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Action Id: 2705 Crisis: Participants: Aleksei, Donella, Luca(RIP), Sina(RIP) and Briseis
Status: Resolved Submitted: Sept. 30, 2018, 1:44 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 1500
Action Points: 100

Action by Aleksei

Aleksei is leading a team to conduct the rite to empower Namesake in order to sunder one of the Gargantuans attacking the Lodge. No big, right?

All right, it's a bit big.

Aleksei's team has been entrusted with Namesake itself, which means that they're gathering together at the Lodge to prepare the Rite to not just sunder a Gargantuan, but do so with Namesake. The team will be mobile, since they'll need to try and get close to a Gargantuan once it shows, and they're going to be ARMED and ARMORED because HOLY SHIT.

Aleksei is bringing with him the scorched and cracked manacle recovered from the Fortress of Choice ("a scorched and broken manacle of strange metal" from @cal 573 run by Pax) to use as a focus of the rite, sacrificing it for what memories of broken chains and freed names it might still hold. For the power that comes from weight and importance in the Dream. It was saved as a memento by someone long ago, as a symbol of someone's freedom. Maybe it wasn't someone terribly important, but what it represents is important. Freeing one soul is important. And so he'll lead his group in the rite as they know it, as they've recovered record of to replicate, but he'll be putting a heart and soul of freedom into it.

And once the rite has been performed -- successfully, it will most certainly be successful -- Namesake will be entrusted to Luca to act with.

This whole is, of course, rather DANGEROUS, especially considering they might be ATTRACTING ATTENTION from MONSTERS AND THINGS. So a crew of Valorous Few -- Shard, Audric, et al -- are setting up specifically in their vicinity to try and intercept any attacks headed in the group's direction. (See action #2762.)

Action by Luca(RIP)

Aleksei has asked Luca to murder a Gargantuan(s?) with a dagger, because he's the best at pillow talk, and Luca is easily convinced to try things like this. It sounds like a challenge, doesn't it? He'll come to the Rite, he'll help however he can with it but mostly he's there to protect the group while they do their work, at least until it's time to demand satisfaction from probably one of the gnarliest creatures on the field of battle. The danger is the danger, after all. He'll wear his best dancing outfit, the one in exotic leather and steelsilk, and maybe have a cup of coffee beforehand, also.

Action by Briseis

Briseis is at the ritual helping out her brother. More importantly, she's focusing on releasing the imprisoned names. She'll work on bringing justice to the poor souls that have been trapped by the monster, sending them back to the Wheel. She'll be working with the texts, reading from the books and putting all her energy into not only stopping the Gargantuan from destroying the Lodge, but in releasing the names.

Action by Donella

In the hours before the undertaking, wearing her leathers, her weeping serpent, and her small sword on her hip she will prepare herself, going to the Cathedral to pray. She addresses the divinities friendly to mankind, but will keep it brief; Team Pantheon has its hands full. She will ask for the strength in the moment to see the work DONE, careful not to say too much about it. When she joins the group, her chin will be set. She will be focused on empowering Namesake, and on the souls who must be freed, as if by sheer willpower and intensity she could make it happen. Should any one of the party falter in carrying out what is necessary, she will be there to reinforce, reorganize, redirect. Plans are all well and good, but they seldom survive long. That weapon is getting imbued, and getting where its going, even if she has to haul Luca over a saddlehorn like a sack of grain and ride hell bent for leather.

Action by Sina(RIP)

Sina will be accompanying Aleksei's group for this Rite. She will be wearing her armor and carrying with her the alaricite Nox'alfar blade Brixeur'Ame, whose name means roughly Freer of Souls, or so she was told by Mother Bianca, who gave it into Sina's care. She will also be bringing her knowledge as Archscholar, and whatever power she carries within her, including that feeling of warmth that descended upon her in Lagoma's shrine while she prayed there. She will also carry with her a lantern alight with Lagoma's holy eternal flame. Sina will be clearing her mind, seeking to calm it into a meditative state, much as she did within the Shrine of the Queen of Endings, as she assists with performing the ritual, and then focusing all of her prayers, energy and heart into the Rite. Sina will assist with the Rite to empower Namesake, and she will be prepared to do what she can otherwise if needed, for anything that might come after, including offering support with Brixeur'Ame if required. Otherwise, if Luca is doing this all on his own, she's pretty light on her feet, and if things get too dire, she'll take the better part of valor (that of discretion) and retreat.


With the dual distractions of a gargantuan in the distance and the Valorous Few being VERY LOUDLY PROFANE nearby, this group still managed to focus. And though it cost them dearly, they did manage to empower Namesake, investing it to kill a gargantuan. And then Luca went running off into the distance with Aleksei, hopefully to sunder that gargantuan - with Namesake glowing in his hand.