Count Domonico Magnotta
Nothing shapes the crag of a rock like pressure and water.

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Serious Naval Commander
Gender: male
Marital Status: widowed
Age: 28
Birthday: 4/5
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Noble
Height: average height
Hair Color: dark
Eye Color: blue
Skintone: tan
Obituary: Caught a chill during a rainy Arx afternoon and sickened quickly. Quietly passed within a week despite the best efforts of the Mercies.
Description: The man stands just a hair's breadth under six feet and his weathered, tan skin is a telltale to the man's history. Like many of the Malvici family, Domonico has aristocratic features that point to a man of fine breeding. His blue eyes are dark wells that compliment the darker shades of his hair and the structure of his face. His body looks like he, as most of the family, has spent a lot of time in combat training and in hard work. There is little excess left over for the man who looks like he could sweep the room with a blade or a lass off her feet.
Personality: Domonico knows why he was sent to the Fleet and he knows very well what it did for him. The lesson brought home the wise consideration of action and he keeps that at the fore of his mind through much of his day. While he can be the rapid-fire decision-maker on the sea, when it comes to personal and business interactions he tends to be methodical and pragmatic. That said? Like all Malvici's, he grew up in a family built on merit and he prides himself on knowing that he did not fall into his position by accident.
Background: Raised as one of the standard bearers of the Malvici banner, Domonico was treated roughly on purpose. The family wanted him to lead troops and be ready to battle anything from abyssal creatures to political maneuvering of the Lyceum. It developed a heated temper from him at a young age, proving his backbone and dedication to the family before most kids his age had a personality. Eventually it got him in trouble and sent to the Malvici fleet so the trouble he got into could be limited to the ship he was on.
It proved a good move and his temper has faded somewhat over time, replaced with a steel determination that comes with a sea-borne swordsman. He is said to be a rising star in the Malvici fleet with three ships under his command. Its rumored he wants eventual command of the fleet, as well. In the meantime he has taken to mentor those younger members like he had once been, developing strength and ability out of rough stone. The whispers about the trade routes and the Empyrean have brought him to Arx to prove that he is capable of not just command and leadership, but that he can hold it in waters he has not even explored himself - political and literal.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aahana | A sea captain who has nabbed my attention. I can't wait for him to regale me with tales of his adventures on the seas. |
Adalyn | An admiral, I wonder what sort of adventurous stories he might have to share. He seems measured and practical in nature. |
Adora | Hasn't learned the first rule of business, which is to always be selling. Regardless of setting. I don't like him. But I don't need to to get rich off his friends. |
Aedin | A grim lord. I must say there's a will in me to see him crack. A hard man in grief is a heartbreaking sight. |
Aelgar | Pleasant and informed. A new face I will need to spend some time with in order to exchange information and get to know. Seems like a good bet he will be interesting. |
Aella | He seems about as fun as... Well. There's not much that would be comparable on that level. He is not very fun. |
Aethan | Admiral of Southport, and easy to see why. Admirable leader. |
Aethan | He came to the defense of the Kennex Kay when it was attacked, an action I didn't fully understand the importance of until I was reminded of it. He is a steadfast ally. |
Agostino | He carries himself with clear military discipline. We didn't get a chance to talk much, but he was pleasant and helpful in our short conversation. |
Ajax | A navy guy. Seems friendly enough, wonder if I will fight against him or alongside him one day? |
Alarissa | A brute. A bore. Lacking manners. Unlike every other Malvici I've come across. |
Alessandro | An admiral with a sense of humor is a thing to be appreciated. |
Alexio | Lord Domonico is a fine man; and, one of my best Southport customers. Always good to do business with the Malvici's. |
Alexis | Being told that my swords are spoken of even in the City of Swords is a sure way of getting on my good side. Lord Domonico seems like an interesting fellow. |
Alrec | Seems like a humble of sort Silk, a strange creature to come across in the Hundred Cities Inn. |
Amanita | It is good to see my cousin Domonico once more. I shall have to raid his home for chocolate soon, and meet his lovely wife and little one. |
Amund | Sized me up. Not sure if he was looking to fight or not, but likely he was trying to see what I'm on about. Seems pleasant enough. He's the quieter of the duo he makes with his sibling. |
Andromeda | The Count Magnotta prides himself a warrior, and is spoken well off by other warriors. A good start, but one cannot know someone until one has bled with them. We will get our chance against the Skal'dajans, I wager. And I expect he will be at the front. |
Andry | A Commodore of House Malvici and new to the city. Met him in Solace Square. Wouldn't mind chatting with him again when I'm not holding a broom. |
Andry | Malvici, that's a fun name to say |
Anisha | The Admiral cuts an impressive figure, and his stoicism is an interesting trait. But then, he is Malvici. I'm sorry for his tragedy, but I will remind him that every night has a dawn at the end, if he'll let me. |
