Fate plays chess, and you don't find out 'til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along.

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Gambler
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 20
Birthday: 12/13
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Commoner
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark chocolate
Eye Color: midnight blue
Skintone: fair
Description: A long-lashed, midnight blue gaze soaks in the world around Melody. With a gracefully angled face framed by dark chocolate hair dusting her shoulders, she possesses a soft, almost ethereal countenance. An upturned nose, soothing voice, graceful limbs that taper off into dainty fingers, and fair skin neither kissed by the sun nor calloused by handiwork only serve to put emphasis on this appearance. Yet, hers edges on whimsy, a possibly feigned innocence and an air that she just doesn't belong.
Personality: Deft, clever, and impulsive. Melody is often getting into trouble and just as easily skirting it using her adroitness and charm, leaving with only a Cheshire-like, self-satisfied smile. And hey, trouble isn't always so bad - At least according to her. When she's not singing, dancing, and making money off of her sleight of hand (however that may be), she's gambling her gains away. Sure, she often strikes it big and causes a ruckus for having potentially gamed the system one way or another, but Melody makes it a point to live in the moment, win or lose. Not that she'd admit to a loss in the first place, as she'd much rather weave it into her own victory one way or another.
Her fun-loving antics and risk-taking attitude have a tendency to go a bit overboard (assuredly only ever a 'bit'), but that's nothing a few sweet words and a pleasant smile couldn't solve. Oh sure, occasionally it dips into excessively sweet territory, but sometimes you have to add a little bit of passion and flair to get what you want. It's all in the job as an entertainer, so she says.
Background: Not too far off an Abandoned encampment, Melody lived with her parents in the woods for the majority of her adolescence. When tragedy struck and her family passed, she remained in the woods by her lonesome. Though she was no hunter nor would she claim to be an exceptional forager, she managed to live a seemingly comfortable life of solitude for a couple of years. A decision to leave her home followed, made in an abrupt fashion as she snuck onto a passing caravan headed for the city of Arx - So the story goes.
Name | Summary |
Aahana | A fellow prodigal whom I am watching closely. Her modeling skills are quite amazing and I know in such aspects there is a lot I can learn from her. And her advice I find to be quite helpful. |
Adora | Prodigal. Wanna be silk. Bleedin heart for her people. I don't like her. |
Aella | A princess with a lot of things that follow her around. She was there when I started my holy war against Fleaholdt. She really likes pink. She had a sweet little friend hanging all over her but she was just, I donno. Medium. I guess. |
Agatha | I do not know why my sister is a duckling, but at least she has the sense to accept my inner bear-dom |
Alarissa | A lovely woman, with an interesting secret. A chance to talk, some other time. |
Alessandro | Lovely, witty, and engaging. I should like to get to know her better, especially as she is also a Prodigal like my new family. |
Amanda | A Prodigal that is eager to learn and doubly eager to live. |
Amari | I've never seen a woman of the woods attired so glamorously nor have I met one so generous. She was truly amazing. |
Apollis | A charming prodigal I've heard buzz about. She's quite the model, apparently. Very fetching and sweet. |
Arcelia | Though our first meeting was brief Melody was a very polite woman. I hope she stops by the Redoubt again sometime, perhaps for a swim or tea. |
Ariella | Talented singer and musician. No surprise she's a Whisper now. |
Avaline | She seems very kindhearted, but also holds firm to her beliefs. I look forward to visting with her again. |
Barik | A harlequin in worn, commoner's rags. Nothing but laughter, mockery and grins, a thief of the soul. A terrifying creature. |
Barric | When I first met her, I thought she was egotistical and naieve. She has grown on me though, and I find myself interested in seeing where we end up. At the very least, she is Cora's friend, and for that I will try and make her my friend as well. |
Bliss | I need more like this one in my life. A few words bantered back and forth, and already I can sense there is more than a little bit of kindred spirit between us. |
Caspian | I hope with a name like Melody she has a talent for singing! |
Cassandra | A prodigal woman who openly admits to not giving much thought to the gods, but she has a way about her, a charm, a curiosity. I shall make sure to talk to her about them, should she wish it. |
Cirroch | A woman who has quite the talent at singing! |
