delightful and his conversational skills are some of the best I have encountered. He is a musician of some skill I've come to understand, and promises to exchange both song and dance with me. |
Beatrice | I knew by reputation of the Admiral's big personality. I did not realize it referenced his form, as well. |
Bethany | A young Lordling who engages in charity and doesnt shy from actually playing with the children. It is endearing. |
Bhandn | Outgoing, a bit gracious about not emerging the victor in a spar, but it made me wonder if there will be a time when the laughter will give way to melancholy should he continue to challenge more dangerous opponents. What will he do then? is what I found myself asking. |
Braith | Humored my performance in the middle of the Hall of Heroes. He already has earned great credit for that. |
Brigida | Very big and smart enough to know when to share his food. |
Caprice | He has to be that big. How else could you fit in all that personality? |
Carmen | A compassionate man who is actually taller than me! A bit on the quiet side, but seems good-hearted. |
Cassandra | A newly sworn Godsworn Solace, I am curious to see the direction that his career takes him in. He seems eager enough to please and work with others, especially the Knight of Butterflies. |
Cassima | He reminds me of Coraline with his energy and charm and a huge personality that draws others in around them. His humor carries him further, though, and I think that may be the saving grace. |
Catalana | The Kennex brothers were the brothers I had always dreamed of, especially Porter. Strong, brave and mischievous. He looked after Wash when I couldn't see him. It's only fair that I am the sister he never had. Sometimes I help him destroy his brothers, other times, it's to humilate him in front of swooning ladies. |
Charlotte | The man confuses me! He is a giant barbarian looking man dressed in leathers yet is feeding the dog. Why?! I thought men were simple creatures. |
Clara | Although we didn't get ta talk much Lord Porter seems ta be a fine man. It was nice of him to reach out to me about Rysen. Hopefully, we did more good today in finding Rysen, Brianna, and Ian. |
Danielle | Gracious, what a very /tall/ man. Shame I'm missing him, he looks like he would be a cordial person. |
Darren | So, I have finally met Lord Porter. He was taller than I was expecting, and most undoubtedly a Kennex. I should definitely invite him drinking some day. |
Decius | My my my a tall drink of water indeed. I do hope there is no angry wife about, they can be deadly. |
Domonico | A penchant for getting knocked down in the ring. However... more importantly... he gets back up again. |
Donella | Loud. Not that it is a bad thing to be loud. He is able to make his presence known no matter the size of the crowd. While others have this ability, he does it in a way that cause smiles instead of anger and disappointment. He is a man of Kennex as I have observed them to be, but with some lust for life that won't be quenched. To be admired, sure. To be underestimated, never. |
Drake | The man enjoys himself, clearly, and knows how to throw a boisterous party! |
Dycard | A big man, with a big voice. Quick to smile and quick to laugh. At a glance, one to share a drink, followed by another drink, followed by several more and a return to consciousness in a ditch with. |
Eithne | If we're going on true first impressions, adorable, in that lost puppy sort of way. Having one's name shouted out again and again in the Trader's Tavern is something I will remember for a long time. Seemed the knight was selling some basic metal armor and well, we just can't have that. I've offered to take him under my singed wings for some tutoring. I hope he knows what he's gotten himself into. |
Erik | Another Kennex. The most chipper one I have met so far, I think he is using up all the unused energy reserved for social interaction of the rest of the family. |
Esme | He is a mountain of a man and rather swoonworthy. At least, I pretended to swoon. He was very good natured and that is something that speaks to his character. Obviously, we are meant to be best friends. |
Evander | I remember being envious of the three brothers Kennex when I was ill and holed up in Stormward all those years. Hearing his booming voice again brings back so many of those memories, but now they're framed by pleasant evenings with the families here in Arx, and I look forward to hearing his booming voice. |
Evelynn | Destroyer of paintings. Ian's older brother, very unlike him. Not that it's a bad thing. |
Everett | Arch Lector of Gild, which sounds a mite fancier than he rightly be, on account of I seen him wrasslin' with the kids at the orphanage, all playful and care free. Knight of Solace too, so that's good. |
Faye | A good-natured man with an interesting worldview and a fondness for ale at the Traders Tavern. He seems to be excellent company, and I'd enjoy the chance to talk with him again sometime. |
Gabriella | He and Lord Wash make quite the pair, with their gift for weaving stories out of little more than bar banter. I can see why this man is a member of the bard's College. |
Gaspar | Every bit the legend that I have heard about. The beard, that is. It's magnificent and glorious. He's a fine drinking companion and Sir Porter has an infectious laugh. I look forward to our future encounters. |