Antea | I have heard of his military reputation. I was glad to find out that the man stood up to that reputation on meeting him. |
Apollo | I really hope he's exactly as he says he is. I want to believe in that. |
Arcadia | Met at the Golden Hart. An intense young man. |
Archeron | An amusing Lycene noble - great fun at the wedding, and playing along with jests. At least I hope he was playing along. |
Ardee | Quiet, seemingly very stern and straight foward. Maybe there's a squishy shell underneath it all. |
Arianna | What a very powerful man. In his presence and on the field of battle. He is at once a very intimidating man but also welcoming in a way that is very nice to experience. The Malvici have always been kind to me and I get to meet new family members all the time but this guy was pretty different somehow. |
Arman | I have always found men of his colors to be a breath of fresh air. Deliberate, forthright and respectful. His actions speak of his dedication and thus he needs no words to flourish it. I respect that. |
Armani | I hope you're not hunting /me/, Lord Domonico |
Armani | As fine a commander as ever, even in a tiny canal boat! |
Artorius | A worthy warrior. Fought this cousin of mine in a well-fought spar...he is worthy and f the Malvici name and I expect good things in his future. |
Artur | I met Lord Domonico in the training center. We sparred a little and though I got the better of him in the end, he got more than a few good hits in. A worthy opponent with a beautiful sword! I look forward to our next match up! |
Asher | Wide enough to make his Voice a religious leader of the Prodigals he watches over, and that he would meet with me over something small - he seems to have priorities straight. |
Ashur | The first thing I heard of this man was his warcry. Staunch in battle, I must say. |
Aslaug | I am the victim of his glare. I've no idea what I have done. Perhaps it was my hat. Perhaps it wasn't me at all. Perhaps he confused me with someone he knew and that he saw her in my eyes and in the colors of my skirts and the way my bodice hugs my chest... Silks. |
Asralyn | He looks a bit stiff. Thea says he's good with a spear. We'll see. |
Astrid | Quieter than his brother Martino, I still find Lord Domonico's company charming and enjoyable. |
Athaur | Not everyone needs to be good with a Blade, my Lord. But that you take such a keen interest in everyones safety is commendable. |
Avita | Ugh. -Huff-. Tsk! Absolutely cramped my style! But, I suppose he did clean up the mess he made in the process. |
Beatrice | Oh, a naval officer through and through. Our lives are very - /very/ - different, but we speak a language that is the same. He has a solid reputation and may even live up to it. |
Behtuk | A Lycene lord offers to let me hit him. No one mourns the dog that bites. I'll pass. |
Belladonna | Wits and boldness. Those are qualities that many try to emulate, but almost never with any semblance of grace. He manages, however. Commendable. |
Bellamy | I don't think it's truly polite to point out that someone is uncomfortable with nudity, but I wasn't staring because of the reasons he thought I was. |
Berenice | He makes quite a /splash/, doesn't he? Literally, I mean. There is splashing over there. |
Bhandn | I'm not sure which was more interesting, the armor or the armaments. He can have the sea all to himself. Talking about my experiences with that would inspire none but the Mercies. |
Bianca | I hold House Malvici in high regard, its membership being some of the most diligent and prepared denizens of the Compact in these times of darkness. Domonico Malvici is no different. Always ready to face what our world stands against. |
Bianca | It is always heartening to see someone so dedicated to family. I am certain his are safer, and better, with him at their side. |
Bianca | His humor has increased over the years which warms my heart. Aside from that, seeing Domonico again I am reminded of his dedication, bravery and fortitude. He has always had a fierceness about him which I admire. |
Bliss | A Malvici. Taciturn, laconic, and I am curious what it is he is after and what it is he seeks. I imagine there is rather a lot I can learn from him, though I have to admit to still being wary about Southport. |
Braden | Thea's brother. Quite the imposing man. I do hope I can impress him. Praise for his family was not enough, it will have to be actions that prove my worth. Respectable." |
Brady | The sense you want from a leader, without any of the omp and bullshit. |
Braelynn | A stern admiral, yet polite and understanding. |
Brigida | Laughed at the idea that his generation were too prim. Oh, how little he knows. |
Cadenza | Seems so serious all the time but there's a sense of humor there. I look forward to trading naval notes with the good Commodore. |
Cahal | A striking, dominating and confident naval commander. In a room full of important people he still stood out. |
Calandra | The Lord Malvici seems imminently capable of handling all the politics the Lyceum can throw at him, and then some. |
Calla | So serious for most of the time I've known him, but I think I'm begining to scratch the surface of his all business attitute. |
Calypso | He reminds me of what it was like to be single and have all that drive. He knows what he wants and he isn't afraid to be a stone cold professional to do it. Domonico will continue to make the Malvici name proud. |
Calypso | Well, at least one of us has their shit together. |
Caprice | He cuts a fine figure. I might not have stayed long enough to see the ladies banter him out of his cuirass but I'm glad to have caught him wearing a smile. But never finding a comfortable shirt? Challenge accepted. |
Caspian | A hard man to hit! It was a good fight though. |
