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Action Id: 4547 Crisis: Participants: Jaenelle, Hadrian, Sylvie, Quenia, Lucita, Enyo and Giada
Status: Resolved Submitted: Aug. 14, 2022, 10:10 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Jaenelle

The Lyceum is under attack from multiple sides, some hidden within shadows and spoken through whispers while others are front and center and unafraid to have their intentions known. Each domain has their watchtowers, a Lyceum wide system to alert of dangers, but that is only the first step in protecting from outside elements and warnings may be seen but then what? Jaenelle's next large project is to make sure each domain is reinforced against any enemy which comes to the front door.

Malvici: 40,000 Military resources. (4 to 5)
Magnotta: 4,500 Military resources. (1 to 3)
Saik: 13,000 Military resources. (2 to 4)
Fidante: 40,000 Military resources. (4 to 5)
Mazetti: 150,000 Military resources. (3 to 6)
Rubino-Zaffria: 40,000 Military resources. (4 to 5)
Igniseri: 50,000 Military resources. (3 to 5)
Malespero: 10,000 Military resources. (3 to 4)
Hawkmour: 10,000 Military resources. (3 to 4)

Total: 357,500 Military Resources.

Action by Lucita

Since Lucita became Baroness-regent she has learned that Saik was founded at the time that Platinum left Arx. Alessandra Saik was given the task of moving the Platinum Guard to the area now known as Saikland Greens and to watch for and defend from enemies. She was enobled by Duke Lorenzo Fidante who then abdicated his title and married Alessandra. Exploration has found what was once a strong castle. This was negotiated with the Inquisition, to lease it as a training ground for Templars and Inquisition, helping give a little additional strength to the Barony should it come under attack from enemies that fall within their interest yet not meddle in internal Barony or Lyseum or mundane affairs. A cave and tunnel system used as a sort of fall back, storage, and bank system was also found.

For the past 10 years Lucita has been steadily working on restoring Saikland Greens stability and strength closer to what it once was. Her current goal is to have a strong castle with its walls, protection, storage, and provisions built as a seat of the Barony government.

Action by Enyo

Protecting home and family has always been a number one priority for Enyo, and while she has been MIA for a little while, that urge to keep those in her fealty safe has not wavered. So when it comes to assisting with the Archduchess' next large project, she pitches in with what she can by offering her sword arm. It's an old and familiar position for her, and one that was easy to fall back into. As goods go too and fro, she offers to protect those that are transporting the materials where they need to go.

Action by Sylvie

Since resuming her mantle as Duchess Zaffria of Gemecitta, Sylvie and Grazia have begun to form a strong alliance to work together and within the Lyceum. Sylvie helps with the efforts to strengthen not just Gemecitta, but all of the Lyceum by ensuring that stones that come from their region are sent across the Lyceum efficiently and fairly. Notably, she does this by diplomatically ensuring the quarries that are being run in her region do not take this opportunity to raise their prices, and encouraging them to keep them low.

Action by Hadrian

Ostria has long been famed as the City of Walls, the Walled City by the Sea, and other similar monikers. What can often seem like an ever-changing labryinth of walls, means that the city of Ostria demands the very best of walls for the safety and security of its people. Under the direction of Duchess Cambria and Duke Hadrian Mazetti, Ostria will have them. Rotating workers and work sites, coupled with the architectural blueprints are closely guarded - and even reputed to not even exist - and even a few inaccurate copies which could result in a deadly error if used, are permitted to leak out into the hands of known spies. House Mazetti is known for guarding its secrets closely and the details of their robust series of walls are no exception.

Outwardly emissaries from Ostria will be dispatched to neighbors, near and far, both Compact and Abandoned in order to keep diplomatic lines fresh while also offering explanation for the walls: defensive purposes, citing the First Bank of Ostria as one of many examples of Ostria's defensive nature.

Action by Giada

Giada assists House Velenosa by acting as a logistical consultant in exchange for a generous donation to the Mirrormasks. She will be using her particular specialization of plotting secure routes that shave time off the usual pace and smooth the inherent dangers and difficulties of such a large project. A great deal of time is spent poring over maps, especially considering the number of Houses receiving military aid from the Archduchess and how great their geographical distances are.

Action by Quenia

House Igniseri has long had its eye on defense, especially since they've uncovered some of their role within the Sylv'alfar War, with Lady Maria Igniseri holding off 50,000 Hounds of the Swarm off with a small contingent of soldiers (clue 3720) and Lady Payton Igniseri rescuing a phoenix from the Sylv'alfar and later finding a place for it to safely hatch, only to have it become her familiar (clues 880, 893, 908).

Quenia has done everything she can to bolster the army and add additional defenses to the grounds surrounding Granato, which includes building up the walls to the strongest possible materials she can find. She uses her considerable social skills to win over the workers, while also using her exceptional understanding of economics to make sure they get a fair price for the materials being used, bargaining for stone all around the Lyceum to ensure that several different domains profit.

She feels this is especially important after three Thornweave were found on her lands during their early attacks, only to be stopped by Sir Corban Telmar, Lady Eirene Riven, Lady Mia Riven, and several other companions. She feels it is the least she can do to ensure her people are safe.


All of their domains see significant improvements in their fortifications, and for Ostria in particular it's become one of the most defensible city-states in Arvum. One notable side effect is this has led to the Lyceum as a whole diverting far more of its resources into defensive fortifications, as other city-states not involved have become far more nervous about the development of year-long defensive build ups and did not want their own domains to look vulnerable.

Castles updated, resources removed from Jaenelle.