Geralt | So tall I'd have thought him a Northerner. Seems easy with the laughs, too, which is always a good thing, I think. Probably fun to share a drink with. |
Giada | Can anyone say social butterfly? |
Giorgio | The Archlector of Gild seems to be a kind man, not lacking in compassion. No doubt these traits will serve him well in his new position within the Faith. He certainly comes from a good family, so perhaps this should not be surprising. |
Gwenna | The brothers Kennex are a varied trio, and Lord Porter is yet another facet of them, it seems. There is a carefree and extroverted nature to him, which is certainly different than Gwenna is used to. It's not a bad thing, by any means! It surely marks him as rather good company, especially when she's toting a flask of whiskey. |
Gwenys | A knight of Solace who landed me on my back with his shiny stick when I met him. Seems like a good guy. |
Harlex | Loud. Though, I have had worse company, I guess. |
Ian | Well, that's never coming out. |
Ilira | My introduction to Lord Porter was as follows: vodka-drenched pants, besiegement by children, and potatoes. I like him. |
Ilmia | Funny and tall. I'm not used to being towered over. He makes me feel dainty in comparison, and it looks like he's got some Bard's college insignia going. Wonder if he sings. |
Ilvin | A new addition to our ranks, but, I think, a good one. I think he's destined to be a leader -- not least because anyone could spot him from a very great distance. |
Iseulet | If he learns how to adopt the fetal position more quickly and cover his vitals he might survive long enough to make a competent father one day. |
Ivy | He has a great attitude about everything. And nice hands. I wish I could be more like him. |
Jaenelle | Lord Kennex is capable under pressure, a sociable host, and highly entertaining during each situation I have found myself in with him. Is he my favorite Kennex? |
Jules | You met Lord Porter at a drinking contest, he may not hold his alcohol well but he sort of reminds you of yourself. Naturally you're delighted by the man and probably need to give him some gifts for being a fabulous man! |
Jyri | A cheerful Knight of Solace, clearly of the maritime bent - said he'd take me on a ship if I needed. Sometimes I might. I hope not. Too bad about that, but maybe he likes to ride too? Long hours in the saddle, on long winding roads, throught he forest? |
Kia | There is something very warm and welcoming about Sir Porter Kennex. It is a rare gift that many think they possess but which so very few have, and I did not feel awkward in his presence. I like him. |
Korka | I've heard things about his beard. He's free with his silver and his sense of humor. Not a bad guy to know. |
Kritr | Titles, money and status don't seem to mean much to Porter Kennex. He's in it for the experience. I can respect that. |
Kutazer | Same height as me. That speaks volumes about him. And he's prepared to attempt to climb tree's. And supports height-boosting-boxes. This bodes well and I look forward to getting to know him better. |
Lenard | The knight lieutenant is skilled in combat, and seems serene enough to be a worthwhile commander. I doubt I would regret following him into battle. |
Liara | Easy-going to a fault, at least insofar as one can determine these things in a meeting - he only just batted a lid at some presumably rather extraordinary revelations. Attentive, though - unless he was doodling, he took plenty of notes. Likeable sort. |
Lisebet | Dedicated to service of the Gods and a strong stalward advocate for what is right. |
Llewella | Sir Porter Kennex seems to have deprived his family of a remarkable fighter while giving one to the whole of the Compact through the Knights of Solace. |
Lou | Lord Porter seems like a decent sort of person. Certainly knowledgable, but I'd expect no less from any of the Kennex family. |
Lucita | Fun, flirting, fascinating. He has a nice laugh and is considerate enough to shorten his steps so a shorter person is not running along to keep up with him on a walk. |
Lyra | A helpful Knight of Solace who understands that it's not everyone's lot to be martial by nature. I like him, and I'm certain that our paths will cross again, not least because he's offered me something which shall, for now, be our secret. |
Mabelle | Lord Kennex, cheerful as loud as he has always been. |
Macario | Look, the man can manage to grow an envious beard and swing an axe, but can he converse? Turns out yes, with good humor. |
Macda | Great sense of humor, willing to go along with a bit and comedically cowardly! Something tells me we could be excellent friends. |
Mahir | The man in charge of rebuilding the Great Cathedral, Sir Porter Kennex of the Knights of Solace proved both patient in explaining some of the principles proper to Arvani faith, but also excellent company in discussing the great work that is rebuilding the great edifice, and yet doing so in a way that would be new as well. |
Mailys | The Thrice Blessed Porter Kennex. Porter Kennex. Porter Kennex. Intrigued yet? You should be. |
Martino | I mean this seems simple, but the man is a big heart. I don't think he would swat a fly! Managed a few drinks, I thought he would have gone longer. Good lad. Great fun. |
Marzio | A Kennex lord. He seems to be a good natured fellow and that he'd be easy to get a drink with and talk to. He might not not even be a bad friend to have around. Maybe Solace will give me an opportunity to learn more of him. |