Clara | I didn't get to stay an' meet her really but she seems like the entertainin' sort. I hope ta meet her again soon. |
Cleo | Another Prodigal like me, but from nearby lands, in forest. Is good she has found safety in city, am glad that not everyone forced bend knee, and some do so by choice. |
Coraline | A very energetic and enthusiastic woman, she has many skills and a way with words that leaves me wondering what will happen next. I can't quite figure her out, but she seems like a very nice sort to have as friend. |
Cullen | An intriguing new prodigal in town who seems to have acclimated quite quickly! Knows of our family, this is a good thing given our warm stance towards fellow prodigals. I will be more than happy to help her out - pretty, charming, witty...and a taste for Haze, booze, and camping in the woods for a few days. I forsee a stellar friendship here... |
Cullen | A most interesting Prodigal, from where I am not sure. Every time I have talked to her has been quite intriguing - quite the mystery, that one. And always enjoyable company when I get to actually catch up with her. |
Cullen | Smartly dressed young lass from the woods with a delightful sense of humor. Also no shame in sitting on the floor in front of the fire - good. May she remain untamed. |
Darren | I find such social creatures as Melody extremely fascinating. And useful! Her services in promoting my fealty have been indispensable, and will continue to be so. |
Delilah | A lovely bloom in a city of many flowers, but this one contains more than a few secret aspects that only come to the fore through time. I doubt I have begun to scratch the surface, but her social commentary proved fascinating and unexpected. Observant and bright, and not one to shy away from an opinion. |
Denica | Bright, energetic, and she claims that she knows how to live where I don't. She's rather exciting, I think. I'd like her to show me her secrets. |
Draven | I like her lots! She's nice! Oh! But I don't know if she likes me! She seems to agree with Dog Kicker! |
Duarte | A prodigal courtier? She certainly strikes me as the ambitious sort, and certainly garrulous. |
Elgana | My dearest and silliest bear. In her I see so much untapped potential, so much promise. It is my hope for her that she reaches this potential and more. That she finds happiness. I treasure her dearly and look forward to watching her bloom. |
Emmelline | has a marvelous sense of humor. Seems rather good-natured. |
Enoch | A kindly woman. Apparently a friendly woman who enjoys modeling, though ponders the use of a dagger or a knife. I'd be happy to teach her how to fight, if the need ever arose. |
Evonleigh | An impish, amiable sort, I think, and very good at lying, if parlor games are any sort of indication. It's hard to tell if her mischief is in sport or something else, but I hope the former. |
Fairen | I had quite an interesting conversation with Mistress Melody. She expressed compassion over the issue I was dealing with at the time. |
Faruq | She is absolutely stunning, it is easy to see why others are so enraptured by her and why people treat her as they do. I hope she finds the peace she craves though, being under constant pressure and scrutiny can be exhausting if not used to it. |
Fatima | A model of some fame and reputation, part of the whole upheval in Arvani fashion that occured while I was in Maelstrom. The face doesn't dissapoint behind the name and rumors. Beyond that, her and Denica seem close, which is a wonderful endorsement of her character from the get-go. I'm sure we'll get along! |
Faye | An interesting woman, certain of her own opinions, and apparently welomcing of a bit of adventure. Pleasant to talk to, and I'd like to get to know her better. |
Fecundo | Interesting young lady offering me a view outside of the noble realm. All knowledge is worh having and it's always good to get more than one view of things. |
Gareth | Interesting. Though I could do without the constant laughter. Very interesting. |
Gaston | A very interesting girl. Titus seems to like her, and she has a nerve to her that is respectable. She'll be a good one to keep an eye on. |
Gianna | A member of the Bard's College with an expansive -- and expensive -- wardrobe. |
Gilroy | Some kind of bear expert. |
Giulio | Another enthusiast of Southern Thunder. And she seems pleasant all in all. |
Grazia | Thoughtful and considering, with a slightly dreamy air to her. Sociable and polite. An interesting sort. |
Harlex | Curious, like the will-o-wisps I was always warned about as a boy. That a sense of kindness and danger can exist in a singular person, and both feel genuine, is remarkable. |
Harper | Though Melody seemed a bit put off by dealing with the scene of a murder, she handled it well. She seems real nice all in all. |
Helena | She is such a nice lady. I hope that I get to know her better, and I can't wait to go on a nature walk with her! |
