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Action Id: 808 Crisis: Participants: Aleksei
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 2, 2017, 9:36 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Aleksei

Aleksei, Fortunato, and Aureth are poking around looking for information on Agnes. Talking to friends, family, loved ones, etc. about anything strange that may have been going on with her, particularly in her last weeks. If her rooms or belongings are still around anywhere and they can get access, they’ll poke around there. All three of them are leaning on their general familiarity with the Lower Boroughs and their various connections with its denizens. (Including Aureth’s shadier ties, if need be.) Look, they’re LB regulars! You can talk to them!

While Aleksei and Aureth are probably Charming and Streetwise-ing their way through this, Fortunato is probably going a more Perceptive and Investigatory route.


No strange meetings stand out, or any big hints. A few of her friends note she had been a little more reclusive in the last months, and had been reading a lot of self-help style books with titles like, "Emotionally Inaccessible Men and the Women Who Changed them."