Terris Tehoa
I'm perfectly fine living on my own, I just choose not to. For now.

Description: The man's Prodigal nature is readily apparent to most eyes. His hair is unkempt, but clean. Shorn at the sides nearly to the scalp, but the top is several inches long, and eternally unruly. He has a tattoo on the side of his neck. Several concentric circles, with many wavy lines extend outwards, like rays from a sun, but do not quite touch the circles themselves. He has a strong and prounounced jaw, ending in a square chin, with just the slightest hint of a cleft, above which is a mouth with thick, full lips. High strong cheekbones are visible, in part due to a general leanness of frame, like a panther or leopard. Ears, from which dangle a few small copper hoops, stick out just a tiny bit too far, but in a way that some might find endearing.
Personality: Terris isn't particularly unfriendly, but he is very reclusive. This whole city thing is new to him, and he finds it intimidating and loud. As such, he'll often be seen sitting in a corner, typically by himself, watching the room like the hunter he is. On the other hand, give him access to a canine or avian, and his affectionate and caring side will come right out. Otherwise, he might seem standoffish to people, but it's often more a mixture of shyness with just a touch of mistrust.
Background: Having been born to the Tehoa peoples of Deepwood forest, Terris lost his tribe when he was 7 years old. The Greenwood tribe, led by Thesarin, raided the much smaller nomadic tribe at the break of spring of that year. He was saved only because his hound puppy, Nico, had fled from the cave where his tribe was wintering, and Terris had gone to chase him. By the time the young lad returned, the Greenwoods were just finishing with their looting, and slaying the last of the women. Terris saw this from a distance, and watched as the war party's leader urinated on the fire at the entrance of the cave. A face that faded from his mind's eye, as the years passed, but never from his memory.
Those years were spent in the forests, largely. Tehoa peoples were taught young how to survive in the wilds. As he grew larger, he would send Nico to distract someone at a stream, washing clothes, then sneak down and steal whatever he could grab and run away with. He would hunt mostly by way of snares, still, or with Nico's help, sometimes using a length of stick with a fire hardened tip as a spear. This was just enough to stay alive. Eventually, Terris' thefts were noticed, but given his young age and wild nature, the tribes of Deepwood that he would steal from became more curious than angry. Why was a lone boy of such young age by himself in the forests?
And so, one of these tribes intentionally left a bag of clothing, near where they did their wash. Also in the bag was some dried foods, as well as a small obsidian knife. The knife was a treasured tool for the youth, now into his early teens. He came back in the spring of the next year, and there was another bag. More clothes. More food. The year after when Terris went to the spot, he left several uncured pelts of winter rabbits, fur white as snow, as thanks. This sort of trade happened for several more years, until the spring of Terris' 16th year. He came to the spot and there was the bag, and sitting in front of a camp fire, a man. Terris cautiously approached the man, who didn't stand, but just smiled and turned the spit containing a pair of pheasants. Terris was invited to eat, and then questioned by the man. When his benefactor offered Terris a place in his tribe, the Othalas, Terris initially refused. The man understood, and asked if the boy would like to learn to hunt with a bow. Man and boy spent the spring doing just that. Terris took quickly to the weapon, and his ability to hunt increased many fold. The following spring, he had not only hare pelts, but a pair of white wolves, and fox furs, and even a badger. Again the man made the offer for Terris to join his tribe, and Terris refused, though he did accept a fine overcloak made from the hide of a bear, that had belonged to the man himself.
The third year, Terris' 18th, he finally accepted the offer to come and meet the tribe, but initially made no agreement to join. It seemed almost a sign when, resting peacefully with his head upon Terris' lap, Nico passed away. As if the hound was able to go beyond, believing Terris would be taken care of. Terris was touched when the Othalas shared his grief, and, tentatively, joined the tribe.
So skilled was Terris with the bow, and at hunting, that he began teaching the children of the Othalas. He knew many tricks that the tribe, more reliant upon the bow for their hunting, did not know. 4 peaceful years passed for Terris, who grew into manhood, accepted fully by the Othalas. Then, when Terris was 22, living in the Deepwoods with his new people, Tolmar Brand besieged Arx. The Othalas were one of many Shav'arvani to take the knee. Terris was against the move, but these people were his family, and so he joined them.
One of the Rangers of the Deepwoods saw Terris' skill with the bow, and enlisted him, explaining that he could protect his people against Tolmar Brand's forces by using his skills to hunt men, instead of game. After the siege ended, the Rangers of Deepwood were like another family to Terris. One that he needn't see very often, but found comraderie with, sharing the occasional campfire in the woods. And it is in this capacity that Terris was sent to Arx. A messenger for the Rangers. Despite his independent nature, he learned to follow orders, and so when Marquessa Samantha asked for one of the better archers of the Rangers be sent to teach new recruits in Arx, Terris was given the dubious honor.
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