Lord Jaufrey Whitehawk
Everyone remembers the great monarch who won the war and conquered his foes. No one remembers Stephen the legendary accountant who saved the kingdom from the brink of financial ruin.

Description: Jaufrey appears to exude the glow and life of great health, with the broad shoulders and sculpted musculature to match. His tousled brown hair seems to fall just right to make him look boyishly handsome regardless of what state he's in. Its dark color is a strong contrast to his bright green eyes. Sociable to the point of charming, he is something of a restless young man with a smile never far from his face.
Personality: Jaufrey would never deny that he is ambitious and in possession of a considerable amount of self-regard. He takes pride in his skill and hard work, and bragging never truly hurt anyone. Unlike most nobility - with their heirloom weapons, vast riches, and access to the best instructors - Jaufrey has had to get where he is on his own, and feels he is more than justified to toot his own horn. If someone else has a problem with that, they can just deal with it. Or prove him wrong.
This pride, unfortunately, comes with some notable drawbacks. The young man has high standards for himself but low patience. This has inevitably resulted in a strained relationship with his father, whose attempts to instill some wisdom in him have mostly fallen on deaf ears.
Thankfully, he is frequently kind and has a strong moral compass. He has a penchant for stepping up for those who cannot defend themselves, and always fights with honor even if it may mean he loses. He is young, and has plenty of time to learn.
Background: Unlike most first generation Whitehawks, Jaufrey was not born a Mercier, but a Tyndall. He is the eldest child of Lord Bedivere Whitehawk, the sitting Baron's uncle from his mother's side. He lived most his life as a commoner until his father was brought into the noble fold, and he and his younger brother were ennobled as part of the agreement. They were taken from an impoverished farm to a luxurious manor - a transition he had some difficulty adjusting to. Jaufrey had to leave his old friends behind, but greener fields undoubtedly were on the horizon and in his reach.
Before that, he was a farmboy who had aspirations of becoming a knight. His mother was a self-taught historian who routinely read him to sleep, and he admired all the heroes of old, particularly Mathias Caretta 'the Red'. He finally earned his chance by becoming a squire of a Bisland knight. His natural athleticism and skill served him well, and helping defend the carriage carrying the knight's wife and daughter led him to getting knighted at the incredibly young age of sixteen. Ego swelling, he believed he had a shot at becoming the youngest member of the King's Own, and made for Arx against the protests of his father. He utterly failed the test given to him by the Lord Commander, and returned home stung, angry and determined to prove them wrong.
Two years have cooled his head, and his new obligations as a newly-minted noble have made him look elsewhere for glory and fame. His cousin Silas has allowed him to be the Sword of Hawkhold - a title he believes he will one day outdo - and he enlisted in the Champions Guild to better his skills and increase his renown.
He will be a legend one day and take his place in the Hall of Heroes. He's sure of it.
Name | Summary |
Calla | The first Champion I met in Arx, seemed a little offended I knew nothing about the Champion's guild. |
Haakon | Likes feathers, wings, and fine swords. No surprise, given his name. A young champion newly made, imagine the ladies will be right fond of him. |
Lyra | A pleasant and friendly noble of Whitehawk. Seems a little young to be their House Sword, but it's my experience that you should never judge a book by its cover and he must be extremely skilled to be offered it so young. I look forward to seeing him in action. |
Martino | Cocky younger Lord but, in honesty, so was I at that age. Fought well against me, of course I lost, but the friendly younger Lord has a good future before him. |
Samira | Full of humor and good cheer, rightfully proud of his skills. His upbeat demeanor makes me think either he's had an easy life or he's the type who manages to endure life's challenges gamely and with a smile. |