Meara | My gigantic cousin. I think the Admiral hat has gone to his head. Figuratively AND literally. |
Medeia | This is the largest man I have ever seen and next time it should be my turn to sit on his shoulders. |
Mikani | If he's going to carry every woman to get a drink, his legs are gonna burn in the morning. |
Miranda | Mountain of a man. I mean, ok, when you're sitting on the ground, this guy looks like a giant. But he's an Admiral. That means he is in charge of a fleet. Fleets? A fleet of ships, at least. And that means, ocean! Sailing! I must be nice to him so he'll take me on his ship sometime. Plus, you know, friend of Thea, so that puts him on my 'neat' list. |
Mirari | What a magnificent beard. Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted my opinion of the -man-. Ah, he seems charming enough. And funny. |
Mirk | It seems to be a Kennex family trait: More at home at the sea than on a horse. Not that I blame him. |
Nanette | Quite pushy, has a certain ease about him. Managed to get a laugh out of me, which I'm still not sure how to feel about. Looking forward to hearing about all the things he's allegedly good at - causing trouble, mainly. |
Naomi | A Kennex and a good man, through and through. Lord Porter manages to retain his sense of humor even in the midst of difficult times and he knows the value of a strong drink. |
Narcissa | Let us pray his ship navigation than his navigation to the market. How anyone ends up in the graveyard rather than the center of the city is beyond my guess. Navigation aside, he presents himself with chivalry and kindness. |
Niklas | The liveliest of the Aethus line and probably the biggest person to whom I can prove I am related. I didn't name him the Carouser without reason. |
Nina | Born twenty pounds and two feet tall o/~ Why even if the stories are not true the man is the making of a tall tale, in the flesh. I must write about it! |
Noah | My penpal has a sense of humor. He sent me drinks. I may have smoldered for him. Obviously, this is the start of a friendship. |
Norwood | He has a sense of humor, even if he needs a little more training in how to fight. |
Ophne | A big man, and a jovial one at that. Surprisingly quick to fall during a spar given his size, but still he rises in good humor. One to watch -- not so much for his fighting skills perhaps, but for his outlook. |
Ophne | His beard wasn't everything I'd been led to believe it might be. I'm gutted. Absolutely gutted. Apart from that disappointment, he appeared to have a wealth of commonsense and was easy to talk with. |
Orelia | Gentle giant. |
Orick | Any person who makes new friends with free ale is my kind of person... Generosity is a subtle wisdom and a nuanced language unlike any other, those who understand it often speak through action with an effortless charm. Beard oil, a hint of brine and 2 parts essence of sea grass. A fresh scent that lingers on the air with a presence like the sea itself. |
Orland | Blackheart called his looks EPIC. That is a first. I concurred, the beard is great. He also has a sense of humor to go along with our teasing of our friend. He has my approval! Signed and Sealed. |
Piccola | Some people enjoy dressing up and parading around like an ass, but I prefer not to confirm what people believe of me. |
Quenia | One of the Kennex boys. I truly wish to have an opportunity to work with him sometime, as I have with his brothers. All of them are good people. |
Raimon | Just met him on the sparring - room floor. Stands tall. Hits hard. And his eyes contain a contagious, good - natured, and good - humored laughter. Good heart, good man. Does Kennex proud! |
Raja | Not your typical silk. He can get down and dirty with the rest of us. |
Ras | Gotta say I can respect this guy. He might seem confused a lot, but he ain't confused about important shit, like what goes in bowls and what goes in jars. Also, real straightforward when he gets snubbed by sassy ladies. |
Rawen | He is so much fun to watch spar. I am looking forward to seeing just how well he can wield that large axe of his. |
Rebecca | It was kind of him to join me on the beach for a picnic, I do hope I wasn't too droll that afternoon, he seems like a very energetic Lord. |
Reese | Once Lord Kennex,now Sir Porter. Seems like a honorable man who will likely do good things for Compact. |
Reigna | The third of the Kennex brothers, and yet to say such and measure him against his siblings is a disservice. A man on his own, he is the Admiral of the Kennex fleet, clearly seeks to better himself in matters of swordplay and is not afraid of defeat, seeing it as a chance for growth. Plus, this one *laughs*! It is amazing! Okay, so maybe that last bit was a comparison. |
Revell | Apparently the one to blame for /everything/. I need one of those in my life, a life I still have in no small part thanks to him, I might add. Has a tendency to mutter things everyone's thinking. |
Romulius | The largest of the Kennex brothers is every bit as radiantly optimistic as his reputation would have you believe, but it's something much better experienced personally, even if it comes with the cost of a few licks in a spar. |
Rosalind | He's a giant who likes sailing! But apparently not sparkles, which is weird! I swear when I first met him, he was glittery! I need to further observe.. |
