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Action Id: 1882 Crisis: Participants: Leola
Status: Resolved Submitted: March 2, 2018, 4:04 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Leola

Organising the troops and civilians who can, under the command of Prince Talen, Leola tries to turn the likely landing spots for the Gyre's forces into more defendable grounds. To set up layers of defences, trenches that can be covered with boards, anything to help the defenders hold the ground as the forces fight up the beaches.


For a while, it looked like ground forces in Setarco wouldn't be needed at all. In fact, some wondered why they were even there, since the entire Compact fleet was protecting the waters outside Setarco. Duchess Belladonna and Duke Cassius had prepared the city - fortifying their fleets, consolidating their forces. Surely nothing could overcome that!

But then Stormwall fell and the packs of wild dogs came, more reinforcements showed up, and the messengers lost their minds and got very creative with the stories they were telling, and people were very, very glad for both the foresight of their leaders and the extra ground troops. Even if their initial missions were unnecessary, their presence kept Setarco from falling to the Gyre's forces and for that the civilians are especially grateful. Even if he was just a jumped-up pirate king.