Cassandra | An impressive warrior. I am not a first line fighter, but I am glad that men such as him are at the Crown's disposal. |
Cassiopeia | He talks a lot about his home, I understand that, I talk a lot about my home too. And miss it. |
Catalana | An odd man. More soldier than anything else. But I believe it takes all types. |
Catriona | How humble and stern! Truly the model of a modern major admiral. Shame he doesn't care much for fashion, I'd expect he's quite the charmer in something gentler than armor. |
Cerdensulathara | He's certainly the more handsome of the brothers. |
Cirroch | Everyone keeps telling me that he is stoic and stern, I've only seen someone quiet and waiting for the right moment to truly speak their mind. One doesn't need to talk all the time to show their worth. |
Clara | We killed a cultist together... it was a mess... I'd like ta have a drink with him sometime. |
Conall | A very martial Malvici, serious and a friend to the Baroness. Gods and spirits though, how does he not die in this heat in all that armor? |
Coraline | He seems nice enough but good gods man it would be so much easier to talk to him with some pants on, conversations in the nude are so distracting! |
Cristoph | An exceptionally talented lord of House Malvici. Clever and observant, he's one to keep an eye on. I'm glad to consider him an ally in the Compact's struggles. |
Cullen | Definitely favors the Malvici line - seems rather serious and has the facial features I've come to associate with the Duchess and Eirene. I hope he also favors the same no nonsense militarism and plain-spokeness that I find so appealing about their House. |
Cullen | One of the House of War, apparently a skilled soldier at sea. It should be good to see what all he can do to prepare. |
Cyril | Brave warrior amidst the chaos of a strange enemy. |
Daniella | He's clearly very capable at the application of leverage and pressure to his spear shaft. |
Dante | Martial, like most of the Malvici family. Naturally, I find this just fine. That our house and theirs are bonded through marriage now makes for a fine, strong alliance, and he is a serious, duty-bound man. |
Dariel | Quite friendly, but oh so serious. If he cracked a smile I fear it might harm the recipient. |
Delia | Clearly a warrior, but not at all lacking in social grace. I appreciate that in a nobleman. |
Delia | The picture of duty and rigid discipline. Polite and respectful when he goes about it, but strict. |
Delilah | His excellent taste in apples aside, Domonico has courage under fire. He responded immediately to protect Lady Miranda during a fracas in the market, and his willingness to put himself in harm's way to protect children when I called for help was immediate. I owe him a debt of thanks for his courage. |
Denica | A military man. I fear he might underestimate me. Maybe he will get a chance to learn what the little devil is capable of. |
Denica | Thea's sibling, they seem to share the same interests, though he looks much more stern and soldier minded. |
Desma | My cousin is a commanding presence, and I'm grateful I've joined his House. I'm sure I'll learn much from him, as he has much to teach. |
Dianna | A strong man; I have never seen someone with such will and stamina. I shall hope to learn much from him and to earn the title of 'friend.' |
Dimitri | A rather stern looking individual, which sets a certain air about him, but he certainly has no issue with delving in amongst others, which speaks highly of him. And then there is the fact that he's the Admiral of Southport. An appointment not lightly given. |
Donato | The Commodore is quite serious, but that's alright, Malvici and all. But I don't think he has a sense of humor...wait. He made a joke! |
Dora | Another cousin. One of so many. I don't think he has heard about my shenanigans. Or if he has he doesn't care. Either way is good for me. Maybe we'll go sailing soon to boot! |
Drusila | A Malvici lord and naval commander, who unfortunately came in a little late on the pirate talk. He seems a serious officer, keen to keep the fighting force lean and hungry - and orderly - which are not bad instincts. In any case, it seems likely we might cross paths again in my service to the Duchess. |
Duarte | Commodore Malvici, responsible for clearing the pirate threat. We walked in on him during a workout and he was eager to help train my retainer. I may seek him out myself. I am getting a little chubby and the activity would do me some good. |
Dustin | I owe him a drink, something about watching southern men fight raises the blood in these northern ladies. |
Dycard | A surgeon with a blade - quick, precise and elegant. A patient teacher, too. ..A part of me's curious as to the nature of his relationship with a certain woman, but that's /not/ what I should be focusing on right now. I came here to train. |
Elfriede | A man of few words, to the point- specific and doesn't derive himself off the chart so far as I've experienced. That's okay. |
Elizabetha | My, he is just so formal, isn't he? I appreciate it! And that cape flatters him rather dashingly, if I may say so. |
Elora | Unabashed. Knows who he is. Those are good qualities. |
Elysio | If a mad wizard had crafted a legion of warrior automatons, I cannot imagine any of them would be appreciably different to Lord Domonico. |
Ember | There will come a day where Admiral Domonico and I will properly meet, but in the meantime, these more fleeting encounters encourage me that to meet him properly would not be a bad thing. |
Emilia | A powerful warrior who knows how to wear heavy armor and make good use of it. |
Emily | A Commodore of Lycene make and a Malvici. He seems pleasant enough but am not sure what kind of man he is due to a reaction from Lady Ray Laveer. All the same I can see nothing to mark him as one to be avoided. I am curious though. |
