Lord Jorygg Crovane
It feels so good to be lost in the right direction.

Description: Jorygg looks like one would call, 'a clean mess'. Not dirty or bad smelling, just does not pay much mind to how his hair or his beard look. The former would be considered mid-length and shaggy and the beard thought as short but not having been trimmed in at least a week or two. He doesn't have the larger frame Crovane men are known for, more athletic and trim rather than bulky or lanky. There's a few small and light scars on his face and his hands seem like they've callouses in the right spots that archers are known for.
Personality: Jorygg is a quiet, but easy going sort. He's never been rash or hasty, but neither calculating or a planning type either. He's the type that's easy to adapt to a given situation. Which might give him something of a care-free attitude, but in reality tends to consider heavily on what is going to be the most survivable outcome of a given situation. Jorygg is a survivor, and it's been his ability to adapt to his environment, whether that's in the frozen wastes or a fancy dinner party that's seen him through in one piece. And adaptable as he may be, he still has his morals, knowing that there are times that the 'right thing' and the path of least resistance are not always one in the same. Usually anything but. So he tries to be a decent man, but in the end, so long as he can make sure that he and his own make it out alright, he's done enough. Have to be realistic about these things.
Background: Second son of the second son, Jorygg had your general upbringing of any family member in Stormwall. It wasn't until he allowed to really start spending time with hunters and rangers that were in the family employ when he started to come into his own as a person. While his siblings and cousins prided themselves on either being sailors or warriors of the house, he focused on the methods of hunting and scouting. Turned out he was a fair shake at it, and as time passed, those in Stormwall would see less and less of him, ranging to the west and to the north of their holding.
He had an affiliated with the military, acting as a scout for Crovane warbands, or being a look out on of the longboats, being a decent shot with a bow happened to assist him in the latter situations than the former, having taken to hatchets when he's run out of arrows. He saw his fair share of adventure both in combat and exploration. Sometimes, he'd simply say he was going scouting and vanish for weeks at a time, to do nothing more than spend time in the wilds, always in an effort to hone his ability at survival.
It wasn't until he was around 20 years old is when he was thrown into a marriage with a woman from Thrax to affirm some trading treaties and just the general fact that they at times shared the same waters with each other. She was a cousin in the Darkwater line, and they got on well enough. Friendly, at least. There was no outright hostility, though with the birth of their son a year later is when people would say they actually became close.
Sadly, that would not last. Four years later, his wife, on her way back to Stormwall from visiting her family, died at sea, all hands were lost aboard. It left Jorygg a widower with a young son to tend to on his own. His wife had been the better parent, he had been passable at best. But did his best he would do. His son, Dafydd(or just Dai as everyone called him)was only four, and Jorygg knew that his adventures in the wilds would have to be put on hold for a time.
Good thing he stuck around, as five years later he would be apart of the effort to drive back the Gyre's army on the shore of Stormwall, and later within the city itself until it was ravaged. He had sent Dai away long before any action happened and by the time it was done, found out that somehow he had lived through the whole thing, though with a handful of scars to show for it. With Stormwall reduced to ruin, there was nothing for him to do but to pack up his things and head to Arx. Maybe his cousin Asger could have some use for him there.
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