Princess Caith Thrax
I want to see everything the world has to offer, and I want to touch it with these hands. And if it needs a hug, maybe these arms.

Description: Caith has a wind-whipped style, an elegance, and a softness to her motion, the poise of someone who is always on the edge of dancing. She wears her fine champagne-blonde hair loose in stylistically tousled waves to her shoulders, and tends to have at least one article of clothing that she can whirl about, be it skirts or a filmy scarf. Her nails are perfectly manicured, frequently carefully painted, maybe to distract attention from the signs of calluses about her fingertips. Her eyes are large and deep green, with a bright luster, and she can pull off just a killer wink. Her hand with makeup is subtle and elegant but for her habit of reaching for lip color just one shade too dark for her fair skin and soft gold hair. She is slight and slim, with fine bone structure and high, aristocratic cheekbones in her slightly narrow, angular face.
Personality: There is an unassuming energy about Caith, a warm, vivacious outpouring of herself into her surroundings that, despite her occasional forays into the fantastical or strange and a tendency to occasionally take metaphors really just too far, makes it difficult not to like her at least a little bit. Imaginative, creative and deeply generous, Caith's passion for life, for story and for a general, optimistic embrace of common humanity makes her a lively addition to most social situations. She wants adventure and romance, although to be clear, not too much romance, because she doesn't want to be tied down. She wants to be free to see the world. She wants to help people, and to give away more than she gets, but also not to give away too much, because she recognizes that it costs money to outfit an expedition, and to keep a girl in books she hasn't read. There is an elegance to her, a freewheeling grace, a lure that is hard to resist.
Background: Princess Caith Thrax, the first daughter of her mother Alyona's second marriage, followed by two other younger sisters -- ack, sisters everywhere, even an older half-sister from her mother's previous marriage, though she and Cassima were too many years apart to be truly close -- until her mother finally gave up and admitted that there just weren't going to be any sons. According to the marriage contract between Thrax and Leary, the daughters of the marriage would be fostered at the Leaholdt, due to some ideas both Caith's father Edouan Leary and his family had about what happens to women in the Mourning Isles. It's strange to think that your summers by in the woods were paid for essentially by a great many lumber concessions made in a trade negotiation before you were born, but Caith loved her time with her Leary uncles and aunts, and she loved, especially, her time on the ships sailing back and forth from the spar at Brighthold to the south of the Leaholdt to her real family's home at Maelstrom. She would stand at the prow of the ship, letting the sea spray splash on her face, and pretend that they were sailing -- not the simple route with which she was familiar -- but to wild, faraway, or just straight up fantastically made up places.
For Caith's whole life, there were two things she loved best: being outdoors where her imagination could run away with her and escape, and being indoors, surrounded by paper and ink, breathing in the words written on the page so that ... her imagination could run away with her and escape. There was a vivacious, infectious energy about her that enabled her to share her wild flights of fancy with the other children, sometimes even those serious children who would ordinarily be more interested in other things. A born storyteller and a winsome speaker, Caith learned to spin her tales for others and learned to listen well; it became a skill as she grew older that also became excellent for derailing burgeoning conflict, a master distraction artist that would make her namesake proud.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adora | Well, what do you expect with so much inbreeding. I don't like her. |
Aella | I had heard that Arx had cute little animals that could talk and act like people but never did I think I would actually see one of the little critters! |
Aethan | Has a cute dog. |
Agatha | DEFINITELY a little sister like Elgana. But she has as much big energy as I do, I think! She could probably be trained to be an excellent bear. |
Ajax | A high spirited princess, a likely talented woman with a seemingly good heart. I wonder if her sister is the utter opposite of her like she claims |
Alarie | Valued client. |
Alarissa | One of the more delightful thrax! |
Aleksei | Honestly delightful. It's always nice to have an appreciative audience. |
Alessandro | A very talented namer of alcohol. Must remember to congratulate her again, loudly and in public. |
Andry | Good hugger |
Anisha | What a ray of sunshine in Princess form! Princess Caith has zest, energy and a lust for life I've rarely seen the equal of. I bet she goes on the most exciting adventures, even if they are merely to the nearest salon! The right attitude can bring joy and excitement into any activity. Her ideas of Whisper Life are perhaps not entirely accurate for one hundred percent of the time, but who am I to disabuse someone of the glamour we so carefully cultivate? |
Ariella | The Thrax princess that likes everyone. That's weird. |
Austen | A most ebullient princess, though perhaps a little more enthusiastic than I am used to. She has a wonderful way about her, however. |
Barric | She is most entertaining when drunk, but a happy drunk is always the best kind. I think she would make an excellent person to know so I must get to know her better. |