Emrys | Lord Domonico Malvici is a military man, it's plain to see. He has a temper, beneath that discipline, though he's done well in keeping it from bursting in my presence. We will see whether a courtly man can be made from him. Or at least a tolerable one. |
Enoch | Interesting fellow. He seems to have a fun relationship with Miranda. It's nice to see people so happy, even if he seems more a warrior than a socialite. |
Esme | Shirtless. Shirtless fighting. Oh and my cousin, not him, but who he was... it doesn't matter. He is interesting and a fighter. I always like to perhaps have a training partner. We shall be great friends. |
Evaristo | Obviously a warrior. Those scars... I bet each one has an impressive story. |
Evelynn | He seems to be a patient tutor despite any annoyances against his pupils. I admire that and would like to test my skill against his one day. |
Faruq | Has a good head on his shoulders, trying to stop a crazed Baron from taking things beyond what they should be. We will speak more later I know it but I like what I have seen so far. |
Faye | An interesting man, seems to be dedicated and determined. I wouldn't mind the chance to talk with him further sometime. |
Fecundo | First visit to the Southport Training Ring and, in Lord Domonico Malvici, I may have found a good training partner closer to home than I have been traveling. Will have to be more of a regular. |
Fianna | It's my goal to eventually get him into a horse's saddle! He /says/ he doesn't have time, but I will see about that. Perhaps with Aahana's help we can convince him otherwise. Challenge accepted! |
Filshiar | A very serious Lycene Admiral I met at the baths. Commanding and impressive. |
Fiora | He likes to appear as a stalwart bull, but he's far too eager to be a bull. |
Flavien | A man with a name on many tongues, but not one still truly known. |
Forato | Domonico, a teacher of combat. I am impressed that would so willingly teach others how to defeat them. Truly such a life calling is uterly selfless. |
Gabriel | A southern captain and potential ally. I'll be keeping an eye on him. |
Gabriella | I have no small respect for House Malvici; greater still for a lord of the House who knows the value of swift retribution to the deserving. They are well-served, I think, having this one in their family. |
Gabriella | Still as dutiful as I remember. That's should serve him well in his new duties. |
Galatea | I am not sure what to make of him. From a military man I might have expected a more aggressive and commanding presence. Instead he seems almost reserved. |
Gaspar | A serious man with a serious ability to drink. I've yet to see him smile, but perhaps that is only when I'm around. His reputation as a sailor precedes him and it was a wonderful thing to has met at the Fox. |
Gaston | A very serious soldier of House Malvici. Looks to be not an unfriendly man, just a somewhat distant one. |
Gerald | Oh, how delightful! A possible new partnership. That would be lovely. |
Giada | An inquisitive man, if his eyeballing is any indication. |
Gilroy | VERY CURIOUS! |
Giuliano | Admiral of Malvici, seems very focused on exercise and sweating. Probably due to his training. Didn't seem to like the lack of forgiveness for traitors much. |
Graziella | I was very happy to have him with us on that expedition in the wilds of Caldera, he is quite adept with a sword. |
Gretchen | Straight and to the point. That's kind of refreshing! |
Haakon | Likes shouting orders. Seems to have something against crows, as he doesn't like feeding them. |
Harlex | A military man. We ain't the same breed. But good with the steel, for what it's worth. |
Helena | As friendly to his friends and new acquaintances as he is dangerous to our foes, the Admiral is another of our fine peerage I hope to get to know better. |
Helia | Gave me a good run for my money when we were sparring! I really thought he had me there. Nice manners too. Dignified, good sport. I had fun fighting against him. |
Helle | Generosity. Perhaps we will build great ships together. |
Holt | A fighter with the good sense to de-escalate things when it's needed. And he has a damn handsome suit of armor. |
Ian | A really patient man. |
Ignacio | Commodore Malvici seems to hold a blade well. He stood toe to toe with my wife, which isn't easy to do. He handled it all with grace and nobility, I am certain he is a good asset to House Malvici for sure. |
Iliana | I always look forward to talking troops with a naval commander. I'll have to catch him when dancing isn't on the cards. |
Ilira | Quietly pleasing, in temperament and speech and looks. |
Ishmael | An acclaimed Admiral whose knowledge of war is already being spoken of |
Isidora | A gracious martial trainer. Though does he own a shirt? He will catch a cold if he doesn't. |
Jace | Both competitive with and honoring of his fealty. Interesting combination to have. |
Jaenelle | Domonico has proven to be level headed during preperations of potential war, and I look forward to seeing him put his ideas and planning into action. |
Jaerith | It's nice when an Oathlander with a sense of humor meets a Lycene without. Two for one on defying expectations. |
Jan | A real man. Not an altogether common sigh in Arx. Have to find him in the dueling ring before I sail off next. |
Jasher | A man of few words. I appreciate it. |
Jeffeth | A noble most dour, not shy about speaking his opinions. He's probably a good sort, once you peel past the unpleasant exterior. |
Jennyva | I met him at the Ambassador with his protege and student. Apparently a hard man to impress, according to Prince Jasher! |
John | Lord Domonico Malvici is a nice conversationalist. I enjoyed speaking with him. |
