I would die for my House, but I would rather make the other dumb bastard die for theirs.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Cocky Ex-Smuggler
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 28
Birthday: 9/23
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Sellsword
Height: tall
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Skintone: tan
Description: Handsome in a rakish way, Montags most notable features are his bright blue eyes and disarming grin. When he walks into a room, its with a jaunty swagger and a sly smile that eludes at both danger and the promise of fun. Scars criss-cross the length of his tanned skin along with the occasional shav-esque tattoo. Over the years, hes bounced between shoulder length hair and a style more close cropped to his scalp but one factor stays constant--its always stylishly messy.
Personality: Debonair and never lacking a clever retort, Montag is all too easy to get along with. Some would call him disrespectful or flippant but few can deny there is a certain charm to his devil-may-care attitude. Thrill-seeking and wonderlust have driven him across Arvum, leaving the man with plenty of stories to tell and oh, does he love to tell them. Whether or not said stories are true, they never fail to entertain or captivate. On a surface level, hes quite lazy and conflict-avoidant but years of service to House Melaeris have proved that to be a carefully crafted facade. After all, a smarmy rogue is much more popular than a loyal friend. Right?
Background: Montag has born into his trade, the second son of a pirate and the smuggler she off loaded her stolen cargo onto. As a child, he spent his days helping his father sort goods to be fenced or doing simple manual labor for the family business. Once he reached his teenage years, the art of sailing was passed down to him as well as the expectation that he would join either his mother or fathers professions.
In the end, he dabbled in both. For three years, he sailed with a pirate crew and raided ships off the coast of the Isles and the City-States of the Lycuem. That venture ended after his captain died of an infected wound gone septic and the remaining crew largely parted ways to join other raiders. Smuggling seemed marginally less dangerous and thanks to a contact of his fathers, Montag got himself a gig moving illicit goods. He was quite adept at it, gaining a decent bit of coin and even managing to secure his own small crew.
It was around this time, at the ripe age of twenty-one, that he met Verasha Melaeris. At first, he was simply paid to be her guide. The pair got on well and eventually found themselves exchanging letters, telling each other tall tales of their journeys. More and more often, Montag found himself employed by the noble to get her safely in and out of places. The pay was good, it wasnt exactly illegal work, and it left him in good company.
So in the end, he wasnt too opposed to retiring from smuggling to become her permanent guide and kind-of-sort-of bodyguard. At least publically. After a long life at sea or on the move, Montag has finally come to settle in Arx to serve at the new Marquessas side.
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