Things are not always what they seem. There is more than what we can see.

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Stranger in a Strange Land
Gender: third gender
Marital Status: single
Age: 19
Birthday: 6/22
Religion: Shamanism
Vocation: Shaman
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: obsidian
Skintone: mahogany
Description: Taller than most men and with a curvy hourglass build she would stand out by that alone but there is so much more to her to draw the eye. Dark mahogany skin has gold overtones when reflecting the light which makes her appear almost painted. Slightly slanted wide dark eyes are framed by thick lashes and a tattoo of a white ink line starts on her forehead above each sharp eyebrow and descends vertically over her eyelids and down to sharp cheek bones. Her jaw is slender and angular down to a delicate rounded chin. A short straight nose with a rounded tip and nostrils flared slightly wide beneath which lies full bow shaped lips finishes off her beautiful features. Her hair is a long mane of barely controlled loose black curls reaching down to the middle of her back most of the time.
Personality: All her life Cleo has grown up never fitting in and the odd things that always happened around her created an incredible curiosity that was very unlike the other Children of the Sun. She was a solitary person in a highly regimented group. Not that she didn't learn how to perform her duties she was always simply distracted. Now that she has found her place and completed her apprenticeship with those who Walk Inbetween she has become a confident young woman who is intelligent and perceptive. She is ever curious about everything and she chases rumor and knowledge with abandon. She is confident in herself and unafraid of the world around her even though she knows little of the ways of Arx being a Prodigal. Everything is wondrous and new and she has a near child like enthusiasm.
Background: Far to the north of Whitehall in the depths of Everwinter where nights and days can last weeks or even months with the turning of the seasons livesa tribe of Shav'Avani called The Children of the Sun and the Moon. The tribe has over the millennia developed a number of particular standards and rituals that vary greatly from those used of the more Southern Shav'Avani which differe even more from the tribes that have sworn fealty to and become Houses of Redrain.
The Children of the Sun and the Moon are mostly nomadic, moving as dictated by the Weather and the Seasons to either follow their prey or return to their ancestral homes for shelter. They have developed a regimented culture where one is either Hunter, Gatherer, Raider (Sun), or Hearthkeeper (Moon). Those who follow the Sun, and the Moon, are generally formed along gender lines but gender is a choice to the Children of the Sun and the Moon and thus both physical sexes are accounted for in both.
Born amongst the Children of the Sun there was always more to Cleo's life, odd things happened around her constantly both good and bad. There was hardly a dull moment around her life and she never fit in due to it, kept separate a lot, which suited her just fine. She spoke to the spirits as they would speak back and when it came time for her to pick her focus she chose none, and was sent to the Walkers Inbetween. There she found who she was, which was neither, and both, all the same and she partook of the rituals, sacrifices, and alchemical potions that discovered her true self and stabilized it permanently. Never Sun. Never Moon. Always Sun. Always Moon. She had found her place, and she made friends during her training, but one of the younger Walkers she knew during their apprenticeship ended up leaving the tribe and headed south soon after she succeeded in her tests.
Cleo wonders and waited to hear news of the return of Cybele, but when no news came Cleo began to worry. Asking the spirits for guidance Cleo was told that Cybele still lived, far to the south in the land of warmth and green. So too did Cleo tell the Elders that she would go check on Cybele, and see if she was unwilling, or unable to return. The trek was not an easy one but Cleo endured, sneaking south past Whitehall, and into the lands of Redrain where she finally was caught by House Nightgold and very nearly put to the sword but the young shaman was able to get the spirits to speak of her quest and intentions. She was forced to bend the knee of course, and she did so gladly if it would allow her to continue on to find Cybele.
After the long walk and through those dangers she finally came to Arx and learned of many wondrous things... it was no wonder why Cybele did not come back, there was to much to learn before she could go home.
Name | Summary |
Adora | I don't like her. |
Alexis | Tall, gorgeous and northern. And apparently some sort of spirit... Listener? I hope the Gauntlet is interesting. And that our various rites to Gloria pleases her spirits too? |
Ariella | A perfumier from a tribe far from here. She seems kind and interested in fitting in here in Arx. I hope she never forgets where she came from. |
Aslaug | (An unending gush of water streaming through parted lips.) |
Bliss | She is full of life and energy, but she also managed to terrify me. Herbs to increase fertility? No, no, a thousand times, no. |
Clara | A nice young woman with beautiful skin. She seems like she'd be worth havin' a couple of drinks with. Probably a fun person. I think I might like her if we get ta know one another. |
Cullen | Quite the odd one, but she's from far, far away up North, so that makes sense. A shaman, I think, if I understood her correctly. Seems to be enthusiastic to learn, though...which is more than I can say for many. |
Cybele | Cleo is my sister-sibling among the Walkers. To see her again made my heart skip with joy. I am homesick and comforted all at once. I am full of feelings! I am happy! |
Delia | I met Cleo in her shop, Heavenly Scents. She is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to blending perfumes and I am /still/ trying to decide which one is my favorite! I will visit her again soon to see what new blends she has in stock. |
Echo | A wonderful Shaman with a good nose for scents of all sorts. We only briefly met, but I think that her and I would get along well -- Despite all our differences. |
Jeffeth | Cleo is very nice! Cleo speaks by using Cleo's name, I like that! I hope I wasn't rude when I asked Cleo about that. I like Cleo and I hope Cleo lets me help Cleo out! |
Jev | Herbs for everything! I will ask her to grow me some if I ever need a thing, or have a rash or something. |
Orvyn | A brief encounter, but one in which she was polite and in the know of those already present. Likely she will be encountered again and more conversation, fuller conversation will follow. |
Petal | A friendly Prodidgal who seems to have a good heart. |
Reese | Twirling, playful, light-hearted, kind and likely very deep thinking. She is interesting. Different. |
Sabella | Her shop seems to be very popular and all the scents she had on display were lovely! I did not get to talk to her too much, but she seemed very upbeat and positive, so I am sure we will be good friends! |
Sasha | I want to help her get use to how nobles will expect her to speak to them. Some people are particular about a title being spoken. |
Valarian | Wow! From somewhere up North, and was talking about spirits and a spirit! She got Rinel nervous fast, that's hilarious! I need to see her around more, making more people nervous. Seems pretty fun to talk to as well! |
Venturo | She comes from a land to the far, far north -- even farther than I've explored! The stories she must have to share. |
Violet | A shamaness from the North who came to The Spirits speaking things that got MY attention. I hope to speak to her when not dragging a drunken lord to his bed. |