Josephine | So very skilled at saving people from dogs and disaster in the market. One wants him at their back. |
Josephine | Here is a man, smitten and head over heels. His love for his wife is evident and I am glad now and in the future to see him show it. A good soldier. You can see it in his walk. |
Joslyn | A great couch warmer. Makes winter all the more bearable. |
Jules | He's a serious lord about his business but he's also got a kind and welcoming side to him to. A nice balance it seems. |
Julian | Liege Lord and Admiral of Southport. Always a fearful sight to see him all armored up. |
Juliana | A Malvici, bone, blood and soul. Isn't that all that really needs to be said? |
Juniper | He's a man seeking his legend, I think. Not one to be content with what's already achieved towards it, but always steering towards the next star. |
Jyri | Coming to the defense of people with risk of getting bitten by ferocious dogs? Nothing to not like, about that. |
Kaia | A quite handsome, muscled and well tanned man; isn't afraid to show he's nakedness. An amicable spirit I first met at The Grotto in a bit of an awkward momentum. Overall, he seems nice. |
Kaldur | Helped. He helped. At the Cathedral. That's all I can remember. I owe him something. |
Karadoc | We've met before - he and I - at the Empyrean, I think. Although, watching him spar is far more illuminating. He is like an unsheathed weapon, sharp and always - always at the ready. |
Kenjay | Wary but warm, once certain facts were established. He will be an interesting one to spar with; I believe I will learn a great deal. |
Kia | It was good to see the Count again, though he is of course saddened by the loss of his wife, and this underpinned his mood somewhat. We have much work ahead of us. |
Korka | Who doesn't love a martial man that also is understanding and non-judgmental of his fellow Arxians. |
Lena | Talks... not at all. Good model for devotion and sturdiness. |
Lenne | I rather like this one. He has a sense of humor, and is easy to talk to. My friends seem to like him too. Hopefully I'll get to know him better. |
Leola | The commodore seems typical of the Malvici - firmly committed to his sphere and at his element within it. I look forward to seeing how the city changes him |
Leonidas | Keeps his spear by his side at all times. That's what I call a badass. |
Liara | Struck me as stolid and serious, though he did manage to smile a bit. Martially inclined, at any rate, and he seemed a decent fellow. |
Lore | Everything I had heard of him is true. He comports himself well, and is a credit to his family. I do hope he'll remember me the next time he's looking to get something made! |
Luca | Quite the serious swordsman! Er, no. Not his skill with a sword, just the complete lack of pleasure that seems to surround him while wielding one. I'm not sure I'd ever have picked one up myself if it was so joyless for me. People are amusing. Perhaps one day I'll show him why they're fun. |
Lucene | So far, he is nothing like his older brother. Whether this is a good or bad thing, eh, I'm not in a position to judge. He carries himself like I would expect a Malvici to do. |
Lucita | A Malvici fealty member who oversees a group of war galley's called the Raptors. He seems capable, kind toward my children and myself, keeps himself in shape and asks appropriate and astute questions. Will be interesting to get to know him better. |
Lucrezia | Solid, well-respected Admiral. I am secretly jealous of how he manages his crew. There is a difference between trusted respect which was earned and not. |
Lustry | A count who seems very serious, I wonder just what will make him crack a smile. |
Lycoris | I met him briefly only at the Golden Heart, but a delightful and knowledgable man. I do enjoy his company and look forward to attending his wedding reception. |
Lyra | The Count is an accomplished man and I hope that our first meeting will not be our last. I believe there are many things I could learn from him if given the opportunity to do so. |
Lys | He comes across as a little bit stern, one has to wonder what's underneath all that placidness. |
Mabelle | A serious man of few words, difficult to read whether he welcomes your presence. Seems kind and fully immersed in his cause and mission. |
Macda | He listens, he's polite...just needs to work on the storytelling aspects and he'd be a pretty good companion. |
Macda | Cousin of the cousin of my favourite Greatsword in Arx's wielder. A handsome addition to a snow pile of Solace seekers this morning. |
Madeleine | What an interesting man. So full of passion. So ready to do whatever might be needed to find answers. I may not have all those answers, but at the very least I hope our discussion provided a bit of peace and that we will continue to have conversations like the one in which we first met. |
Madeleine | Unwavering dedication to Mangata. A breath of fresh air, as always. |
Maja | I met this nobleman at the Hart during a combat bout. He expressed that he did not like fighting as entertainment. Which I can understand! If we all liked the same things, the world would be so terribly boring. However, what I do not understand is why he'd visit an arena if he doesn't like it? Perhaps this is a nobility thing that is just above my comprehension. Maybe the peerage simply need to remind themselves every once in a while of the things they do not like? It's a puzzler! |
Malcolm | A real serious Malvici Commodore that's real serious about his sparring. The sort that's born, trained, and raised to command armies and households. Pretty much my opposite -- I think. Not sure if that's good or bad. Still seems like good folk. |
Malika | Fascinating man, I do admire anyone who is as dedicated as he seems to be to the sea. Will have to try and lure the man out on the water. |
