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Action Id: 2084 Crisis: Participants: Saoirse
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 19, 2018, 1:31 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Saoirse

Saoirse is looking for a patron of the Salon, or some way to secure frequent income for the society so they may use it to throw events or offer incentives for hosting debates. Simply put, she's reaching out to her contacts and explaining what they're doing and why they need a few bucks. She knows the king personally now, she's a member of a royal house, this shouldn't be TOOOOOO hard!


It's... a mixed bag. 20 different peers (or wealthy merchants that wish they were peers), make a promise of several hundred silver for week in support of the Salon. It's not the income of a great house, but it is better than nothing, certainly. And for Saoirse herself, a note in her room vanishes, and she is now receiving a generous personal allowance per week from sources that seem difficult to pin down, and following an extremely circuitous route through scores of different Lycene trading companies.