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Action Id: 1398 Crisis: Participants: Corban and Ryhalt
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 11, 2017, 9 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Silver: 100000

Action by Corban

With so many freed Thralls, many are looking to (hopefully) resettle to other lands. Lord Corban will lead the lent West Rock merchant marine, escorted by its traditional allies, the Telmar navy, to Stormward to recruit those that may wish to resettle in the Oathlands. Corban will also detail soldiers as security forces in case troubles should arise on the voyage back home.

Unlike some, Corban is not looking for just crafters or those in thralldom from debts. He will accept prodigal warriors for Telmar, seeking to grow the army ranks, and those that Ryhalt might show interest in, inspiring them with tales of the lives of honor and service that could await them. (Since the Oathlands are so far from the Isles, it is not as if these warriors would battle their old neighbors). He will also use his silver to set up resettled thralls with the necessities of life where they land.

Action by Ryhalt

Ryhalt is sending a number of ships from the Westrock fleet as well as a complement of armsmen to help keep things orderly just in case, bent on ferrying former thralls that need a place to live and work, settle areas in the westrock marches that are away from Darkshore influences, or go wherever in the Oathlands will take them if they prefer.


Thanks to their efforts, a number of refugees settle in both the Telmarch and Westrock Reach. Their military forces do a great amount of peacekeeping, and under their watchful eyes, there's no attacks on any of the refugee movements, though there are rumors of pirate activities on isolated shipping away from the convoys. Both Westrock and Telmar see small population gains.