Martino | My brother, always and will be family and like family there will always be a heated discussion or planning events. But of course Martino is still the better looking brother. |
Martino | It's my brother! The arm of the house. He's a great host, but I'm better. Still has that typical glare. |
Maru | I'd heard of his bravery on the sea. I'm pleased to discover that he's a good conversationalist as well. I wish him the best of luck in getting married. |
Marzio | So this is the man touched by so much tragedy as of late. He seems to be remaining strong, despite the woes that have struck him. That certainly says something of his character. |
Mason | It's a wise man in a militant position that takes the time not only to watch the training and sparring of others, but also to give suggestions and feedback. Both approachable and respectful, Mason would be interested in having longer conversation with the admiral. |
Mattheu | A stern looking man that enjoys a bit of cookie. Knows my brother, and was able to spot my bells. Though, the more important aspect here, is why does one that claims to have chocolate doesn't carry on them? |
Medeia | The Count is hospitable and fearsome, a truly Lycene mix. |
Merek | Domonico assisted people in the market when dogs were released. I am glad he moved to help many other people. |
Meriah | Ah, another one of Arx's fighting men. Oh well. |
Michael | He telegraphs his feints. With his feet, at least thats what Ian says. A good fighter nonetheless. |
Mikani | Patient teacher. Focused. Large duel going on and he can still help his student. I approve. |
Miraj | A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. |
Miranda | Always a delight to meet family, if second removed. And with a quick wit to boot! Love that! |
Mirari | Not a bad sparring partner, or drinking buddy. |
Mirella | A lord of serious aspect, armoured in the red of Malvici. Dignified in appearance and bearing, as one might expect him to be. |
Mirk | A nobleman from the Lyceum who believs in swords not words. There's a contradiction, but an interesting one, all the same. Maybe he can escape the Lyceum's reputation. |
Monique | Ouch. That had to hurt! Saw him get trounced by Sorrel. |
Morgan | Thea's brother who seems pretty hardcore but also doesn't seem to mind shouting unlike Lady Thea. Also don't mention the itching powder prank, he doesn't like it. |
Narcissa | Brother to a darling friend of mine, I fear he is far more stubborn than she. Not everyone will learn to stab others. Some of us are glorious wallflowers of the sidelines, applauding those better equipped to ensure the 'sharper end goes in soft bits'. |
Neilda | Serious man. I will be glad to return to learn from him all he has to offer. |
Neilda | Is that a snake in the water, or did he just miss me? |
Neve | He seems all business, even in his pleasure and family. He does not appreciate my stinkeye. doesn't seem to be very good. He's related to Thea. |
Nicholaus | An bit stuffy, but I'm well used to that from my family. Certainly doesn't lack for courage, however. Could be an interesting one to watch. |
Nico | A solid warrior, and an honest man. He was modest in victory, and a valuable ally against another team in sparring. Even more, he was instrumental in helping a situation turned bad. I feel like I can trust him. |
Niklas | Malvici Lord. Man of few words. Not a big fan of the theater. I SHALL PROVE HIM WRONG! |
Niklas | Lord Domonico hasn't changed since the first time I met him. |
Nina | He seemed very professional and a bit stern but a good friend of the Empyrean! |
Nuala | The southern desert wolf did not expect such smoothness from the north, nor do I blame him - surprises can be found in many ways. A strong combatant, and an open mind, serve him well. |
Nurie | Handsome and fiercely graceful spear-fighter. It was truly something to watch him spar and train with Prince Jasher! And yet for all that fierceness, he was quite kind and courtly! |
Odin | A warrior like I've never seen. One day, however, I'll recover from my loss. |
Olivia | Ah Lord Domonico. It is always good to have an ally in the teasing of Martino. |
Olivian | He is the template upon which all Malvici should model themselves on. AUGH. That sounded like I agreed with his notion of training in the snow and swimming in the sea. I do, but, don't dare tell him. |
Olivian | Admiral of Southport and the serious balance to Martino. One to depend upon when the family needs a determined heart. |
Ophelia | I will have to learn more about a Game of Stones before I challenge him to another round! He is a very patient teacher and I appreciate that very much. I bet he knows a lot about games of strategy. |
Ophne | The Lord Admiral is a man of few words, though someone I might like to talk to in greater depth should our paths cross again. |
Orelia | Okay, yes, you are clearly better at this than I am. For now. |
Orland | Admiral of many fleets. I couldn't imagine the ambitious organizational skills he must possess to ensure all ships sail in the right direction. |
Orrin | Well he's a helpful fellow - thank goodness he was about. I haven't got a clue what to tell him, though. |
Pasquale | A dedicated and serious minded military man. |
Petal | Seems charming and into Lady Aahana, but I can't blame in there. They both seem to have good taste! She seems social and good at talking with people. |
Pharamond | A frowny-faced gentleman but anyone willing to clasp arms and greet is someone to be honored and trusted until they give you a reason otherwise. |
Piccola | The Count of House Magnotta and esteemed military commander has clearly grown up within the strictures of a cultivated military life. This is neither good nor bad; it simply is. |