Iseulet | A lovely young girl with the whole world before her. A diamond in the rough - I can't wait to see what she blossoms in to. |
Jarel | Hm seems like the Whisper House has some great Bards. Here we have Melody, who quite literally lives up to her namesake. Though with the whole sparring I cannot recall if she sang, I was getting beat up to remember! |
Jasher | A clever woman with a way for words, for better or worse. |
Jeffeth | A prodigal. She's kind but clever. I'm sure she is whatever she needs to be when the moment calls for it. But when she can be, she's sweet and just wants to have fun. |
Jordan | Funny bard with a sense of humor that matches my own, I do think. Since she's with the Bard College, that means she's also an associate of Mistress Gianna's. I should like to know her better. |
Joslyn | A shoulder biter, like me, obviously. She fills me with an energy and a warmth I so rarely feel of late. A sweetness that overlies a strength that I think even I can barely begin to comprehend. |
Jyri | Wondering just how much of a wildfire this woman is. Maybe I'll get to see it soon. |
Karadoc | She has mischievous eyes and a fey little grin. The young woman named after a song might be nothing but trouble. Of the good sort. I look forward to learning more. |
Kenna | Welcoming to an Iron Guard in the lowers, even if she did say she was a bit worried about all of us. |
Kutazer | She seems a sweet woman who is ready to jump in and fight for herself, I respect that. |
Leola | As sweetly charming as any I've ever met, unsettling as sap dripping from a tree, cloying sweetness |
Lilith | Well, we're best friends now, of course. She said I look young and I think she said I'm the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. I think she mentioned something about being in awe. What a lovely girl. I kept hearing about this Melody and now that I've met her I can see what all the hubbub was about. |
Lottie | Well, she's as sweet as a peach pie in spring. Good humor too! Seems to know how to slip between the lines of social interactions with both us common folk types and the silks. Good skill! |
Luca | An interesting creature, to say the least. She'll share in your drink easily, if you offer it over, and I find that makes for good company with people so laden with interesting things to talk about. I get a sense of trouble, and I have a good nose for that sort of thing. If I'm fortunate, I'll be seeing her again. |
Lucilia | Close to the Lieutenant, but hates whiskey? Something's not right. Jokes aside, she seems a more elegant type, the boroughs don't suit her. |
Lydia | A charming and adorable model, entertaining and a delight to share company with. I must keep my eye on this one, as I am sure she is going places. |
Lys | Oh she's very upfront and quite the flatterer! I like her! |
Mercedes | Met her in the Murder while looking into a case. She is unnerved by dead bodies -- as a person should be. It's a pity that brain-matter ruined meatball night but these things happen. |
Meriah | She is, well...she is really something. And knowing my dumbass, I'm bound to get burned. |
Michael | An interesting young lady, with good friends. Good stories. |
Mikani | Enjoyed meeting her even if it was around daggers. She said something about Sea Turtles ... right? |
Miranda | Another quiet one, but friendly enough. |
Mirari | I can spot a girl on the take a mile away. Probably because I'm not always on the up and up myself. Lucky for her, it's late and I don't give a shit, and I have a soft spot for girls just trying to get by. Not soft enough tonight to offer help, but perhaps another time. |
Monique | A Surprise Prodigal! And one I'm glad to have met. She seems to have a keen eye for assessing a situation and a quick mind for interpreting it. Also, sticky fingers. My kind of gal. |
Neb | Aspires to something above her station. Admirable but bound for disappointment. |
Nico | A fellow crimson blade, she caught my interest kicking a chair out for me to join her group for a drink. She seems to be even less of a city person than I am, as new as I am to the city. Seems like a friendly person, and I'll be working alongside them in the future probably. |
Nijah | Such a sweet woman, she offered to help me with my bags and to settle me into the city. Prodigal, so she's an outsider like me. I look forward to learning more from her. |
Niklas | She should join the Scholars of Vellichor where she can specialize in instructing people in things they already know. |
Norwood | A charming young woman who seems more than comfortable around the Greenmarch. |
Nurie | Finally I get to meet the lovely woman who has been asking about commissions. We did not talk for long, but she is truly intriguing. I hope that I will be able to please her with my work, and perhaps get to know her better! |
Orvyn | A lovely woman in all respects. How she is connected with the Crimson Blades will remain a mystery, but her social graces and her modeling is exquisite, she comes highly recommended. |
Oswyn | Carefully charming. |
