Marquessa Sunniva Harthall
One can always offer kindness for it is infinite.

Obituary: Left on a boat with a handful of others, it's told she died in a 'blaze of glory', and that her sacrifice 'changed the tide of a whole war'.
Description: The singular Oathlands grace has blessed the lady with the elegance of one poised in every action. But through that regality and lengthened features there resides a softness of spirit that carries through her in every sense. Her smile is warm and inviting and her gaze carries no judgement for those who seek her. A long neck leads to long limbs and a soft sculpted face set with such rich honey brown eyes they appear almost amber. Her name may very well have been gifted to her by the mere fact she was born with thick ginger hair, like a glorious sunset which in her current age runs thick and in soft waves to her lower back.
Personality: Sunniva is a pleasantly reserved and often collected soul whose choices stray to those of giving rather than receiving. She finds the joy in her life comes from caring for others and the use of her station allows her to do more and she takes to it like a fish in water. Her belief that everyone matters comes primarily from being raised in House Laurent and she still practices this very notion - marrying also into the younger Household of Harthall. Sometimes her convictions can get her into trouble, for though she is quiet if something is unjust she will lift her voice to speak against it. All in all she is one that enjoys the small details of life, the beauty in each moment and aims to capture and remember them.
Background: Sunniva grew up fostered in the Laurent Household not as a blood relative but a ward that the Duke took into his household and made one of his own family. Granted the family name she was raised as a sibling since before she can remember. The ideals of the house became her own and a powerful force in creating who she later became.
She was oft by herself, reading a book, painting or taking walks on her own. A gentle child she had little use for the shows of prowess or strength that many can be given to. Instead she spent her time learning the native plant life and eventually learning how they applied to healing. Her place in the family also gave rise to her tutelage in caring for the household both in organizing, throwing events, etiquette and performing. All practical useful things in a noblewoman's role who is set to be the center of the household's heart. Though her heart was set in the care of others she found there were ways she could do so even by merely speaking and sharing company - how just the compassionate presence of another can change the demeanor of a person.
When she was eighteen, she began her courtship to Lord Orvyn Harthall, set up between the Duke and the Marquis of Harthall the two were familiar with each other from the Valadrin gatherings. It began with simple visits and over time Sunniva became fond of the Lord Harthall. He indulged her own interests and she found his own quiet reserve to be something of an appeal, a gentle hand and a warm smile. She could have done far worse and knew it.
They were married in the late Spring of 1004, with the intention of traveling on his merchant vessel to see other harbors. They got five or six months into their travels when word finally found them that the current heir, Orvyn's brother was broken in a horse riding accident which several days later claimed his life. This brought their tour to an end and the two returned together, Orvyn now the intended heir and no longer able to see to the ships he loved. Sunniva grieved for the change of position and what had done to her husband in tethering his free spirit. Sunniva and Orvyn spent years preparing, learning and understanding the state of House Harthall and its holdings, adjusting and attending functions so that they could be known and it was definitely more of a need than they would realize.
The Marquis passed for sudden reasons, a brain aneurysm. It put Orvyn directly in his place and Sunniva who never thought to care for more than her immediate family took hold of Harthall and carefully steered it as best she could.