Poppy | The type of man who would start a war because he can. |
Preston | He was willing to stand alongside the Orthodoxy, the Templars and the Oathlands rather than join his compatriots push for war. His wisdom extends beyond his military expertise. |
Prisila | A man who knows his shit. I look forward to engaging in the wars to come alongside the Malvici Commodore. |
Quenia | A Lord of House Malvici. It seems he is skilled in open combat over the waters. He'll also be marrying Lady Aahana, so I hear. She'll make a wonderful addition to the family, and I hope he treats her well. |
Quintin | A very martial man. Excellent armor. |
Raimon | A Malvici that doesn't try to threaten me. I approve |
Raimon | An Admiral, and a friend of my Brother - by - Vega. We met on the Proving Grounds. Will need to spend more time for certain. |
Raja | Met this fellow at a shop. He came in looking all fancy and his hand on his pommel. Who is this guy to come in with such an attitude? Damned silks. |
Ras | Gave me some decent advice. I get the idea that you can't trust somebody like him to be anythin other than he is, but maybe that ain't right. |
Rawen | A Count who likes to peak my intelluctual interests. I am very eager to go and research his lands and see where all this goes. |
Raymesin | At least you've the sense to see that going shirtless in a real fight won't help. Still, with that much skill with a blade, you might not need the armour. |
Razija | Level headed in combat and does not kill needlessly. Lets hope his instincts stay true. |
Reese | A ship admiral who doesn't give orders over trivial things. He seems like a descent guy. |
Reigna | He has suffered such a painful loss. But he was forgiving of my blunder, stoic in a manner rarely seen of Lycene culture. His desire for vengeance understandable. I wish him only the best. |
Renata | A ship's captain. Was it purely my /own/ unease and fears that filled my thoughts in his presence? |
Revell | I'm sad I got distracted and didn't get to watch him train Lord Blackshore. Dianna seems to like him, so he must be a good sort. |
Rey | At no fault of his own, he scares the crap out of Rey. Hopefully in time they can meet again and she will be more calm. Otherwise he seems like a good Lord, atleast from a distance. |
Richard | Lord Domonico Malvaci is a great sparring partner. I appreciated the short time we sparred. |
River | He thinks very highly of himself, though...not sure if it is pride or accompishment that motivates him. |
Romulius | Count Magnotta - a wholly impressive man that I've long admired from afar. Though he might not have the name any longer, he is as Malvici as they come. |
Rosalind | Intimidating looking man. Seems proud of his sister though. As well he should! Sisters are great! |
Rowynna | Lord Domonico Malvici is a man of many titles, and chivalrous too. He might look stern, but I found him to be good company on a cold winter's day. |
Rowynna | The Count is an interesting person to converse with, though my lack of interest in military affairs must frustrate him a little. |
Roxana | He's young and charming, amusing in a way that young Malvici always are. I enjoy how warm he is with his family. |
Ryhalt | Husband to my former protege, Aahana. I am pleased to see him defending her honor. He seems a good man. |
Rysen | A lord whose voice and countenance demand respect and attention. He seems an excellent leader. |
Sabella | Lord Domonico appears to be a man of few words, but I saw that smile when he talked about Reese and her pies, so I know that there's a talker in there somewhere! Luckily for him, I can talk enough for both of us until he feels the need to interject! |
Sabella | Lord Domonico is as stoic and unbending as always but someday, SOMEDAY I am going to show him a play that he enjoys and get him to admit that he likes theater! Maybe one of Niklas' old ones where there are just too many sword fights. |
Sabella | I enjoy when the men you see preparing for battle, with stern faces and rigid determination, allow themselves to be soft with children. He is a formidable man, and his daghter is likely to follow suit. |
Sabine | Unnecessary chivalry but chivalry all the same. |
Salvador | Another mainland Noble calling themselves an Admiral, though it is people like this that will help fund my ambitions in the future. |
Samira | A powerful fighter, able to withstand attacks from all sides. One I'd far prefer to be fighting beside than against in battle. |
Samuele | Well it seems that all manner of beautiful things can come out of the woodwork when you least expect it. |
Sanya | It was very kind of him to invite me along for his pilgrimage. I am looking forward to it. |
Savio | What better way to get to know someone than chasing pirates through the Cyrto Archipelago? Good captain, good ship, good sport when there's a ruse afoot. And an excellent swordsman on top of it all! |
Sebastian | The Lord Malvici enters a bar in armor, /and/ refuses a quite generous and genuine offer of a very lovely wine. What horror is this? Still, he seems a dutiful and dedicated solider and sailor, and those skills can't be faulted. |
Selene | A sensible man who recognizes the deleterious effect of constant internal divisions, and will not be swayed by expensive, prestigious materials. In short, smart. |
Sheena | He's a bit on the intimidating side. Almost scary but his actions seem well intentioned. He's probably a very kind person. |
Sigurd | Lady Thea's brother, and quite the tactician. I look forwards to learning the ways of the sea. |
Silvana | Initially he seems like an extremely stoic and cold person. He is still a a stiff peron but I don't believe him to be as stoic and serious as he acts. Besides, so far, my time with him has been quite fun. |
