Lord Lance Moore
In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful and the sun is always shining.

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Knight in Shining Armor
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 18
Birthday: 9/10
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: golden blonde
Eye Color: dazzling blue
Skintone: sunkissed
Obituary: Killed by forces unknown when Acorn Hill fell.
Description: Lance could have stepped out of the pages of a children's book as the very ideal of a knight. Everything about the young man is perfect, he's tall, his frame still has some of the lankiness of youth but he carries it with a confident swagger. His hair is always perfect, his teeth are straight, unchipped and gleaming white. His nose unlike many of his peers, has never been broken, and there's no scars on his unblemished, sun-kissed skin. His hands while callused some from swordplay, are always clean, nails buffed and trim. Most dazzling though are his smiles, always at the ready especially in the presence of a lady.
Personality: Lance prides himself in being Knightly in all things: he is quick to pull out chairs for ladies, hold doors, even let his cloak be trampled on in puddles if absolutely necessary. His bows are perfect and he's courteous to a fault. For Lance the idea of being a knight is about the performance of knightliness as much, if not more than it is about cutting down foes with a sword. Here in the city of Arx, surrounded by beautiful young women who have been so wrongly been exposed to the callus and low mannered aspects of society it is even more vital that he strive to do just that.
Background: One of the youngest of the Moore cousins, Lance has always been a golden child in the family, his parents scrimped and saved to ensure he had things a knight needs - a horse, a sword, armour, and dotting, wealthier relations levied their connections to get him trainers in these things, piling their eggs in this one basket that is 'most likely to make something important of himself' in their eyes.
If success is seeming the part, Lance has certainly succeeded, and with his cousins settling into Arx, his parents sent him along to join them so he can make the connections he needs to show the world that the Moores are not just wheat growing hicks but real nobility. This Lance has embraced whole-hearted, eager to make a name for himself and hopefully save some damsels while he does it!
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Artur | A chivalrous young Lord I met in the Sleepless Knights. He's got a lot of the same dreams of glory and heroism I do and I knew straight away we were going to be close friends! I'm already proud of my new Protege and keen to see how he will develop. |
Shae | Smells like flowers. Kind. Young. Very young. Looks better when he's dirty. |