Prince Toste Redrain
It's called a *lance*. Hello.

Description: Toste is tall and slender, even lithe, at 6' even, but his muscles are cut and defined from years of training and riding. He has long dirty blonde hair that reaches down past his shoulders and though usually worn long and loose, occasionally he pulls it back into a ponytail. His cheeks are gaunt, chiseled and angular; his nose straight and strong; his lips full and expressive; his eyes pale blue and smouldering.
Personality: Toste has a driving need to excel at everything he attempts to do in the biggest, flashiest ways possible as well as a deep need for approval and acceptance. He has always stood up for the underdog and has a kindness to him and a sense of greater responsibility that won't let him turn his back on someone who is being bullied or is in need in some way. He is loyal, courageous, merciful, generous and noble; he has strong faith that carries him through dire times and ultimately stands for justice. That doesn't mean, however that Toste isn't trouble. He is capital T trouble and thrives on mischief, jokes and the adventures he shares with his cousins and friends.
Toste Redrain grew up in Farhaven with the other Redrain children and spent most of his early childhood running around the surrounding forests hunting imaginary wolves or bears and occasionally much fiercer things with wooden sword in hand. Brave and loyal to a fault, he had a strong sense of right and wrong and more than once he ended up getting in trouble, or a bloody nose for sticking up for one of the smaller kids.
Only ever an average student, Toste discovered his passion when he was presented with his first horse on his ninth birthday. He quickly showed promise as a rider and throughout his teenage years trained rigorously with the spear and threw himself into a study of tactics, becoming a capable cavalry officer.
He never lost that idealistic streak though. Raised on stories of questing knights, he regularly competed in tourneys and the like, even winning a few, though he's now setting his sights on bigger things. Tired of chasing shavs around the Northlands and small tie local tourneys, he's set his sights on Arx and dreams of winning glory and renown.
Name | Summary |
Artur | Toste was one of my best friends growing up and he hasn't changed at all! He's great for going out drinking with or getting into all kinds of crazy trouble. I'm looking forward to getting him settled and seeing what kind of mischief we can stir up! |
Valery | He seems nice and he seems to like to joke. I guess I need to pay more attention, then... He's a very good friend of Lord Artur. |