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Action Id: 1717 Crisis: Participants: Ryhalt
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 21, 2018, 6:06 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 150000

Action by Ryhalt

On the occasion of the birth of their child the Farshaws will be donated a large some of money to the various orphanages of Arx. Their child shall grow up privileged and protected but they understand not every child does.


Duke Ryhalt and Duchess Clover Farshaw announce the birth of their daughter, Ivy Mae. As has become popular these days, they use it to buy rounds of drinks and to make a sizeable donation to supporting orphanages in the city. In times of great joy, it speaks well of them that they're still considering people who are not quite as fortunate. The people approve!