Sir Viktor Godsworn
We all go back to the Mother eventually. Live as you know she will judge.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Faithful Weaponsmith
Gender: male
Marital Status: widowed
Age: 43
Birthday: 2/11
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Weaponsmith
Height: average height
Hair Color: sandy blond
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: lightly tanned
Obituary: Died relatively young of a heartattack.
Description: While not overly tall he is not short either, reaching the upper end of average for most in this day and age. His blond hair has turned sandy and even brown in places but more noticable is the streaks of white beginning to form making his hair a palette of warm colors in certain lighting. His face is striking for it's hard planes, high cheekbones, angular jaw but what was once marble has been softened by age with lines across his brow, at the corners of his mouth, and deeper at the outside point of his light brown eyes. Age has deepened each line without causing them to sag though, making each line defined and stand out sharper. Physically he is lean over massive, long of limb, but there is a lifetime of battles and forge work on his skin.
Personality: Grim determination is the core of the man. Where once there was a man who loved life and all parts of it, content with what the Gods had graced him with there is now a man that has given himself over wholly to the Gods. There are still bits and pieces of the old man in there, a man with a ready smile, who loved to laugh, and who didn't take himself to seriously but they are harder to find now, only showing up amongst those he is close to.
The loss of his entire life has created a great emptyness within him that he has filled with Faith and the word of the Gods but there is a part of him that is still empty, that the Gods alone cannot fill. He has learned to live with it, but it bothers him that Faith is not entirely, wholly, enough. Maybe one day he will find what fills that empty space again. Perhaps.
Background: Viktor grew up in a small village a days walk from Sanctum and if everything had gone to plan he likely would have died there surrounded by his family. Clever hands gave rise to being an apprentice for the village smith and he was in line to take over the Forge when it became time. He mostly made tools for the village farmers and shoes for horses but there was the occasional travelling knight or mercenaries who needed armor or weapons work. It was those jobs that captured his attention.
In the way of things he found a sweetheart, and the two decided they were married. Children were had and all was well. The Gods had seemingly blessed the family but as with many things, it was not to last.
Viktor never learned if they were bandits, raiders, servants of Tolamar Brand, or what. All he knew was there was screaming, pain, fire, and when he awoke in a tent of the Mercies everyone was dead except for him. The patrol of knights militant had ended the attackers but there was nothing left but grief. Grief which turned to Devotion to the Gods. When he was healed he swore himself to the Pantheon as a disciple of the Sentinel, seeking Justice for those who could not seek it themselves, and began training to join the Templar though he was old enough to be most of the other recruits father.
Long years of training and he has come to Arx to Serve. At least now he gets to work on armor and weapons more than farm tools.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Agatha | He's very mature and wise and all that. The not drinking thing isn't for me, but it's good he knows himself well enough to know what's a bad idea for him. |
Amari | He reminds me of some of my uncles, tough as an old oak that's weathered many a storm, but still kind beneath the layers of bark. |
Avary | Listening to him speak makes me smile, and worry a bit. He's seen a lot of pain, but that is what brought him here to us. |
Caith | He's a knight -- just like Jeffeth! Well, except, not just like Jeffeth. Viktor is a Templar and Jeffeth is Solace. Also, Viktor is very stern. Very, very stern! Which just means I will have to work extra hard to get him to smile and laugh! |
Coraline | Seems to have devoted so much to the Faith. And a smith at that. Hopefully one day I can see his works. |
Daemon | Godsworn Knight, anointed by our Gods for our Gods. Gloria guides and Gild provides to those who raise arms to defend the weak and I am proud to have met another who walks that path. |
Dominique | Apparently a knight as well, he remains quiet and is observing. Maybe he's looking for potential threats? Or maybe he's just thinking. Either way, I can appreciate that. |
Elgana | A good knight who radiates honor and great care in all he does. I think there is much he could teach me and I might find it in me to be a good pupil for once. Maybe. I hope we get to know each other much better and become true friends. |
Estil | If one were to look up in a dictionary the word 'stoic', the only thing they would see is a little portrait of this man. With age comes wisdom. With age sometimes comes the ability to be taciturn without even trying. I'm almost a little envious. |
Gareth | A templar made of sterner stuff. A welcome addition to the faith militant. |
Jacque | Sir Viktor proved to be a splendid example of the Faith in showing tolerance and open-mindedness in discussing the spirits with a shaman, and should be commended for it. He understands that the world is far more than black and white, and the threats we face are hostile to spirits and gods alike. |
Jeffeth | Sir Viktor. Stern. But seems a good man. Older and wiser I'm sure, and hardened by those years. I will do my best not to be scared of him later. |
Marcas | A man who sincerely believes in his gods, and isn't afraid to get in a heated debate over it. While I'm not sure we'll ever see eye to eye on much in that regard, I certainly do respect that quality. |
Reese | He seems intelligent, devoted, aware of the situation we are facing, curious and listens to those around him. |
Rinel | Inquisitive, which is suitable for a scholar. But perhaps too /trusting/ for a member of the Faith. |
Terese | A man with a difficult past who has found the Faith through it all. I wish it were under better circumstances that set him down his current road but welcome his company and his convictions. |
Theron | Old Templar. The stories. The things he must have seen. His life is wealth and people should enjoy it. |
Veronica | An older, dignified Godsworn knight who is also a smith - a combination that is well worth knowing. I may well call on his services soon. |