Sir Jeffeth Bayweather
Everyone's story is worth telling around the campfire. You never know who you'll meet on the road.

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Kindly Knight of the Road
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 30
Birthday: 1/20
Religion: Faith of the Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: dark gold
Eye Color: ocean blue
Skintone: tanned
Description: Broad-shouldered and strong, Jeffeth's physique is a testament to the countless hours of hard outdoor labor as well as cultivated athleticism of deliberate, careful traning. One would be hard pressed to find even a hint of an ounce of fat throughout the large coiled muscles that compose the man's body. Tall and imposingly broad, the man is not one who would be able to hide in a crowd very easily. The man's body is evidence of his legendary athleticism, strength and speed contained in the near perfect musculature of this behemoth of a man. With everything about this man being gigantic, it is easy for the man to strike an imposing figure. Coupled with that the extreme scarring and disfiguration, he is an intimidating presence to be sure.
While half of his face could be considered handsome, clean and boyish, a gallant knight stepping straight out of the storybooks the other half of his face is a nightmare of scars and old wounds. It appears as if the entire right side of Jeffeth's face must have been melted off at one point. Though he has healed, the end result is a terrifying visage of healed over burn scars, pulling his lips permanently into a lopsided frown. The scarring continues down the man's neck and over his shoulder. Here, it appears an entirely different scar emerges. A strange winding scar that wraps around the man's giant bicep, almost like some sort of tribal tattoo winding down until it reaches the wrist. If seen without a shirt, the muscular landscaped sheathed in a gold-tanned skin continues to tell stories with scars. What appears to be bite marks are scarred onto one side, though the teeth look far to big to be any conventional animal. Perhaps a large bear? There are other scars, many, marring the man's body that speak of his continuous brushes with death. Despite this, his eyes are a deep, dark blue, yet despite their fathomless depths, there is an unceasing warmth that seems to glimmer in them.
Personality: Jeffeth is warm, and friendly, and mellow. It's possible that somewhere within that broad-shouldered frame there could be a spark of heat, for it is true there is a spine, and he will stand up for those as need standing up for. But primarily, the best weapons he has to apply to any situation -- aside from the sword and shield he has trained in -- are his patience and his understanding. He has a knack for approaching the complex, the dramatic, and the tense, and breaking issues down to their component parts, to tackle problems in small, handleable pieces, rather than huge, overwhelming panics. He is a loving man of deep optimism and golden-forged hope. Sure, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but not everyone needs to be a genius, and his emotional intelligence is stronger than many a book-learning lesson.
Background: Jeffeth was orphaned in the Boroughs, probably in some kind of kerfuffle over the drug trade, although honestly who knows-- the priests and disciples and Knights of Solace who took over his rearing at the Tragedy never really seemed to know who his parents were, and no one who he asked could remember his mother. Presumably he had one, and didn't just appear in a basket at the orphanage one day, but these things can be hard for a little boy to find out.
Because he was a big, strong boy in his early teens, the Cullers flirted with trying to snap him up as a runner, and there were times -- when he was cold, and hungry, and tired, say -- that he was tempted. But there was just something about the lines of work that were available to him that palled, and he slipped away from those friends, those connections, those chances, and plunged into the Faith with a will, a grown man with a little boy's unstinting gratitude for the opportunities he was offered. He began as a Disciple of Gild, thinking that that was enough, and worked in the orphanage that had raised him, spending patient hours with children who were often frightened, and angry, and brimming over with fear and frustration.
One day, he decided that he wanted to be a true Knight of Solace, the way those who mentored him were; to see the world, to protect those who needed protecting, and to always come home from his sojourns to take care of the children back at home.
He threw himself into it with a will, and became one of the mainstays of the Knights: his warmth and unstinting optimism are enough to make up for his simplicity for most.
Name | Summary |
Imi | Tall, stoic, the friend you want to have your back. |
Lys | It's Jeffeth. How can words describe him? He's big, he's tall, well meaning, and he married me-- that is he officiated my marriage. |
Medeia | Still larger than life - no, really, how did he get so big? It always surprises me. |
Sabella | I have so many questions about where carrots come from, now. |