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Action Id: 2134 Crisis: Participants: Joscelin
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 2, 2018, 8 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Joscelin

Joscelin wants to know who she was in her lives before, specifically the reason why she is God-Touched this turn around the wheel. It has been said that one being favored in such a way has to do with what one did before. Before this life, or the last, or something. She's curious now and wants to know, so sets herself forth to the Hall of Heroes to meditate and pray and perhaps learn more about this.


Joscelin prays, and she meditates, and she sleeps in the Shrine of Jayus, and she dreams. And she wakes and she meditates, and she prays, and she meditates some more. And then she decides, there as she hopes for some kind of knowledge or divine communication, that she should be making something and so she takes her tools and she starts working on a fine chain to hold a pendant.

As she twists metal most carefully now, the world around her fades and she is suddenly entranced in her work. Each link in the chain, made as evenly as possible, uniform and careful. The work of a master as she is, she pays attention to the smallest detail. Lovingly she bends and twists, linking together to form one purpose. And there she sees it - each link is unique and beautiful, but only together can it serve its purpose. And now she sees a line of Seers, each one unique, each one working together as a master crafter would shape them. Alone each one is small, but together they help shape the Dream, moving it ever toward good. Away from evil.

The understanding is too great for mortal mind to encompass for more than a flash, but she is left staring at her chain and knowing she is one link among many, forged to guide her people toward the Light.