Name | Summary |
Adalyn | A bright light in the world. She is just as I remember her: warm, caring, poised. I have no doubt that she will be a leader of conscience and a great comfort to those in need of it. |
Alarissa | Ever do I smile when I hear she is in the city and I am delighted and overjoyed to call her a friend. |
Anisha | The Marquessa has all the refinement that is to be expected of an Oathlander noble, and the kind of compassion and idealism that I've seen in many of their people. May her chivalry be appreciated and her compassion earn her the gaze and benevolence of Gild. |
Baldessare | Marquessa Sunniva is ... many things, and most of them superlative and pleasant. I like her wit and her charm considerably. |
Bethany | Lively woman, industrious. Likes tea so I like her. |
Bhandn | While I don't know what she did to need treating in the House of Solace, she was a gracious patient, and willing to indulge an old man his thoughts and seeing to her care. |
Cirroch | An unknown and very generous offer from their husband. The Marquessa offered a fair deal in making up for draining their stocks. Marquessa Sunniva Harthall will make a fine mother. |
Cristoph | My sister reminds a person of great warmth and kindness, I'm glad to see her within the walls of the city again after so many years away. |
Evaristo | I had the fortune of running cargo for Lady Sunniva early on in my shipping career, and always enjoyed her and her husband's company. And now they have a baby! I'll be working with her again, but in a totally different way. It's funny where life takes you. |
Gerrick | the same delightful child that would pester me about bunnies all day long, but grown up, and about to have her own child now. I can only wait to have a whole new generation asking about the bunnies. |
Lianne | Trust readily offered and easily earned. Fierceness flickers behind a kind nature. Possibly the first flame-haired person I've met to remind me of fire, possessed of a capacity for warmth, brilliance and bite. |
Liara | She seems altogether easygoing and affable. She's quick to laugh or to joke - all things to make for good company. |
Mabelle | My redhead cousin. I always imagine people with red hair are happier and more cheerful. She has yet to prove me otherwise. Ever the busy bee, obviously family. |
Maren | A graceful Harthall lady, who seems to have a diversity of friends as well as a gentle and kind manner that makes that quite understandable. And very thoughtful as well. |
Margerie | As bright and energizing as her nickname, I am thrilled to have yet another beloved 'niece' nearby again. |
Martino | A kind-hearted, thoughtful and fashionably inclines Marquessa. Undertakes so much self-sacrifice for the betterment of others and, truly in the Oathlands, that is so honourable. Makes for fine company with tea. |
Medeia | The Marquessa has a gentle heart and caring disposition. I do hope this is the start of something good for her. |
Miranda | Poor woman. Clearly, she can be manipulated. She has no idea that she's let a fox into the hen house. Or perhaps it's a wolf amongst the sheep. That might be better. Wouldn't mind getting to know her under different circumstances. I'm sure she's a lovely person. |
Monique | I'm not sure I have ever met anyone more truly Good in my life. |
Norwood | A daughter to me in all but blood. I never forget she was once the young girl I carried away from her treasonous parents. However, she is a Marquessa now, and that I must also never forget. |
Orvyn | There she is, returned from far too many years away, but there's a charm about her that is ageless, not to say that she's aged, anything but! I swear she is more radiant now than when I last saw her. Maybe time away from me was good for her? Of course she'd never be one to admit that. She is my better half and to have her back does make me feel more complete. Beauty and heart, and with the firey hair to get her voice heard and made known. It is wonderful to have her back and let us see how we shall soar! |
Porter | A warm, friendly woman with a sense of humor and an air of poise well suited to a noblewoman from the Oathlands. Gracious enough to agree to have me over for dinner sometime and is glad to hear that the quality in Harthall benches hasn't decreased any in the last few years. |
Ras | She did her best to mediate with somebody real unreasonable. Think she's gonna be a kind mom to her kid, so that's nice. |
Rowley | The Marquessa of Harthall. She is quite kind. Not only in the sense of having good manners. No, far more than that. She speaks to you as if you are her equal. She is aware that there are those in the world in far greater need than herself, and she seems intent on doing what she can to help them. She exemplifies honorable traits, and I hope to learn more of her in our future dealings. |
Rukhnis | We might have got off to a wrong-footed start due to circumstances, but our second meeting reveals her to be a considerately helpful and no-nonsense sort of person -- just the sort the guild is ever in need of. |
Vitalis | Gracious and steady. Hope in a truly dark place. |
Vittorio | A lovely ginger head that speaks volumes of others talents, I look forward to finding out her own. |
Zara | I am so happy for her and the marquis! Their devotion to Limernace shown in the longevity of their union was truly blessed. |