Sirius | A severe man of earnest attention and military predisposition. Not too much unlike my father, I'd be happy to learn more of his adventures asea. |
Sorina | How delightful to see that charm runs in the Malvici family, along with dashingly handsome looks. A devastating pair, to be sure. Best to keep an eye out for this one. |
Sorrel | A fine fighter, even if he might be a little rusty still. I hope to have his strong sword arm at my side as friend in the future, but I think we'll always have fun sparring when it doesn't matter. All in all, a rather nice fellow. |
Sudara | At the right time, there can be a great deal to be said for a strong oarsman who's willing to risk a drenching. Certainly, I was very grateful indeed for this one. |
Sunaia | The new Count has a great responsibility before him and I genuinely hope he does well with it. I'm glad, at least, to have had the opportunity to help with some of the initial exploration. |
Svoli | My brother by marriage. |
Svoli | My brother-in-law is always a welcome sight for sore eyes when I come back to the City. |
Sydney | Some manner of Malvici admiral, apparently. He seems to take a dim view of the prospect of a fistfighter in what I presume are his idea of a 'real' fight. I rather hope to change those views. |
Sylvi | Has lost a great deal but seems to be a kind person. Has given me a name and location of a potentially new library! |
Talwyn | Wise is the man who knows the value of knowledge now for future endeavors. Grief too often strikes when a choice fact or key insight went without notice. A scholar, then, particularly of warfare. Though reserved at first, he appears far warmer than first meets the eye. |
Talwyn | While music might not be his thing, clearly matters of war and the sea are |
Talwyn | Count Domonico seems to be a solid man. I do not know him well, but I imagine with my marriage to Lucita I will come to know him better soon enough. |
Teagan | Displayed a shameful lack of manners and an inability to recognize the proper expectations of the situation around him. |
Tescelina | Firmly planted in the world. Alas, even stones erode. |
Thea | My brother, you smile more. It suits you. It's awkward to see, but looks good. I have missed you! |
Thomas | A strong man, not to fold under the weight of his loss; he still strides tall, despite his pain. |
Turo | Who wouldn't be concerned that something might swim up and bite one's bits and pieces off? |
Valenzo | A proud son of Southport! Good to see him again, feels like it's been ages since we served together. Hopefully we can catch up soon! |
Valenzo | Valenzo arrived after his long journey aboard. He caught up with his old military comrade and Count superior, Domonico. It was good to establish ties again, and drink some damn fine wine. |
Valerius | A sea captain, yes we will need to discuss with them more about trade and other possibilities. |
Vasile | True to his Malvici blood. Ruthless in battle. |
Vayne | He's a focussed individual, set on the task before him without worrying about extraneous details. I'm sure he accomplishes what he sets out to do. Overall, a positive experience. |
Venturo | Stern but polite, the lack of expressivity shall not be mistaken for inattentiveness. These are the ones that watch the sharpest, and it means they have interesting stories to tell. I'm also not sure, but I might have caught him staring at my eyebrows! |
Vercyn | Emerged from the ocean naked as they day he was born. Still managed to show no fear nor a hint of concern at people armed and on edge. Either the man is very brave, or is just naked all the time. |
Verity | He's a good sport, and that is a vital quality in a city full of nobles. |
Verity | Showing up armored to a garden party and immediately correcting a misconception about who was getting shot with what definitely speaks of what sort of person one is. A true Malvici, I suppose! |
Vicente | He's had a real tragedy and he needs to get revenge but if he's not careful, he's going to fail to get the revenge because he's acting too emotionally. If he can calm down, he should be able to exact his revenge. |
Victus | Malvici with a strong looking back to carry plenty of burden. If my cousin vouches for him, I suppose he's alright. |
Videl | Lord Domonico seems like a true sailor, preferring the freedom of the seas over the chains of marriage. I hope he can find comfort in the latter, seeing how he's due to be wed. |
Vitalis | Books and water don't mix! Keep those passions well separated, Commodore! |
Vittorio | Introduced himself with military, rather than noble, title. I rarely meet people with such dedication to a calling beyond considerations of nobility. |
Vittorio | The Admiral of Southport. Much quieter than I imagined. |
Viviana | The Admiral of Southport seems a rather serious sort of fellow. Which seems fitting, from what I recall of his Duchess. |
Wash | No nonsense leadership style. By the numbers and attentive to detail. |
Willow | Seems reasonable. I would like to know him better. |
Ysabel | A man of character and steel, perfectly pragmatic. He helped me piece together my disordered thoughts, and provided me with some confidence for the future. What a good man! |
Ysabel | He came in to an inn, brushed snow off of himself. Apologized. And then went back into the snow. I suppose circumstances more odd have happened in Arx but... This Inn. Some of the strangest things. |
Zakhar | Strong sailor with a dash of flare |
Zoey | He seems to be pleasant enough, I suppose? Mostly, I seem to see him on the outskirts of social gatherings, so I've not yet had an opportunity to observe him in any great detail. Still. An affable sort. |
Zoey | A man with great respect for any warrior, be they woman or man. Must admire a man who marries a woman who leaves a mark like that. |