Bianca | The princess very much reminds me of a reflection of myself in my younger years. She has a passion for stories and knowledge that is both charming and engaging, but I worry that the wonder that shines in her eyes will dull as the secrets of our world become known to her. I pray that day never comes for her and she maintains that innocence as long as possible. |
Bliss | Witty, pretty, certainly someone deserving to be in a ditty. My life has been duller than it should be without your humor more commonly in it, Princess Thrax. |
Brigida | A friendly and sweet Thrax princess, but I will not try to hold any of that against her. |
Caspian | So much energy! I like it though, I like it a lot. I can see myself getting along with her just fine. |
Cirroch | Quite the impish one! I have quickly become a fan of here. I am surrounded by stuffy women, it's nice to spend time with one who knows how to have a good time! |
Coraline | OMG sister, shaking meeeeeeee. Wait, is she drunk?!? She is! Bad sister! |
Courage | Her beauty is only matched by her kindness and generosity! |
Cullen | An absolutely hilarious woman who gives the best hugs and advice. I find that Princesses from Thrax can be quite the different sort, and in the best kind of way. I hope to run into her more, even if we did have a drunken diplomatic incident. Is it true? I'll never tell... |
Cybele | Princess Caith Thrax is a very nice lady even if that is not necessarily things that Thrax traditionally value. She is soft and cheerful and caring, and I find her engaging and could talk to her for hours. Maybe even days. |
Duarte | Some of the finest company Arx has to offer. |
Echo | She likes cheese and pockets. That's two for two, and hey, she seems just as adorable as her sister. I'll definitely have to find an excuse to visit the Thrax ward! |
Elgana | A darling princess who is charming and vibrant to be around. She seems to light up the world around her when she speaks and I adore that about her so much. I think we could be very great friends. Not to mention she has the most adorable dog /ever/. This could be the start of a very wonderful friendship. |
Elloise | Caith is so BUBBLY. She'd be such a great lab assistant. If ooooonly Elly can convince her that THIS TIME nothing will explode! |
Emily | Oh Caith, can I call you Caith? I mean I can put a Princess or your Highness in there but I think in spirit you are Caith and I am happy to call you that and I shall just be Emily. Titles weigh us down and how are we expected to fly..and explore. So winsome and fun, Emily is reminded life is more than the war. Caith is most definitely a sign from Gild. |
Eurion | Wow! What a spectacular Princess! People told me that Thraxians are a grim people, but she's bursting with sunshine and warmth and wonderfulness! I shall have to adventure with her, and be a good friend! We shall defend the Compact against evil! |
Ezekiel | This is the most bubbly woman I have ever met in my life, bar none. It is... rather adorable. Something I never thought to think about senior nobility. |
Fairen | My favorite little cousin! Studious and bubbly with energy. There is so much life and joy in her. |
Faye | Clever Princess. I admire her subtlety. |
Galen | So much fun! |
Gareth | Cassima's half sister. They share the same mother and apparently Caith's father is a particularly excitable jackrabbit. With all the poise and grace of a hyperactive chipmunk she is of course delighted and celebrated by many. Her charm, good looks and temperment get her far, I'm sure. If you're into that sort of thing. |
Gilroy | Another friendly Princess. But is she the FRIENDLIEST princess? |
Gretchen | Quiet lovely and seems to be attached to that Jeffeth fellow. I wonder if she likes lipstick. |
Gwenna | Oh, Cassima's younger sister seems like such a joy and great fun! Truly, meeting her was such an easy thing and I think we could easily be great friends. I mean, she loves pockets? How could we /not/ be friends? Such a sweet woman with a hint of mischief. |
Hickson | A princess of great warmth, and an excellent teacher. She really opened my eyes and heart to the experiences of others. |
Iliana | Ah cousin. Fairen's family never ceases to amaze me. He tells me all kinds of stories and it makes me yearn for a childhood like that. I have them now though, and I shall cherish them and hopefully - MAYBE - one day, we'll have children that will be able to grow up together! |
Jarel | A woman who claims she can beat Sir Jeffeth and me at a drinking contest. I don't know much about her, but I'd like to see a face off on liquor between us three. Should be interesting. |
Jasher | A princess of Thrax, dedicated towards her siblings. Coraline should be fortunate. |
Jeffeth | At first she made me nervous but then she said she wanted to talk about orphans. A princess wanting to learn about orphans is a good thing in my book. |
Jordan | Seems to be a Thrax Princess. Loves to make puns, so after she ran out of them I murmured one. Seems fun-loving and energetic. Thrax royalty is so different it's fascinating. |
Juniper | She's trying so hard, she's really really trying, I can see it even through the... well, the everything else. And now I feel /worse/! |
Korka | She talks a lot, which I've never minded in a person. Makes my life easier. Usually. She talks a LOT. |
Laric | Innocence or ingrained optimism? I look forward to seeing her pass through a crucible. When everything else is burned away, the person you truly are can shine through or simply turn to ash and burn away -- and I suspect in spite of her Thrax heritage, the person she is closely resembles Tikva. |
Liara | Managed to enjoy a party even when it was starting to wrap up. Marvellous. She's certainly lively. |
Lorenzo | I've met many lovely individuals here in Arx, but Caith is among the most charming. It only took a nudge from Niccolo for her to seek me out, and I feel lucky she did. |
