Lord Tobias Telmar
Men, formation! Forward until we see crimson on the ground from front to back!

Description:     At 6'1, Tobias is not a giant, but his shoulders begin where most people heads end. His expressive green eyes and chiseled features have a distinct lack of framing from a mostly shaved head of light brown, adopting only a light coat of hair in light of his profession.
    The rest of him makes it clear Tobias exercises regularly, with bulging muscles speaking of intense training. The only thing marring his otherwise perfectly sun kissed skin is the scar that goes perfectly vertical on his right cheek.
    When he moves, he tends to move with purpose when on the job... but otherwise, he adopts a casual personality that almost feels like a different person. Above it all though... is the unshakable grace of one who was born to nobility, of mannerisms only a childhood among peerage gives.
    Calm, collected, and somewhat charming professionally, Tobias somehow managed to become everything his father isn't during his childhood. Years of being tutored by what amounted to a drill sergeant on steroids did give Tobias a preference for discipline among his company, and while he's never let that get in the way of courtesy, it's left him with a bitter distaste for the idea of forming his entire life around military servitude.
    His job allows him to pick his own contracts and do as he pleases, which suits him just fine. It isn't a fair stretch to call him a walking contradiction of wild man and suave seducer. Outside of his work, Tobias can usually be seen enjoying himself at parties, whether with wine or women... or reading books and training.
    Above it all though... Tobias is possessive of the things he considers his. Try to take anything from him, and that calm, collected temperament quickly fades.
Background: Beaten into shape, that is how Tobias would describe having spent his childhood. He was everything his father is not, but being the oldest son, he was expected to one day take over as General from his father. Indeed, Tobias threw himself into his studies and training quite well, but compensated for his own sanity with indulging himself excessively outside of his daily training... a fact that drove his father to press him even harder. After all, if he had the energy for pursuing sports and women, he had energy to do more training. This vicious cycle took most of his teenage years... until finally, he seduced Beatrice Grimhall at a wedding reception, and spent a month doing semi-nightly 'meetings' with her before they were caught by the Telmar Guard.
Furious, Duke Grimhall demanded that Arn arrange a marriage to his daughter. Never more than a casual dalliance to find some measure of enjoyment in his fathers relentless schedule, Tobias outright refused, setting off a dispute between father and son that ended with Tobias disappearing a week later, under the cover of night.
It's been many years since that night, with Tobias coming back to public Compact life as the Lord General of the Crimson Blades. He's spoken very little of the five years he had disappeared to anyone, and has seen the Crimson Blades through the Silent War with skill and professionalism, along with many other contracts. Tobias might be the black sheep heir of House Telmar for now, but there's no denying he's a skilled general and warrior in his own right.
Relationship Summary
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