Pasquale | Prodigal with a taste for seasilk and for mixing with the Peerage. Friend of Mae. Interesting. |
Perronne | A woman who loves gowns! She seems very nice, and amenable to dancing, so that's always a good find. |
Petal | Lively, spirited friendly and needs a pretty dress |
Raja | I have no idea who this woman is. Though, it was funny seeing her reactions to the dead man and the eyeball that fell out of his head. |
Reese | Cheerful, playful and I think she might be impish! I think she has wit and there is more to her than I have seen yet. |
Reigna | A kind and sweet natured young woman with a bright future ahead of her. She is clearly bright and ambitious. May hte gods watch over her. I am curious about her origins, I must admit. |
Rinel | She reminds me of myself when I first came to Arx--and reminds me of many things that I have lost. Have I really changed so much? |
Roxana | Met at the Ambassador's Salon where she dared me to test my skills at petty theft. I fear they did not impress her, but her sparkling jewelry and sense of fun surely impressed me. |
Ruslan | An, apparently, entertaining young women who brings the fun out of even serious sisters? Worth paying attention to. |
Sabella | A singer, dancer, and actress! She'll fit right in with the other Mummers at the Black Rose! |
Sable | That's quite the sheep's clothing. Never would have figured her for a lover of nature, but that's the benefit of having a large wardrobe, I suppose. |
Saedrus | A very lovely young woman, who seems to smile as often as she can be seen to laugh. Both sweet traits, yet for all her saccharine nature I am sure there is a depth about her barely glimpsed upon by first impressions. You have my curiosity, Mistress. |
Sasha | A lover of the woods. I wish I could travel in them as freely as she does. Once I am cured I am sure I will be able to. |
Scipio | A charming and particularly well-dressed woman of the woods. I should like to get to know her better. |
Selene | She's playful, mischievous, confident and entirely charming. An excellent person to enliven even an already lively conversation. |
Seth | A curious creature of the woods. She showed up ill dressed for the weather, but certainly comfortable in her own skin. She is a songbird of sorts with a pleasant enough demeanor. I expect to see more of her, even if it is to hear her sing to accompany us on one of our hunts. |
Sheena | She is kind. I find her not the scary kind, though. |
Sparte | A prodigal with the goal of finding a rewarding patron. I feel like what she is seeking won't satisfy her, but that doesn't make the goal a bad one. Just a stepping stone instead of a destination. |
Talwyn | I'm not sure what to make of her. Forthright in conversation, which I appreciate. I suspect she gets into more excitement than she lets on. |
Theo | Had the /gall/ to insult both Lord Kennex and I to our faces. Were she not so far beneeath me, I would have issued challenge on the spot. |
Theodoric | A lovely song among many many other poor singers. Capable and cautious. |
Thesarin | Wildfire, they call her. A light heart, from how I've seen. And a stranger to this place. |
Thorley | Open and cheerful - I can see why Violet sought her out to recruit for the Blades. Her infectious spirit and drive should bring in plenty that are on the fence about joining. |
Torian | Young but with wisdom enough to recognize when a thing needs doing, even if it be unpleasant. Seems like she might like to have some fun at the expense of other people's fear of spiders. Mae might like her. |
Turo | Seems interested in turtles. Can't fault her there. If I find one, maybe I'll show it to her. |
Tynan | Charming lady from the Lowers. Seems to have her head screwed on right, and some considered thoughts to boot. Also having a pretty face is really just icing at that point, yet there it is. Maybe I will see her around, wouldn't mind it. |
Valarian | A somewhat enigmatic prodigal lass who lives or spends time in the Lowers. Pretty, witty, and smart - and seems to be hiding more than she's showing. I know that game all too well. I'll have to find out what that is, exactly. |
Venturo | While we were but introduced, it's clear she's a woman who has a good sense of humor, given the particulars of that conversation! And interested in drinks? A welcome customer to the Raconteur whenever she wishes. |
Vera | Equal parts charm and cunning, Mistress Melody is quite the intriguing commoner. I wait for our trip to the Grey Forest with baited breath. |
Victus | See, this girl can appreciate a good ass. |
Violet | A prodigal with a fast rising star and interest in helping the Blades. I am extremely excited to see what we can do together. |
Zoey | To be sure, I'm not sure. There are elements to this woman that I enjoy, and others that give me pause. All the same, I wish her success in achieving her goals. A prodigal Whisper would be a wonderful testimony when convincing the Abandoned to join the Compact. |