Luis | She was flying. Literally flying when she was seen for the first time. Sure there was a knight under her, holding her aloft in the air, but ignoring the knight for the moment, she was very much flying. Such an interesting way to encounter someone. The smiles, the laughter, the warmth in tone and expression, the woman is clearly kind and enjoys life. What more needs to be said? |
Lys | She's certainly creative with the names she gives to alcoholic drinks. |
Mabelle | She is so lively! And lovely! I wish I had half her energy. A dog lover. My kind of person. |
Margerie | Quite the ... creative dancer, she and her sister! |
Mirari | I'm not used to someone this chipper and bubbly. I was shocked into being polite, how often does *that* happen. She seems sweet, perhaps I should be kind and give her a second chance. |
Monique | She knows some very talented writers! And has the love of a dear friend. This makes her a very formidable woman. |
Mydas | Thrax's sunshine princess. I met her due to a small matter which turned out to be a complete waste of time. She was, however, helpful. In her bubbly, happy way. Probably the first Thraxian I've met with that attitude. |
Niklas | The Princess of Hugs. Could Caith justify the entirety of the Mourning Isles? Probably! |
Niklas | The defending Best Hugger in Arx may lose her title, but will never lose her truly amazing hug. She's going to be a fantastic grandmother some day. |
Reese | She seems friendly and took the cheese. It needs a good home. She seems cheerful. I think she might be a collector of many things herself. |
Reigna | A warm, sweet and alltogether adorable Princess of Thrax. With the exception of my cousin Sorrel I never thought to attribute any member of that fearsome House with an adjective as toothless as 'adorable', but she seems genuinely, positively... sugary. Shame about her relation to That Man. That is just a damn shame. |
Rinel | Another noblewoman who prefers to eschew titles! I feel more lost in the social world of this city with each passing day... But she is kind, and hopeful, and has promised to train me in the ways of etiquette. |
Rook | Her highness is a thorough instructor and entertaining in lessons given. A fine example of the Compact's intellectual prowess. |
Sabella | She seems so sweet and in tune with everyone else's feelings. Also? GREAT imagination! There aren't enough people out there with that these days. |
Sabella | Best. Princess. Ever! She's me if I were Thrax. And a slightly less better hugger! |
Sabella | Prince Gareth often said that Princess Caith was me in Thrax form but I don't think that's true. She's so amazingly warm and wonderfully welcoming and she shines with an inner light you just don't see in most people no matter how hard you look! Also, she's an INCREDIBLE hugger! But, none greater than Grayson at hugging! |
Samael | I met her while shopping with my daughter. She seemed polite and perhaps in love with pants. |
Saoirse | She is an energetic. Just one. |
Sigurd | A lovely princess of some such. Not hung up on her title and pretty to boot. |
Silvana | She is very.. excitable. It is a bit much but she seems pleasant. She reminds me of Esme. |
Sorrel | Caith is so earnest and so charming and so eager! It's hard not to do exactly what she wants because she's just so adorable. I love conspiring with her and going on fun adventures. Girlfriends forever! |
Sparte | She has an incredible enthusiasm for life. Living it, feeding passions, feeding people, possibly feeding passions to people. I'm not really sure where the limit is, I was afraid to ask. |
Stefano | Named after my barony. Curious. Seems awfully cheerful for a Thrax, which can only be a good thing. |
Sunaia | Marquis Fairen's cousin has more energy than I have ever seen in anyone, with wanderlust, as well. Perhaps we'll have opportunity to travel together, at some point. |
Theron | Very different from her sister. Has a sense of humor and fun, and seems to be sweet on Sir Jeffeth. He is one tower of a man, though, and she seemed impressed by the height and the story he shared. Also generous: she bought me a drink. Appreciated! |
Tomwell | My beloved cousin! Thank the gods I finally have someone in this city I can properly talk to! |
Valarian | A Princess Thrax! Beaaaaautiful and a charmer for sure! Dainty toes, sparkling personality, sharp wit - and even was able to stand my awful howling in order to keep a running joke. I do so enjoy another prankster. Plus, she didn't mind me being naked in front of her. People get weird! |
Valdemar | Cassima's sister was a pleasant surprise on an unpleasant day, to be sure. |
Vera | Although our meeting was brief, she seems quite sweet and kind. The poor girl must have a good sense of humor to endure all that singing! |
Victus | This one is strange. Bubbly, exuberant, smiling... How do any of these qualities survive the harsh cold of the Mourning Isles? This cousin of mine is an anomaly. Not a bad one in the least, but one that does make me cock my head and mumble like an idiot at times. |
Viktor | I am never quite sure where she is going to end up, she is like a butterfly flitting from place to place, never staying down for long. Makes it hard to have a real conversation but then again, I am hardly conversation worthy. |
Willow | Showed up as Sir Jeffeth's date, so I know she has wonderful taste. |
Ysabel | I am her Baroness. As such it is my sworn duty to make sure she is cared for and attented to. I must be a fair and wise ruler to make sure she grows up nice and strong. Oh I just love her! |
Zoey | What an amazing woman! Her youthful energy and the way she bucks the traditional princess role makes her someone truly special. I hope one day that she will call me a friend. |