Rowynna | Sir Porter knows his place in the world and seems happy for it. He surely has a great sense of humour too, for he admitted to losing an arm wrestle to someone half his size. I'm not certain he was serious. |
Rukhnis | He does indeed seem very down-to-earth for a noble, unpretentious and kind. Besides which, he clearly has a discerning eye for people -- both their mannerisms and their character. |
Sabella | While I think all of the Kennex boys are fun, I am particularly fond of Lord Porter and his ability to always enjoy himself wherever he is! It's always a fun time when he shows up and he always has a hilarious tale or two to share when he does stop by! Even if most of them end with him falling out of a window. |
Samira | He's loud and funny and HUGE. I can appreciate someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, someone who knows how to have fun - especially when life's been pretty serious lately. Rorik's cousin, too, and I can only imagine the trouble they get into together. |
Santiago | Lord Porter Kennex is a lively gentleman with a fine beard. In Tor, many men do not carry facial hair, but when we do it is almost always oiled and styled. Lord Porter is an example of this when I met him, and his attention to his own appearance, as well as his zest for life is a great display of Kennex qualities. |
Sanya | He's far different to the Kennex' I've met prior but no less enjoyable to be around. |
Saro | It's not every man who's adventurous enough to be kindred spirits with a jumping spider! I hope he comes by to visit Dot again sometime. |
Savio | He's a very good sport. The Council approves. |
Sorrel | He's got an amazing beard, for one thing. But he's also charming and friendly and has a good sense of humor. A right good guy to know. |
Sunniva | An imposingly large man, Porter seems nevertheless to be a giant teddy bear. Of course, after watching him spar with my cousin, Bree, I can imagine him to be a terrifying foe on a battlefield. He seems to have a ready smile and joyous laugh - I wonder if I'm reading too much in to what I saw between him and Bree? |
Svana | Seemingly a gentle giant, though I would hate to ever piss him off. He's a lot more sensible than some other men. |
Svoli | Except for knocking me on my ass, this guy could be alright. I'll see what Alban thinks of him. |
Sydney | Forever in solidarity that the ROPE is the WORST. |
Talwyn | The mantle of Solace is on this knight / that in the midsts of a brawl stood tall / many a would be assailant fell before his might / yet even he stopped when the Inquisition yelled 'HALT!' |
Tanith | A friend of Austen's. Bearded. Good sense of humor, he needs to visit all the time. |
Tarik | A very large man. He is related to Lord Wash by marriage. He talks really loud for a reason. I met him at the Traders Tavern, when I bought a round of drinks. |
Tescelina | He has a laugh like a Fomorian. It was quite surprising. Though he is friendly and he has excellent tastes in hats. He is like the sea in that way, big and vast and capable of surprising things. |
Thea | He holds his liquor alright. But I mean...well. He's better at sailing. |
Torian | This is a man that clearly cares about his family. Can't say the same for evrey noble. It's a good trait. |
Tyrus | Porter is... Well, Porter. It's good to see he's yet among the living, a rare constant in a world of change. |
Valerian | A bearded, boisterous cousin of mine. He's got a vice-like grip, but he means well! So far, I haven't broken a collarbone. |
Verity | You wouldn't expect this man to have such a keen sense for interior decoration, but it's true! I must remember him the next time I'm confronted with an aggressive wall. |
Vittorio | I'm not sure if he's serious or goofy, but at least he rises up to the plate. |
Wagner | Crossed him in the training center - bloke ain't half bad, but wonder what wild hair is makin' him become a Godsworn. Don't seem the type. |
Wash | Is this the new serious Porter? Admiral Porter? Even if not, I'm content to see the Kennex brothers leading the house as they always seemed destined to do. |
Wil | A selfless, compassionate and cautious man. The type to put the needs of others before himself. Truly everything one hopes for in an Archlector of Gild. |
Wulfrum | Admiral Porter Kennex has a frank and companionable manner that bodes well for future projects. |
Yelana | Very loud. Very tall. Very...very. |
Yrsa | Surprisingly quick on his feet despite his size and the amount of armour he wears. Gracious in both victory and defeat, and good fun to spar with. I look forward to the rematch! |
Yuri | Sir Porter showed me a great kindness in the training center. I wish I had ample time to speak to him at the cleanup when the time was right. But making fine acquaintances over a spar will suffice. Another lesson for the books. |
Zakhar | A young lord and knight with a lovely beard. Very easy to get along with, well mannered, even with the kits in the way. |
Zoey | The fun big brother I got when I married into this family. No matter how dark it gets, he brings the levity we so desperately need. |
Zyanya | I could not tell if he was bearded or if those were nighttime clouds draped on his head as mountains have. Why is everything so tall in Arvum? But he was a very polite and busy mountain. |